Highlights Sample Clauses

Highlights. WI-HER and RTI collaborated with NTDCP to conduct a GESI Pause and Reflect (P&R) meeting in Arusha from October 17-19, 2022. The meeting brought together the six councils (Ulanga DC, Mlimba DC, Longido DC, Monduli DC, Simanjiro DC and Kiteto DC) where the GESI behavior change activity was implemented in FY22 to document lessons learned and plan for GESI implementation in FY23. The meeting highlighted the importance of health education in addressing barriers to MDA uptake and involving government and traditional community leaders in MDA. Participants also discussed how to integrate GESI lessons learned into the CDD training package and potential activities for CCHPs. • Act | East supported the NTDCP to conduct a preparation meeting for the upcoming CCHP Pause and Reflect meeting in November. The preparation meeting was conducted in Singida from October 21-23, 2022. The technical team involved officers from PORALG, Directorate of Policy and Planning (DPP) office of the MOH, R4D, and WI-HER who collaboratively reviewed the meeting agenda, presentations, and documentation tools. During this preparation meeting, NTDCP and XXXXXX strongly recommended a high-level advocacy following the CCHP P&R meeting. This will be important for more resource mobilization at national and sub-national levels. Upcoming activities requiring COVID protocols: • Act | East will collaborate with NTDCP, DPP office of the MOH, and PORALG to conduct the CCHP P&R meeting from November 15-18 in Dodoma. The meeting will bring together district NTD coordinators and health secretaries from the 15 districts that implemented the CCHP activity in FY22 to gather feedback on the CCHP process, successes, challenges and way forward. • In collaboration with NTDCP and PORALG, Act | East will organize review and planning meetings for the districts and regions conducting trachoma and OV MDAs in FY23. The activity will be conducted in Morogoro from November 7-10, 2022 and will be followed by the training of trainers for trachoma and OV MDAs on November 11th. • Act | East will support the NTDCP to conduct SCH and STH MDA in 41 districts in November 2022. This MDA was postponed from FY22 Q4. • In collaboration with NTDCP, Act | East will conduct an LF disease-specific assessment (DSA) outcome investigation in Pangani DC and Kilwa DC in November. • Act | East Tanzania XXXXX staff will attend the NTD Information System (NIS) training in Mozambique from November 28 – December 3rd. • Act | East will support NT...
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Highlights. The scope of this project includes establishment of a web hosting environment for you. Cordexa will provide the server hardware, operating system software, monitoring software, and other software and premise connectivity, as specifically documented in Attachment 1. We provide to you, under the terms of this Transactional Document and Attachment 1, capabilities within the Web Hosting Environment. The Web Hosting Environment will include servers that are accessible from the Internet, where your information and data content will be resident, and which will allow authorized users to access this content. We provide you the use of software facilities resident on these servers for formatting, loading, previewing, and maintaining your information and data content through an Internet connection. We restrict the use of these software facilities and the ability to modify your information and data content to authorized user identifications and passwords we provide to you. KEY ASSUMPTIONS The Cordexa Responsibilities and Charges within this Transaction Document are based on the Key Assumptions below:
Highlights. Employees eligible for benefits on the first day of employment Dependent children covered to age 28 (must meet eligibility for coverage) (age 30 if eligible military personnel) No pre-existing clause for new employees $7,000 individual deductible and $14,000 family deductible for In-Network services, (Employee pays only $250 of the deductible for individual coverage/$500 for family coverage. Balance of the deductible is reimbursed to employee by LCCC through a 3rd party administrator) $25 doctor visit co-pay with In-Network primary care physicians and $50 co-pay for In- Network specialists Services rendered under the Out-of-Network option are paid at 80% - after deductible In-Network services are paid at 100% except Emergency Room Service For Emergency Room visits, patient pays $200 co-pay, thereafter paid at 100%, ($200 co-pay is waived if admitted) Prescriptions: $10.00 Generic 90 day mail order prescription plan $30.00 Brand available through PrimeMail. $50.00 Formulary GROUP DENTAL INSURANCE CARRIER: Advantica (Formerly Essex) Dental PREMIUM: Employee coverage paid by Xxxxx & Xxxxx College Dependent coverage paid by employee ($59.40/Per Month) PLAN OFFERED: PPO HIGHLIGHTS Employees eligible for benefits on the first day of employment Dependent children covered to age 28 Plan has a $50 deductible per calendar year on Out-of-Network services. No deductible on In-Network Services. Preventive services are paid at 100%, for both in and out of network providers. Basic services are paid at 100% for in-network providers and at 85% for out-of-network providers. Major services are paid at 60% for in-network providers and at 50% for out of network providers. Benefit level varies depending on nature of treatment and the service provider.
Highlights. The terms and conditions of the 2014 Physician Master Agreement will continue with the exception of the changes as outlined below. This includes the continuation of existing programs and collaboratives outlined in the agreement unless otherwise specified. RISING PHYSICIAN COSTS One-time payment  A one-time payment of approximately $7,500 will go to physicians following ratification of the agreement. This payment is in recognition of recent increases in business costs  The one-time payment is payable to physicians who worked in 2018 and who earned over $75,000 in income in 2016, 2017, or 2018. This will be paid out as an equal dollar amount to each qualifying physician in the first 6 months of Fiscal Year 2019/20 Business Cost Premium  Effective April 1, 2020, the provincial government will fund a premium on the following MSP fee categories where services are provided in community-based offices in which physicians are responsible for the payment of lease, rental or other overhead costs of the practice:  Visits and Consultations  Examinations  Counselling Services  The premiums are primarily targeted to address growing costs of urban offices and will vary based on the location of the practice. They are estimated as follows:  5% to a daily maximum of $60 – City of Vancouver  4% to a daily maximum of $48 – Greater Victoria and Greater Vancouver (excluding the City of Vancouver)  3% to a daily maximum of $36 – Other communities excluding Rural Rural Service Cost Premium  Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues will direct a portion of its new funding to improve premiums under the Rural Retention Program to compensate for increases to the cost of providing services General increases  General increases in response to the anticipated impact of cost of living growth on business costs:  0.5%, April 1, 2019  0.5%, April 1, 2020  0.5%, April 1, 2021 FUNDING TARGETED TO PHYSICIAN GROUP PRIORITIES General Practitioners in full service family practices  New funding for the development of new fees or compensation to support full service family practice through the General Practices Services Committee (GPSC):  $12.75M April 1, 2019, and an additional  $18.00M April 1, 2020, and an additional  $18.00M April 1, 2021  Additional funding for programs to support Primary Care Network and Patient Medical Home implementation through the GPSC:  $3.1M April 1, 2019, and an additional  $2.0M April 1, 2020  Transfer of GPSC fees to the Available Amount  Effect...
Highlights. Act | East supported the MOH LF program team to train an additional 27 TAS team members in preparation for the remaining LF surveys planned in FY21. • LF TAS was completed in 8 EUs in February 2021: Terego (TAS1), Agago (TAS2), Erute North, Erute South, Alebtong, Dokolo, Amolatar, and Moroto EUs (TAS3). • Following restart approval from USAID, Act | East supported the MOH trachoma program team to conduct a pre-planning visit to the three districts where TSS is planned in March (Kaabong, Karenga and Amudat) to review the survey schedule, protocol, and COVID SOPs with district officials. • Act | East held a workshop with the MOH NTDCP from February 10 – 11th to incorporate GESI concepts into the NTD training Manuals. The workshop report is currently being finalized. • Act | East in collaboration with the MOH NTDCP finalized the terms of reference for a consultant who will support the development of an advocacy strategy for Uganda’s NTD sustainability plan. Recruitment will begin in early March. Upcoming activities: • Conduct TAS3 in in 6 EUs (Arua, Gulu, Omoro, Kitgum, Pader, Amuru) in March. • Conduct TSS in Amudat, Karenga, and Kaabong EUs from March 7-19th. • Finalize data cleaning and analysis for the CES in Moroto. • Recruit the advocacy strategy consultant in coordination with NTDCP. • Hold the NTD National Technical Advisory Committee meeting on March 30th. • Obtain sign-off from the Minister on the TOR for the SCH/STH Expert Committee and organize the first meeting. • The Xxxxxx Center through Act | East will support selection and training of CDDs for upcoming OV MDA in 9 districts observing the MOH COVID-19 SOPs. • Prepare and submit the FY21 SAR1. DRC‌ Act | East Partner: RTI International Total population: 85,281,024 (2018 [est.]) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 519 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): Trachoma (65) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY21 Trachoma Mapping Trachoma baseline mapping: 28 EUs, November-January 2021 MDA 1 HZ (Pweto), January 2021 DSAs (#EUs) TIS: 1 HZ (Kilwa), October 2020 TSS: 0 XXXXX N/A HSS N/A Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • None Highlights: • Act | East collected the final data for 26 trachoma baseline surveys, one TIS for Kilwa health zone (HZ), and the last of five rounds of trachoma MDA in Pweto HZ. All activity data were reported officially by the DRC PNLMTN. • The Act | East DRC office closed its final operations and terminat...
Highlights. XXXX issued a revised procedural order on June 2 with limited modifications to the proposed Settlement Agreement among UI, the CT PURA staff, the Dept. of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP), Office of Consumer Counsel & the Office of the Attorney General – comments from Settling Parties June 8, final decision June 23 • Known and measurable changes to the authorized XXX or equity ratio • Provides rate credits of $50M, including $45M in historic regulatory liability through 6/30/2021 resulting from the reduction in the federal corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% & $5M (pre-tax) directly from the Company, amortized over 22 months from 7/1/2021 to 4/30/2023 • Lower base Distribution rate reflecting 21% federal corporate tax rate from 35% effective July 1 (~$8M/yr cash impact) • Amortization of RAM components owed to UI totaling $52M: $44M from prior periods over a 22-month period from 7/1/2021 to 4/30/2023 and $8M for current period known & measurable changes over a 1-year period starting 7/1/2021 • Distribution base rate freeze through 5/1/2023 but allows for incremental cost recovery mechanisms including grid modernization or resulting from any other regulatory proceeding commencing before 5/1/2023; however, there will be no change in UI’s XXX before 5/1/2023 • Cost recovery mechanism TBD by PURA keeping UI whole for any impacts from any low income or economic development rates • Modest impacts to earnings (~$5M pre-tax) spread over 2021 – 2023, slight reduction to cash due to lower tax rate effective July 1; rate stability & certainty strengthen credit along with strong existing cash flow metrics exceeding 20%
Highlights. TCC supported an LF pre-TAS and TAS planning meeting with non-USAID funding. Participants included TCC Act East staff, FMOH staff, and State NTD coordinators and data managers. The FMOH has requested that Act East begin implementing USAID-supported LF DSAs in November. • The second batch of Ivermectin tablets for 2020 treatment round has not yet arrived in-country. Praziquantel, albendazole and mebendazole tablets have all been received and are in the Federal Medical Store in Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria. Some PZQ are due to expire at the end of November. • RTI and TCC restart packages for MDA for all diseases are under review with RTI HQ and will be submitted to USAID in October. Upcoming activities (30-60 days): Pending activity restart approvals • Conduct pre-MDA activities: Procurement of supplies, production and airing of radio mobilization messaging, and shipment of allocated NTD medicines from Federal Central Medical Stores in Oshodi, Lagos. • Cascaded re-training for MDA activities in Cross River State. • MDA and reverse logistics post-FY20 MDA. • Cross River NTD Program Review Meeting. • LF pre-TAS and TAS PHILIPPINES Act | East Partner: RTI International Total population: 103 million (2015) COP: [Redacted] Districts: 82 districts RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases (# ever endemic districts): LF (46), SCH (28), STH (81) TABLE: Activities supported by DOH in FY20 LF SCH STH TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY20 XXXXX None in FY20 HSS None in FY20 Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • None. Highlights: • Act | East participated in the virtual annual National Filariasis Elimination Program (NFEP) Implementation Review with the Department of Health and Regional Program Coordinators. The following were discussed in the meeting: o Program Status as of 2019: ▪ 3/46 Endemic Provinces continuing MDA ▪ 6/46 completed TAS1 ▪ 6/46 completed TAS2 ▪ 31/46 completed TAS3 o Shared the program plan of action in 2020 and 2021 with particular focus on Aklan, Basilan and Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx provinces. o Act | East facilitated a consultation on the draft guidelines for implementation of LF activities during COVID-19 which will be issued as a Department Memorandum for the Routine Delivery of LF services during the COVID 19 pandemic. These guidelines incorporated guidance from the resource documents developed by Act | East and Act | West. o Official introduction to Triple Drug Preventive Chemotherapy for LF following the Administra...
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Highlights. An overview of events during the reporting period, identifying achievements, areas of concern, weaknesses in the Service including reasons why, actions being taken to improve the Service and a look ahead identifying key events and actions;
Highlights. Key Land Access Agreement signed for the Strelley Project. • The agreement provides access to the highly prospective southern extension of the Stockade Prospect for the first time where several high priority targets exist (Figure 2). • Results from recently completed Aircore and RC drilling at Strelley and Tick Hill are eagerly awaited. • An RC drill rig has been secured to start a phase 2 drilling program in late January 2021. • Ground holdings in the Mallina Basin have increased to 442 km2 as a result of the 100% acquisition of the “Big Hill” tenement from privately held Lawla Resources Pty Ltd. Consideration for Big Hill comprises 95,239 fully paid Carnaby Shares and a 1% NSR royalty. • The Big Hill project is contiguous with Carnaby’s 100% owned Strelley project located along the Berghaus Shear Zone (Figure 1). The Company’s Managing Director, Xxx Xxxxxxx commented: “The signed land access agreement at Strelley has opened a key part of the Strelley project for the first time containing the southern half of the Stockade prospect and hosting several high priority targets for follow up drill testing in early 2021. The addition of the Big Hill project continues to build our strategic land position in the Mallina Basin targeting the major fault structures we believe are important controls and hosts of gold mineralisation.” ASX Announcement 23 December 2020 Fast Facts Shares on Issue 117.8M Market Cap (@ 32 cents) $37.7M Cash $8.6M1 1As of 30 October 2020 Board and Management Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Non-Exec Chairman Xxx Xxxxxxx, Managing Director Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Non-Exec Director & Company Secretary Xxxx Xxxxx, Non-Exec Director Company Highlights ▪ Proven and highly credentialed management team ▪ Tight capital structure and strong cash position ▪ Commenced exploration at the Mallina Basin in the Pilbara of WA ▪ Projects near to De Grey’s Hemi gold discovery on 442 km2 of highly prospective tenure ▪ 100% ownership of the Tick Hill Gold Project (granted ML’s) in Qld, historically one of Australia highest grade and most profitable gold mines ▪ Past production of 511 koz at 22 g/t gold ▪ Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 845,000 t @ 2.47 g/t gold for 67,100 ounces2 ▪ Proven and Probable Ore Reserves of 459,900 t @ 1.89 g/t gold for 28,000 ounces2 ▪ 323 km2 surrounding exploration package containing numerous gold and copper targets 2Refer ASX release 5 June 2020, to be adjusted following Tailings Sale & NSR Royalty Agreement, refer ASX release 3 August 2020 Regist...
Highlights. Part of Keysight’s Security Operations Suite of enterprise security tools. • Safe and cost-effective way to measure and validate the effectiveness of your production security tools. • Enables you to perform automated breach and attack simulations on a regular basis. • Eliminates the assumptions that security controls are deployed and configured correctly. • Identify environmental drifts from historical visualized results. • Active validation of all phases of the Attack Life Cycle. • Reduces compliance audit time with data-driven evidence. • Prove security attacks are properly identified and reported. • Justify current and future IT spending. • Content refreshed at regular intervals, including the provision of malware feeds daily.
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