The Internet. Each party acknowledges that the Internet is an unsecured, unstable, unregulated, unorganized and unreliable network, and that the ability of the other party to provide or perform services or duties hereunder is dependent upon the Internet and equipment, software, systems, data and services provided by various telecommunications carriers, equipment manufacturers, firewall providers, encryption system developers and other vendors and third parties. Each party agrees that the other shall not be liable in any respect for the functions or malfunctions of the Internet. Each party agrees the other shall not be liable in any respect for the actions or omissions of any third party wrongdoers (i.e., hackers not employed by such party or its affiliates) or of any third parties involved in the Internet Account Management Services and shall not be liable in any respect for the selection of any such third party, unless such party selected the third party in bad faith or in a grossly negligent manner.
The Internet. Biovail has instituted policies regarding the use of, and access to the Internet by employees, officers and directors. These policies include a prohibition against anyone participating in any chat rooms dedicated to Biovail or its operations or the industry at large. If any employee, officer or director becomes aware that any such chat room exists, they are asked to report the address of such site to the SLO so that it may be monitored and appropriate action may be taken.
The Internet. The Researcher is responsible for obtaining its own broadband Internet connectivity to access the Software and certain of the Services. The Researcher acknowledges and agrees that Colliga Apps does not operate or control the Internet or activities on the Internet and that (i) viruses, worms, Trojan Horses, or other undesirable data or software; or (ii) unauthorized users (e.g. hackers), may attempt to obtain access to the Researcher’s or its patients’ data, website(s), computers, or networks and that data may be destroyed by such attacks and the Services may be interrupted or compromised.
The Internet. The Internet is a unique and exciting resource. It brings the world into the classroom by giving children access to a global network of educational resources. There is no doubt that the use of the Internet is an essential skill for children as they grow up in the modern world. The Internet is, however, an open communications’ channel, available to all. Anyone can send messages, discuss ideas and publish materials with little restriction. This brings young people into contact with people from all sectors of society and with a wide variety of materials, some of which could be unsuitable. Key Concerns are:
The Internet. Each party acknowledges that the Internet is an unsecured, unstable, unregulated, unorganized and unreliable network, and that the ability of the other party to provide or perform services or duties hereunder is dependent upon the Internet and equipment, software, systems, data and services provided by various telecommunications carriers, equipment manufacturers, firewall providers, encryption system developers and other vendors and third parties. Each party agrees that the other shall not be liable for any functions or malfunctions of the Internet beyond the reasonable control of either party, provided that the Fund shall not be liable for, and shall be indemnified by PFPC for, any claims of End-Users relating to viruses, system failures or other interruptions of IMPRESSNet(R) Services due to the conduct of PFPC or its third party service providers. Each party agrees the other shall not be liable for the actions or omissions of any third party wrongdoers (i.e., hackers not employed by such party or its affiliates) or of any third parties involved in the IMPRESSNet(R) Services unless such party breached the standard of care specified herein or the terms hereof with respect to such third party acts or omissions.
The Internet a collection of interconnected computer networks around the world – expands classroom and library media resources by providing access to information, images, and even computer software from places otherwise impossible to reach. These resources can yield individual and group projects, collaboration, curriculum materials and idea sharing. Internet access also makes possible contact with people all over the world, bringing into the school, into the classroom, experts in every content area and students and adults from other nations and cultures.
The Internet. The Internet is a vast, global network, linking computers with universities, schools, laboratories and other sites. Through the Internet, one can communicate with people all over the world through discussion forums and electronic mail. In addition, many educationally valuable files may be downloaded from the Internet. Due to its enormous size and resources, the Internet’s educational potential is boundless. Via its broad reach, however, the Internet also contains the potential for abuse. SBPPS is not responsible for assuring the accuracy or usability of any information found on external networks. For safety purposes, SBPPS employs a firewall. Internet access is provided through the SBPPS network system. All users will have access to the Internet. The use of the Internet and SBPPS network is a privilege, not a right, thus all users must submit a signed Acceptable Use Agreement to gain access to the Internet and network.
The Internet. The Company acknowledges and agrees that, except for the Services, IKANO (and IKANO's suppliers) do not operate or control the Internet and that (i) viruses, worms, trojan horses, or other undesirable data or software; or (ii) unauthorized users (e.g. hackers) may attempt to obtain access to the Company's or its Subscribers' data, website, computers, or networks. IKANO uses what it believes to be reasonable efforts to protect itself, its customers, and any end-users from such unauthorized use, but IKANO is not responsible for failures resulting from the unauthorized acts of third parties. In the event that IKANO is providing filtering as part of the Services, the Company acknowledges that filtering is provided only on a "reasonable efforts" basis and that while filtering may block much objectionable content, some objectionable content may pass through to Subscribers.
The Internet a cable television;
The Internet. Level 3 does not operate or control the information, services, opinions or other content of the Internet. Customer agrees that it shall make no claim whatsoever against Level 3 relating to the content of the Internet or respecting any information, product, service or software ordered through or provided by virtue of the Internet.