Daily Maximum definition

Daily Maximum discharge limitation means the highest allowable “daily discharge” during the calendar month.
Daily Maximum discharge limitation means the highest allowable “daily discharge” during the calendar month. The 7-day average for fecal coliform bacteria is the geometric mean of the values of all effluent samples collected during the calendar week in colonies/100 ml.
Daily Maximum means the maximum allowable daily discharge for any calendar day.

Examples of Daily Maximum in a sentence

  • I The regular hours of work for all employees shall be: Daily Maximum Five day week eight (8) hours per day Four day week ten (1O) hours per day Weekly Maximum forty (40) hours per week.

More Definitions of Daily Maximum

Daily Maximum limit means the maximum acceptable concentration or mass emission rate of a pollutant measured during a calendar day or during any 24-hour period reasonably representative of the calendar day for purposes of sampling. It is normally compared with results based on "composite samples” except for ammonia, total chlorine, phenolic compounds, and toxicity concentration. For all exceptions, comparisons will be made with results from a “grab sample”.
Daily Maximum means the highest individual measured daily value occurring in a defined reporting period (see Daily Discharge).
Daily Maximum means the arithmetic average of all effluent samples for a pollutant collected during a calendar day.
Daily Maximum discharge limitation means the highest allowable “daily discharge” during the calendar month. For Fecal Coliform Bacteria (FCB) report the daily maximum as a 7-day geometric mean in colonies per 100 ml.
Daily Maximum means the highest reading of any daily determination of effluent concentration.
Daily Maximum means the maximum discharge of pollutants or flow (expressed in terms of concentration, mass loading, pounds, gallons or other unit of measurement) that shall not be exceeded on any single calendar day. Where daily maximum limitations are expressed in terms of a concentration, the daily discharge is the arithmetic average measurement of the pollutant concentration derived from all measurements taken that day. Where daily maximum limitations are expressed in units of mass, the daily discharge is the total mass discharged during the day. If a composite sample is required for a parameter, the determination whether the daily maximum limitation for that parameter has been exceeded on a single calendar day shall be based on the composite sample collected for that parameter on that calendar day. If grab samples are required for a parameter, the determination whether the daily maximum limitation for that parameter has been exceeded on a calendar day shall be based on the average of all grab samples collected for that parameter on that calendar day. If only one grab sample is collected for a parameter on a given day, the determination whether the daily maximum limitation for that parameter has been exceeded for the day shall be based on the results of that single grab sample.
Daily Maximum means the maximum allowable daily discharge for