Term Disability. If an eligible Employee becomes disabled anytime during the period of scheduled working hours benefits will be payable during the period of scheduled hours. Employees will follow the normal waiting periods for long-term disability. No money will be payable until their first (1st) scheduled day of work. If a disability occurs while an Employee is on unscheduled days, no payment will be received until such time as they are regularly scheduled to work. The normal waiting periods would apply. During the period of unscheduled hours, benefits will continue for eligible Employees. Premiums owing during this period will be recovered on the first (1st) pay cheque when Employees are scheduled to work. ON BEHALF OF THE EMPLOYER ON BEHALF OF THE UNION ALBERTA UNION OF PROVINCIAL EMPLOYEES RE: MUTUAL AGREEMENT TO ADJUST FTES WHEREAS the Parties see the mutual value in: • Providing Employees with confirmation of their full-time equivalent (FTE): • Defining approaches to enable the adjustment of FTEs for Employees where mutually agreed; and • Developing larger FTEs and more full-time positions; The Parties agree as follows:
Term Disability. The Employer agrees to enter into an arrangement with an Insurer licenced under the Insurance Act to provide a Long Term Disability Plan. All employees of the Employer become eligible for membership in the plan on or after the effective date of the plan.
Term Disability. The School District will continue to pay the School District's share of the above insurance premiums as provided above for an employee on short-term disability.
Term Disability. All employees currently enrolled in the long term disability plan shall remain enrolled in the designated long term disability plan and all new employees shall be enrolled in the long term disability plan as of the first day of work. The Employer agrees to collect and remit premiums for a long term disability plan for the bargaining unit employees. One hundred percent (100%) of the premium costs of providing a long term disability plan shall be paid by the bargaining unit employees. This provision shall have no application with respect to administrative costs arising out of the deduction and remittance of premium payments nor the completion of the Employer’s portion of the claim form. at all times retains the right to select any to underwrite the long term disability plan it considers to be in the best interest of its members and to determine the design of the new plan subject to below. It is understood that the Employer shall not be responsible nor liable for decision to select, change or retain The Long Term Disability Plan shall have: an uninterrupted waiting period of ninety (90) working days or less or the expiry of an employee's sick leave credits, at the employee's option, or as otherwise agreed, and a minimum benefit of of monthly earnings (non-taxable) agrees to indemnify, either directly, or via appropriate insurance, the Employer against any and all claims that may be made against the Employer in connection with any new long term disability insurance plan, save and except errors that may arise in duties assumed by the Employer pursuant to this Article. undertakes to ensure that any long term disability insurance contract it enters into with a carrier or carriers will include language that is substantially similar to The Employer and District agree to jointly participate in a Committee to study systems to deliver benefits. The Committee shall be composed of: two (2) members appointed by the Bargaining Unit two (2) members appointed by the Employer The Committee shall: meet as required but at least once a year or at the request of either review past and present experience relative to consultant services, premium costs, claims experience, policies, etc.; study and promote cost containment initiatives to be used by the membership; review administrative practices; formulate recommendations, if necessary, for the Board's consideration relative to administration of the benefit programs.
Term Disability. If an eligible Employee becomes disabled anytime during the period of scheduled working hours benefits will be payable during the period of scheduled hours. Employees will follow the normal waiting periods for long-term disability. No money will be payable until their first (1st) scheduled day of work. If a disability occurs while an Employee is on unscheduled days, no payment will be received until such time as they are regularly scheduled to work. The normal waiting periods would apply. During the period of unscheduled hours, benefits will continue for eligible Employees. Premiums owing during this period will be recovered on the first (1st) pay cheque when Employees are scheduled to work. ON BEHALF OF THE EMPLOYER ON BEHALF OF THE UNION _ WHEREAS the Parties see the mutual value in: • Providing Employees with confirmation of their full-time equivalent (FTE): • Defining approaches to enable the adjustment of FTEs for Employees where mutually agreed; and • Developing larger FTEs and more full-time positions; The Parties agree as follows:
Term Disability. STATUS – 75% of weekly earnings NON-STATUS – 75% of weekly earnings Payable after the 14th day accident/sickness 15 week benefit period Maximum benefit $1000 per week Status: Non-taxable benefit/Non-Status: Taxable Coverage terminates at age 70 STATUS – 75% of weekly earnings NON-STATUS – 75% of monthly earnings 119 day elimination period Non-evidence maximum $2500 Maximum benefit $4000 per month Best Doctors Service, Work-Life Assistance Program, and Spousal Disability Benefit Coverage terminates at age 70 Non-taxable benefit
Term Disability. The employee shall pay the full cost of the billed premium for all permanent Employees for a Long Term Disability Plan to provide the employee with a monthly benefit in an amount equal to of an employee’s monthly earnings to a maximum benefit of per month. The elimination period is one hundred and twenty (120) days. Employees who are required to use their own automobile for Agency business will be compensated for liability insurance as follows: The Agency shall pay the difference between the rate for liability insurance on the employee’s automobile if used for pleasure only, and the rate required to insure such automobile if used as well for the purpose of the Agency, up to a maximum difference of ($250.00) two hundred and fifty dollars.
Term Disability. The Employer agrees to pay percent of the present monthly billed premium rate for a long term disability plan for each full time employee in the active employ of the Employer, eligible for coverage subject to the terms and conditions of the plan. Effective January the maximum coverage period shall be up to twenty-four (24) months The Employer agrees to pay percent of the present monthly billed premium of a vision care plan providing (Sixty Dollars) every four (24) months for each full time employee in employ of the Employer, eligible for coverage, subject to the terms and conditions of the plan.
Term Disability. Contract No. 45060
Term Disability. Long term disability benefits shall be pro-rated according to the number of hours worked.