An employee definition

An employee is an individual who (i) contracts directly with the Company (rather than through a third party, such as an employee-leasing firm), (ii) performs services for the Company and (iii) is treated as an employee of the Company for federal employment-tax purposes.
An employee means a person who is employed by the Employer, who is a member of the Faculty Association as designated by the Employer pursuant to the Post- Secondary Learning Act, and who is in one (1) of the following categories: a) Continuous full-time Employee means an Employee who is regularly assigned to work the full normal working hours without a definite term. b) Continuous part-time Employee means an Employee who is regularly assigned to work not less than one-half (½) of the full normal hours of work without a definite term. c) Temporary full-time Employee means an Employee who is employed for a defined term for a minimum of two (2) consecutive trimesters and up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) months in length and who is assigned to work full- time hours. d) Temporary part-time Employee means an Employee employed for a defined term for a minimum of two (2) consecutive trimesters and up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) months in length and assigned to work not less than one-half (½) of full-time hours. e) Casual Employee means an hourly employee who works variable hours based on operational need and who has no guarantee of ongoing employment. When a Casual Employee has worked full-time for a complete trimester and the assignment is continued for the following complete trimester or longer, that Employee shall have the status of a Temporary Employee for the period of that continued assignment. Employees hired in an assignment full-time for multiple ongoing trimesters will be hired as Temporary Employees.
An employee means a person who is employed on a full time basis and does not include those who are employed on a casual, part time or fixed term basis.

Examples of An employee in a sentence

  • An employee will be granted unpaid Military Leave in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.

  • An employee who remains outside of the bargaining unit beyond the period covered by this article shall lose all seniority.

  • An employee given notice of termination in circumstances of redundancy may terminate their employment during the period of notice.

  • An employee holding a Temporary Class Certificate of Registration upon presenting proof of current General Class Certificate of Registration by the College of Nurses of Ontario shall be given the salary of the registered staff nurse as provided in this Article retroactive to the date of sitting the certification examination or the date of last hire, whichever is later.

  • An employee will not be denied recall to a shift if her lack of qualification for the recall opportunity can be remedied by a three (3) day orientation to that shift.

More Definitions of An employee

An employee means any person in respect of whom his employer is liable to pay an employer’s contribution under section 4 of the Contributory Pensions Act 1970 [title 18 item 7];
An employee means any person (including a Director) in an employment relationship with the Company or any subsidiary corporation (as defined in section 424 of the Code).
An employee means a person who is engaged in employment as an employed earner;
An employee means a person who is employed on a full time basis and does not include those who are employed on a casual, temporary or fixed term basis.
An employee means any person in respect of whom his employer is liable to pay an employer's contribution under section 4 of the Contributory Pensions Act 1970 [title 18 item 7], but does not include a person over the age of 65 in respect of whom subsidy is not payable under section 2(1)(b);
An employee shall, for the purposes of this clause, include a part-time employee but shall not include an emergency teacher/pre-school play leader.
An employee who is a member of the Covered Unit: (a) will be a Salary Deferral Employee (eligible to enter the Plan to make Employee Deferred Contributions and to share in Qualified Non-Elective Employer Contributions and Qualified Matching Contributions) once he or she: (Select each that applies) (i) X(2) completes 1 Eligibility Year. --- ------ (ii) attains age _______. (iii) X(3) completes 1 Eligibility Year and attains --- ---- age 21 . -------- (iv) X(4) service and age requirements selected ---- above do not apply to those Employees employed by the Employer as of JULY 1, 1989 as they will be Salary Deferral Employees as of JULY 1, 1989 regardless of their age and service. Any age requirement may not exceed age 21, provided if Section 2.4(a)(iii) of the Adoption Agreement is selected, the age requirement may not exceed age 20-1/2. Any service requirement may not exceed one Eligibility Year, provided if Section 2.4(a)(iii) of the Adoption Agreement is selected, the service requirement may not exceed 1/2 Eligibility Year. If the service requirement selected is a fractional Year, and if Section 2.5(a) of the Adoption Agreement is selected, (A) an Employee will be required to complete the fractional portion of the number of Hours of Service specified in Section 2.3(c)(i) of the Adoption Agreement to receive credit for that fractional Year, and (B) at least two Entry Dates must be designated pursuant to Sections 2.4(a)(i), (vi) or (vii). (b) will be an Eligible Employee (eligible to enter the Plan to share in NonElective Employer Contributions) once he or she: (Select each that applies) (i) X(5) completes 1 Eligibility Years. ---- ----- (ii)____ attains age _______. -------- (2) effective for Plan Years ending on or before December 31, 1992 (3) effective for Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1993 (4) This section 2.2(a)(iv) applies only to those Employees who generally perform over 20 work hours per week (5) effective for Plan Years ending on or before December 31, 1992