LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. Re: Inverse Seniority Layoffs This letter will clarify the intention of the Parties with respect to the Layoff and Recall provisions set out in Article 11, Section 1, Paragraph 1 of the National Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), with respect to temporary layoffs and the application of the Inverse Seniority Provision. The parties agree that in situations of temporary short term layoffs covered under Article 11 of the CBA, seniority employees on the affected shift will be offered the first opportunity for short term layoff, notwithstanding the layoff procedure set out in Article 13 of the Collective Agreement. When applying the Inverse Seniority Provision for temporary short term layoffs, it is agreed that the Company will canvas seniority employees on the affected shift who are willing to be temporarily laid off for the duration of the short term layoff, prior to implementing any involuntary seniority based layoffs under Article 13 of the CBA. Any seniority employees who elect to be placed on short term layoff will be selected on the basis of inverse seniority, meaning that the most senior employee will be provided the layoff opportunity first, the second most senior employee next, and so on, following the seniority list. Those employees who volunteer for the inverse seniority layoff will be committed to accepting the temporary layoff for full duration of the short term layoff announced by the Company. Should the temporary layoff extend beyond three (3) weeks in duration, seniority employees who first elected an inverse seniority layoff will have the option of either exercising their seniority rights for the purposes of being recalled to active employment, or with the mutual agreement of all parties, continuing their temporary layoff for an agreed upon period of time. It is understood that the Company reserves the right to deny requests for inverse seniority layoff, where an individual’s particular skill and ability are considered necessary to operational requirements. Before any such request is denied, the Company and the Union will meet to review the circumstances of each case. The Parties agree that the Company shall bear no liability associated with inverse seniority layoffs, and that any decisions regarding the availability of Employment Insurance (EI) benefits is the exclusive responsibility of Human Resources and Services Development Canada (HRDSC).
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LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. The central parties agree that they shall develop and share regional listings of experts and resources to support their joint obligations in regard to the duty to accommodate. Letter of Understanding: Within 30 days of ratification, the parties agree to meet to prepare a joint letter to the provincial Minister of Health requesting one-time special funding for Hospitals to address the issue of access to supplies and minor equipment and ongoing funding for Quality of Worklife initiatives. Letter of Understanding:‌‌‌ Re: Compendium of Standards of Practice Within 30 days of ratification, the Participating Hospitals’ Negotiating Team will recommend to the Hospitals that the Compendium of Standards of Practice for Nurses will be made available and readily accessible to all nurses. In addition, the central parties will make a joint request to the College of Nurses to make the Compendium available on the College’s web-site. Letter of Understanding The central parties will discuss the feasibility of a joint study of grievances that are settled within 1 month of an arbitration hearing, to determine barriers to settlement earlier in the process and to make recommendations to encourage earlier settlements. Letter of Understanding Re: Harassment & Discrimination The local parties will determine the appropriate means of promoting and providing an effective and meaningful way of addressing discrimination and harassment issues; which may include, but is not limited to the following: • reviewing the hospital’s harassment policy and making joint recommendations to the Chief Nursing Officer; • promoting a harassment free workplace where there is ‘zero tolerance’; • ensuring that all employees are familiar with the employer’s harassment policy by identifying educational opportunities, including the orientation period for new employees; • identifying supports and solutions to assist employees to deal with harassment and discrimination issues (i.e. Employee Assistance Programs, staff supports); • development of processes to address the accommodations/modified work needs for nurses; • development of assertiveness training programs. Letter of Understanding The parties agree that the issue of “paid professional leave days” to which nurses may be entitled is a local issue in the current round of bargaining.
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. The Electrical Trade Bargaining Agency (ETBA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Construc- tion Council of Ontario (IBEW-CCO) agree to cooperate in an initiative to create a special WCB rate group for “Quality Connection” or equivalent Contractors. The ETBA will endeavor to enroll signatory Contractors in the Quality Connection Health and Safety Program or equivalent. The parties further agree to lobby the government to require general Contractors to carry a cash allowance in all tenders to cover the cost of job site safety Represent- atives. Signed in Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx this 27th day of February, 1998. Re: CLAUSE 402 WORK ETHICS February 24th, 1998 For the term of this Collective Agreement, it is under- stood that members of the IBEW employed by non-union Contractors as part of the IBEW/IBEW-CCO organizing program (i.e. salting) are not in violation of Clause 402 - Work Ethics. On request of the ETBA, the Organizing Chairman of the IBEW/IBEW-CCO will verify particular cases are or are not part of the organizing program. In the event that certain cases are not part of the program, the IBEW Lo- cal will take the appropriate actions to correct the situa- tion. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Chairman Electrical Trade Bargaining Agency LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING November 24, 2000 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING January 28, 2004 Mr. Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Chairman Electrical Trade Bargaining Agency Re: Letter of Understanding - Special Mobility Provisions Large Projects The International Brotherhood of Electrical Work- ers/International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Con- struction Council of Ontario agree that on large projects expected to require a workforce in excess of thirty (30) employees, the Employer will be allowed to bring in up to 2 additional mobile employees for job set up, layout, design and investigation. These workers shall be permit- xxx to work with the tools of the trade in carrying out the above noted functions, but, during the time when there are additional mobile workers, shall not extend this privi- lege into performance of regular installation work, which would normally be carried out by local Journeypersons during the normal course of the job. The Local Union Business Manager will be advised one week prior to the arrival of the additional mobile workers. Any dispute re- xxxxxxx the work that may be done by the 2 additional mobile workers or any other matter arising under this letter shall be resolved between the non-resident con- tractor and the...
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. JOB SECURITY In the event that downsizing occurs under the Job Security and Job Elimination articles of the Labour Agreement, the Company undertakes to discuss the application of the severance pay provisions with the Union. This letter was renewed by agreement between the Company and the Union for the term of the 2003 – 2008 Labour Agreements. =================================================================== Re: Apprentices and Government Support April 14, 1998 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING - APPRENTICES The Company agrees to the establishment of a committee composed of management representatives and appropriate representatives of the Union to explore the possibility of working with government and community colleges with a view to enhancing apprenticeship opportunities within the province. The parties understand that such a program would be based on the principle of cost neutrality to the Company and there would be a requirement for joint representation to Government to access funds for this purpose. This committee will be established within three (3) months from the date of ratification of the new labour agreement. This letter was renewed by agreement between the Company and the Union for the term of the 2003 – 2008 Labour Agreements. ================================================================== Re: Scope of Agreement April 14, 1998 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING - AGREEMENT SCOPE The Company agrees to provide a Letter of Understanding for the term of the Agreement. In the event of a separation of businesses, the Master Agreement shall be applied as a Master Agreement to each business except in respect to permanent vacancies and layoffs. Further, in the event of a change in common employer status, employees directly impacted by a permanent layoff will be allowed to exercise their seniority rights to transfer between the different legal entities. This letter was renewed by agreement between the Company and the Union for the term of the 2003 – 2008 Labour Agreements. ================================================================== Re: Commitment to Employment July 22, 2008 LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING - COMMITMENT TO EMPLOYMENT Protecting and enhancing employment in the pulp and paper industry is a joint commitment of the Company and the Union. The Company and Union agree that stable employment must be based upon economically viable operations, a high level of labour productivity and quality production. To this end, the parties will continue to discuss means to pres...
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. BETWEEN: XXXXXXXX XXXX TERM CARE COMMUNITY (Hereinafter referred to as the "Employer") AND: ONTARIO NURSES' ASSOCIATION (Hereinafter referred to as the "Union") Re: Central Committee on Violence in the Workplace The Central parties agree to create a Central Committee to review and develop best practice recommendations related to Violence in the Workplace. The best practice recommendations will be distributed to the Joint Health and Safety Committees at each individual home to be recommended for implementation. The best practice recommendations will include but will not be limited to; Review/modify: the processes, procedures, measures and follow through on;
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. Patrolman: Employees may file request, in writing, for promotion to Patrolman. Seniority and experience will be given preference for a Patrolman classification. The employee shall accept the Patrolman classification at the same rate of pay that he/she is then receiving with progression raises, the same as the other classification. The Company reserves the right to return the employee to his/her previous classification for any reason, at any time. Pay rate and benefits shall be unaffected by this decision. In the event an employee is promoted to Patrolman and is not a qualified Line Clearance Tree Trimmer at that time, and returns to a crew, he/she shall enter the training program at the level he/she was promoted from with no reduction in wages.
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. As used in this Agreement, a Letter of Understanding is a written understanding and/or agreement entered into between the Union and the Office of the State Employer and approved by the Civil Service Commission which interprets, applies, supplements, modifies or amends one or more provisions of Civil Service Rules and Regulations (the subject matter of which is not a prohibited subject of bargaining), this Agreement or a secondary agreement; they are enforceable only as to their terms. Local agreements (such as mutually approved minutes of labor/management meetings), while instructive as to those parties wishes, expectations, and intent, are not Letters of Understanding.
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LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. RE: RPN Rates CUPE and the Participating Hospitals agree to establish a provincial working group consisting of up to three representatives each, to discuss the issue of RPN rates across the province, and the feasibility of moving towards a provincial or common wage rate. The working group will have access to expertise and resources as appropriate. The working group will commence meeting sixty (60) days following ratification of the collective agreement. CUPE members will be granted such time off as is required to attend joint meetings of the working group. The time spent by the CUPE members to attend joint meetings of the working group will be deemed time worked and CUPE members will be compensated at their regular straight time hourly rate. The working group will arrange its activities in order to endeavour to arrive at joint recommendations for the central parties four (4) months prior to the expiry of the collective agreement. FOR THE HOSPITALS FOR THE UNION Memorandum of Agreement Between: The Participating Hospitals/ OHA The Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/ CUPE Whereas the current collective agreement makes reference to the Blue Cross Plans in effect as of September 28, 1993; And Whereas the semi-private, extended health care and dental benefits are now being provided by various carriers at the different hospitals; And Whereas the Participating Hospitals (“the Hospitals”) and the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE (“the Union”) wish to ensure that the collective agreement entitlements to semi-private, extended health care and dental benefits are comparable; And Whereas the Hospitals and the Union are desirous of considering whether, without reducing the level of benefits provided at each individual participating hospital, savings can be achieved in the provision of semi-private, extended health care and dental benefits; And Whereas the Hospitals and the Union wish to ensure that eligible employees receive comprehensive and accurate information about their coverage and entitlements; And Whereas the Hospitals and the Union recognize the importance of working collaboratively to achieve the objectives outlined above, it is agreed as follows:
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. Promptly following the Commencement Date, Tenant shall execute Landlord’s Letter of Understanding in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit C and made a part hereof, acknowledging (a) the Commencement Date of this Lease, and (b) except for any punchlist items, that Tenant has accepted the Leased Premises. If Tenant takes possession of and occupies the Leased Premises, Tenant shall be deemed to have accepted the Leased Premises and that the condition of the Leased Premises and the Building was at the time satisfactory and in conformity with the provisions of this Lease in all respects, subject to any punchlist items.
LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING. 2. If a general salary increase(s) for a comparator agreement in either the first year (September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017) or second year (September 1, 2017 to August 31, 2018) exceeds 0%, the general salary increase(s) negotiated under that comparator agreement will be applied to the salary grid, administrative allowances and daily substitute teacher rate of pay of the collective agreements with the Association in the first year or the second year respectively, and effective the same date(s) as provided in the affected comparator agreement. If more than one general salary increase is negotiated for comparator agreements, the increases shall not be compounded across multiple comparator agreements, however, the total highest such general salary increase(s) in each year will be applied to the salary grid, administrative allowances and daily substitute teacher rate of pay.
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