Provisions of. “The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation ofEmploymentandConditionsofService)Act,1996”and“TheBuildingandOtherConstruct ionWorkers’ WelfareCessAct,1996”: Thetenderers,forcarryingoutanyconstructionwork,shallgetthemselvesregisteredwiththe Registering Officer under Section-7 of the Building and Other Construction WorkersAct,1996andRulesmadetheretobytheconcernedStateGovt.,andsubmitCertificateofR egistration issued by Registering Officer of the concerned State Govt. (Labour Dept.).TheCessshallbedeductedfromcontractor’sbillsasper provisionsoftheAct.
Provisions of this clause shall not be applicable when a teacher is on another leave (other than sick leave), without pay.
Provisions of this Section shall not apply to any employee eligible for reimbursement by any other governmental agency, organization or association.
Provisions of this article shall not be applicable when a teacher is on other special leaves, with or without pay, or while on strike.
Provisions of competent personnel to supervise the maintenance and general efficiency of the Vessel;
Provisions of the Contract not amended by this Amendment shall continue in full force and effect. Should the provisions of any prior contract, agreement, or memorandum of understanding conflict with the provisions of the Contract, as amended, the provisions of the Contract, as amended, shall prevail.
Provisions of. The Employer agrees that it will not its in a manner inconsistent with of this Agreement. It is understood by the provisions of #is the limitations on the rights. ASSOCIATION . e
Provisions of. (a) Paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c), and (5) (a) and (b) do not apply to the qualification requirements for goods or services with regard to advocacy programmes to exports and foreign aid programs.