Legal Entities. In the event that Client is placed into liquidation, bankruptcy or administration or any other analogous process wherein a liquidator, curator or trustee or similar officer is appointed and in whom legal authority and representation is vested, to the exclusion of the persons Client may have nominated, we shall be entitled to receive to our satisfaction such evidence, at Client’s cost, as we may require to establish the proper entitlement and authority of the person claiming power to give us instructions and we shall not be bound to act upon such instructions until such time as we are satisfied of such authority. In case where the legal entity or organization is dissolved, the succssessor of the assets (money) in the account has to provide to the bank a legal document, proving that he is the succssessor of the assets in the account and he/she is entitled to these assets. We may have additional requirements for verification of a succssessor of the assets in the account or other documents prior to providing access to the account or order of the money to the succssessor.
Legal Entities. Full legal name; • Type of entity; • Description of business; • Jurisdiction in which organized; • Registered address; • Business address; • Taxpayer Identification Number (U.S. entities) or equivalent; • Copy of Organizational Documents; • List/register of directors; and • Identification of the source of the Shareholder’s (or, if the Shareholder is acting on behalf of another person or legal entity, such third party’s) funds, including (1) the name and address of the remitting financial institution, name and address of the Shareholder and the Shareholder’s account number, and (2) a statement of what transaction or business generated the funds. In addition to, any of the Shareholder identification information set forth in (a) or (b) above, BNYM may obtain and rely upon a letter of reference from a local office of a bank or brokerage firm that is incorporated, or has its principal place of business located, in a Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) Country certifying that the prospective Shareholder maintains an account at such bank or brokerage firm and containing a statement affirming the prospective investor’s identity (a sample Letter of Reference is attached hereto as Exhibit B). BNYM’s review of such information shall include: an examination of the subscription agreement and other identification documents provided by the Shareholder to determine if the same has been completed, but without verifying the same except as set forth above. Any inability on the part of BNYM to obtain or verify the information as set forth above shall be reported to the Funds’ Money Laundering Reporting Officer or equivalent (as identified by the Funds to BNYM from time to time) and the Investment Advisor for further disposition.
Legal Entities. In the event that Client is placed into liquidation, bankruptcy, dissolution, winding-up or administration or any other similar procedures, the Client is obliged to notify us immediately about this change in the legal status at which moment the account will be closed and the Service discontinued with immediate effect. The breach of this obligation shall be considered as material breach of this Agreement.
Legal Entities o Full legal name; o Type of entity; o Description of business; o Jurisdiction in which organized; o Registered address; o Business address; o Taxpayer Identification Number (U.S. entities) and a photocopy of the authorized signatory's passport or driver's license; o Certified copy of Charter Documents; o List/register of directors; and o Identification of the source of the entity's (or, if the entity is acting on behalf of another person or legal entity, such third party's) funds, including (1) the name and address of the remitting financial institution, name and address of the entity and the entity's account number, and (2) a statement of what transaction or business generated the funds. Bank's review of such information shall include: an examination of the subscription application or other identification documents provided by the person or entity to determine if the same has been completed, but without verifying the same except as set forth above. Any inability on the part of Bank to obtain or verify the information as set forth above shall be reported to the Fund's Money Laundering Reporting Officer or equivalent (as identified by the Fund to Bank from time to time) for further disposition.
Legal Entities. Full legal name; • Type of entity; • Description of business; • Jurisdiction in which organized; • Registered address; • Business address; • Taxpayer Identification Number (U.S. entities) or equivalent; • Copy of Organizational Documents; • List/register of directors; and • Identification of the source of the Subscriber’s (or, if the Subscriber is acting on behalf of another person or legal entity, such third party’s) funds, including (1) the name and address of the remitting financial institution, name and address of the Subscriber and the Subscriber’s account number, and (2) a statement of what transaction or business generated the funds. In addition to, any of the Subscriber identification information set forth in (a) or (b) above, BNYM-AIS may obtain and rely upon a letter of reference from a local office of a bank or brokerage firm that is incorporated, or has its principal place of business located, in a Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) Country certifying that the prospective Subscriber maintains an account at such bank or brokerage firm and containing a statement affirming the prospective investor’s identity (a sample Letter of Reference is attached hereto as Exhibit D). BNYM-AIS’s review of such information shall include: an examination of the subscription agreement and other identification documents provided by the Subscriber to determine if the same has been completed, but without verifying the same except as set forth above. Any inability on the part of BNYM-AIS to obtain or verify the information as set forth above shall be reported to the Funds’ Money Laundering Reporting Officer or equivalent (as identified by the Funds to BNYM-AIS from time to time) for further disposition.
Legal Entities the Customer shall provide including, but not limited to the following information and documents to the Company – Business license or the extract from the public registers of the relevant authority about the Customer as legal entity, which shall indicate at least the basic information about Customer – registered name, registered location, registration number, tax registry number, power of attorney which shows that the legal representative of the legal entity is enable to concluded this Contract with the Company, the filled Customer’s questionnaire, other information or documents, which the Company may request based on the individual circumstances and which would allow the Company to verify the Customer’s identity.
Legal Entities. In the event that Client is placed into liquidation, bankruptcy or administration or any other analogous process wherein a liquidator, curator or trustee or similar officer is appointed and in whom legal authority and representation is
Legal Entities. Full legal name; · Type of entity; · Description of business; · Jurisdiction in which organized; · Registered address; · Business address; · Taxpayer Identification Number (U.S. entities) or equivalent; · Copy of Organizational Documents; · List/register of directors; and · Identification of the source of the Designated Subscriber’s (or, if the Designated Subscriber is acting on behalf of another person or legal entity, such third party’s) funds, including (1) the name and address of the remitting financial institution, name and address of the Designated Subscriber and the Designated Subscriber’s account number, and (2) a statement of what transaction or business generated the funds. In addition to any of the Designated Subscriber identification information set forth in (a) or (b) above, BNYM may obtain and rely upon a letter of reference from a local office of a bank or brokerage firm that is incorporated, or has its principal place of business located, in a Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) Country certifying that the prospective Designated Subscriber maintains an account at such bank or brokerage firm and containing a statement affirming the prospective investor’s identity (a sample Letter of Reference is attached hereto as Schedule 1). BNYM’s review of such information shall include: an examination of the Subscription Agreement and other identification documents provided by the Designated Subscriber to determine if the same has been completed, but without verifying the same except as set forth above. Any inability on the part of BNYM to obtain or verify the information as set forth above shall be reported to the Fund’s Money Laundering Reporting Officer or equivalent (as identified by the Fund to BNYM from time to time) for further disposition.
Legal Entities. The Purchaser reserves the right in its sole discretion to: disqualify a Quotation if the Purchaser is not satisfied that the CSA Holder is clearly identified; not to enter into an Agreement for Services with a CSA Holder that submitted a Quotation if that CSA Holder cannot satisfy the Purchaser that it is the same legal entity named in a CSA OF; and require security screenings for a CSA Holder who is a natural person, subcontractors and key personnel before entering into an Agreement for Services and decline to enter into an Agreement for Services with a CSA Holder or to approve a subcontractor or key personnel that fail to pass the security screenings to the Purchaser’s satisfaction. In addition to any other reservation of rights set out in the CP, the Purchaser reserves the right, in its sole discretion: to modify the terms of the CP at any time prior to the Closing Time, including the right to cancel the CP at any time prior to entering into an Agreement for Services with a CSA Holder; in accordance with the terms of the CP, to accept the Quotation or Quotations that it deems most advantageous to itself; to waive any non-material irregularity, defect or deficiency in a Quotation; to request clarification(s) from a CSA Holder with respect to its Quotation, including clarification(s) with respect to its Quotation on non-material administrative matters (i.e. a matter that is not scored) or where Quotation provisions are ambiguous, without any obligation to make such a request to any other CSA Holders, and consider such clarification(s) in evaluating the Quotation; to reject any Quotation due to unsatisfactory past performance under contracts with the Purchaser, or any material error, omission or misrepresentation in the Quotation; at any time, to reject any or all Quotations; at any time, to terminate the competition without award and obtain the Services described in the CP by other means (including, a future solicitation) or do nothing; and to exclude a CSA Holder from participation in the CP, at any point in the CP process, where there is supporting evidence, on grounds of CSA Holder: bankruptcy; false declarations; significant or persistent deficiencies in performance of any substantive requirement or obligation under a prior contract or contracts with the Purchaser, including an Agreement for Services; final judgments in respect of serious crimes or other serious offences; professional misconduct or acts or omissions that adversely reflect on the comm...
Legal Entities. In the event that Client is placed into liquidation, bankruptcy, dissolution, winding-up or administration or any other similar procedures, the Client is obliged to notify us immediately about this change in the legal status. We shall be entitled, at our discretion, to close the account and discontinue the Service with immediate effect. The breach of this obligation shall be considered as material breach of this Agreement.
14.8 myPOS Return Policy: Client has to follow myPOS Return Policy, which is established by the company supplying the POS terminals. Client is not allowed to dispose of the mobile POS device, including its battery or other components without observing the regulations for waste of electrical equipment. Upon termination of this Agreement Client must return the mobile POS, including Card to us or to a company specified by us via post, including filled Return Form as set out in detail in myPOS Return Policy. We shall not make a refund of price or delivery costs.
14.9 After closing of the account for e-money and after redeeming or withholding of the avalble balance and amounts kept as Reserve, we have the right to close the Оnline Profile of the Client in myPOS online platform.