Proposed Programme. 4.1 UNDP’s proposed Country Programme (2012-2016) has been formulated in the context of an intense national transition, in partnership with the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. It builds on the 2012-2016 UNDAF, seeking to contribute to the UNDAF outcomes of promoting peace and stability in the country; application of rule of law; promoting inclusive growth that benefits women and youth; contributing to food security and access to social protection and social services; sustainable management of environment, energy and natural resources; and strengthening disaster risk management practices.
Proposed Programme. 4.1 Based on the lessons learned, UNDP would operate within an environment-economic- governance nexus in the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau. It would seek to demonstrate MDG impact through an integrated and coordinated and gender responsive approach to equitable economic growth and poverty reduction, good governance and human rights from the angle of HIV/AIDS prevention, crisis prevention and recovery, and sustainable environmental management. These are aligned to the priority areas of the UNDAF. The Country Programme Action Plan for Tokelau will to a large extent seek to complement the sector planning processes used by the Government, existing annual work and budget planning processes and enhanced partnerships.
Proposed Programme. 4.1 Taking account of UNDP’s global mandate for promoting sustainable human development and the achievement of the MDGs, UNDP’s comparative advantage as a convening partner and impartial broker facilitates access to the diversity of development partner resources, building on existing global, regional and national partnerships to support country programmes and development at national and community levels. Furthermore, UNDP is able to leverage the technical expertise of UN System agencies, funds and programmes through the UNDAF and UNDP HQ/Global Programmes and the unique existing partnerships with Governments, academia, civil society and development partners.
Proposed Programme. 4.1 The CO agreed to ensure alignment between the CPAP and Jamaica’s national priorities by utilizing, as much as possible, the Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) established under the National Development Plan, Vision 2030, which was launched in late 2009. The Vision 2030 makes a national commitment to the empowerment of women and men and ultimately creating a society that values gender balance, equality and equity. The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) is the Secretariat for Vision 2030 and each of the TWGs. The roadmap for the development of the CPAP including the consultations with all relevant TWGs1 on the proposed CPAP leading up to final multi-sectoral stakeholder consultation in late 2011 was agreed upon between UNDP and PIOJ in June 2011. In addition, the proposed CPAP outputs were discussed with smaller sectoral groups 2 and in bilateral discussions with relevant stakeholders, in particular proposed implementing agencies and funders between September and December 2011. The final national consultation was attended by key national and international stakeholders on 13 December 2011.
Proposed Programme. 4.1. The Country Programme and the Country Program Action Plan cover the period 2010 – 2015. The proposed results are fully anchored in and aligned with the approved UNDAF results framework and with the country‟s development agenda. The Government‟s National Development Plan, the European Partnership Strategy and EU annual progress reports represent the main analytical building blocks of the new UNDP programme. Capacity development, human rights, aid-coordination, gender equality and creating a culture of inter- ethnic cohesion have been identified as important cross-cutting themes and principles to be integrated across the programme.
Proposed Programme. 23. The proposed country programme builds on experiences gained and lessons learned from the previous four UNFPA country programme cycles. It also takes into consideration the government’s fourth Five Year Socio-economic Development Plan for Poverty Reduction 2011-2015 (4th DPPR). It reflects the findings of the 2010 Common Country Assessment (CCA) and the priorities of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2012 - 2015. The programme takes into consideration the commitment to the H4+1 framework, contributes to the progress towards MDG 4 and 5 as outlined in the UN Secretary General Joint Plan of Action of 2010 for mothers and children, and is aligned with the National Health and Reproductive Health Strategies.)
Proposed Programme. The seventh UNFPA supported programme for Jordan (2008-2012) was developed following an extensive consultative process with several stakeholders. The programme is based on the UNDAF signed with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in 2007, and is in line with the National Agenda and other national priorities; the UNFPA Strategic Plan (2008-2011) and the Millennium Development Goals. The programme is harmonized with the programme cycles of UNDP and UNICEF. It is informed by the priorities identified in the CCA and directly linked to the outcomes of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) agreed to between the Government and the UN Country Team. The guiding principle underpinning the programme is national ownership and leadership, including utilization and strengthening of national systems, accountability harmonization with other UN agencies and management for results. The programme outputs and outcomes are also linked to the UNFPA medium term strategic plan for the years 2008-2011 which has also set goals in the three interlinked focus areas of population and development, reproductive health and rights, and gender equality. The linkages between the outputs of the Country Programme, the UNFPA strategic Plan, national priorities and the MDGs is summarized in the following table:
Proposed Programme. 22. The proposed programme is aligned with national development priorities, the United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2013-2017 and the UNFPA Strategic Plan. It builds on lessons learned from the evaluation of the previous programme. The Programme adopts a human rights based and participatory approaches. The programme will focus on joint programming with a number of United Nations organizations, including UN Women, UNICEF, WHO, UNDP, UNHCR, and UNV, to ensure synergies and complementarities, optimize utilization of resources, respond to humanitarian needs and address culturally sensitive issues.
Proposed Programme. 39. The overall goal of the Country Programme is to bring improvement in the quality of life of the Somali people. The programme is designed to contribute to the three outcomes of the UNSAS:
Proposed Programme. 50. The goal of the Sixth Country Programme (2015-2019) is to contribute to “universal access to rights-based, gender-sensitive sexual and reproductive health information and services, including for adolescents and young people” as defined in the UNFPA Strategic Plan (2014-2017). These efforts will be guided by an understanding of population dynamics, human rights and gender equality, driven by country needs and tailored to the country context in order to empower and improve the lives of underserved populations, especially women, youths and adolescents.