Proposed Programme Sample Clauses

Proposed Programme. 50. The goal of the Sixth Country Programme (2015-2019) is to contribute to “universal access to rights-based, gender-sensitive sexual and reproductive health information and services, including for adolescents and young people” as defined in the UNFPA Strategic Plan (2014-2017). These efforts will be guided by an understanding of population dynamics, human rights and gender equality, driven by country needs and tailored to the country context in order to empower and improve the lives of underserved populations, especially women, youths and adolescents. 51. The programme will further take into account the devastating impact of EVD on the health sector, with focus on building a resilient health system for the delivery of sexual and reproductive health services. Greater emphasis will be placed on building human resources for health service delivery, as well as addressing the diminished confidence by communities in the ability of Service Delivery Points and health workers for saving lives. 52. The programme is linked to the following frameworks- UNFPA Strategic Plan (2014- 2017); UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF 2015-2018) for Sierra Leone; the Third Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper- Agenda for Prosperity (2013-2018) and the Sixth Country Programme Document (CPD 2015-2019) Outcomes. Overall, it is aligned with four main pillars of the Government’s Agenda for Prosperity and related UNDAF xxxxxxxx0. It also addresses related issues in the ICPD + 10 Review Report; ICPD Beyond 2014, and the new Post- 2015 Sustainable Development Goals. 53. The new programme is largely informed by the mid-term and annual reviews; the end- evaluation of the fifth Country Programme (2008-2012) and its two-year extension (2013-2014). Studies and consultancies by both national and international consultants also provided valuable information for enriching the programme. In compliance with the UNFPA guidelines, technical backstopping was provided from the UNFPA Sub-Regional Office (SRO) and West and Central African Regional Office (WCARO) in Johannesburg and Senegal respectively. An impact assessment of the EVD epidemic will be performed to enable appropriate programming in the aftermath of the epidemic. 54. The formulation and design of the programme has been extensively participatory and inclusive. It involved mainly the Government of Sierra Leone, UNFPA Country Office and other United Nations Agencies, Development Partners, Implementing Partners, Non- Governmental Organizat...
Proposed Programme. 26. The Kosovo Programme Action Plan will be implemented from 2011 to 2015. The programme will contribute to Kosovo’s strategic priorities embodied in the EU-Kosovo Partnership Action Plan (EPAP), which reveals Kosovo’s aspirations to EU membership, the Kosovo Economic Vision Plan 2011-2014 and the Medium Term Expenditure Framework. The UNDP KPAP will directly contribute to the achievement of the Millenium Development Goals for Kosovo. UNDP-supported interventions are aligned with the on-going initiatives of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 27. This Programme Action Plan provides the operational details for the UNDP cooperation with Kosovo institutions for the period 2011-2015. The KPAP is based on the UN Kosovo Team’s Common Development Plan for 2011-2015, approved in March 2011 and supports the UN Strategic Framework developed by UNMIK and UN agencies in Kosovo. Using this broad agreement about collective priorities of UN assistance in Kosovo, UNDP conducted consultations with central and local authorities, the United Nations system, and other partners in the civil society and the private sector about UNDP’s comparative advantages and its strategic contributions to Kosovo’s development. These consultations led to the development of the XXXX 0000-0000 Programme Action Plan. 28. The UNDP KPAP for 2011-2015 aims to assist Kosovo with its development agenda, focusing on social inclusion and human development for all. UNDP will contribute to Kosovo’s priorities and development of capacities of various partners through three programme components: • Inclusive growth and development • Democratic governance, and • Environmental sustainability. Efforts will continue to reinforce mainstreaming gender equality across the programme and greater attention will be devoted to embedding a more coherent strategy for civil society engagement and research-based programming across all development interventions. 29. UNDP offers comparative advantages in these areas, drawing on its global knowledge base, best practices, lessons learnt, and past cooperation. The total financial envelope for the 2011-2015 programme constitutes USD52,232,000, out of which USD50,012,000 represent programme funds to be mobilised from other sources. The intended programme outcomes and outputs are detailed in the results and resources framework (at Annex 1). 4.1 Programme Component 1: Inclusive Growth and Development 30. While economic growth ...
Proposed Programme. The proposed country programme builds on experiences gained and lessons learned from the previous four UNFPA country programme cycles. It also takes into consideration the government’s fourth Five Year Socio-economic Development Plan for Poverty Reduction 2011-2015 (4th DPPR). It reflects the findings of the 2010 Common Country Assessment (CCA) and the priorities of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2012 - 2015. The programme takes into consideration the commitment to the H4+1 framework, contributes to the progress towards MDG 4 and 5 as outlined in the UN Secretary General Joint Plan of Action of 2010 for mothers and children, and is aligned with the National Health and Reproductive Health Strategies.)
Proposed Programme. 39. The overall goal of the Country Programme is to bring improvement in the quality of life of the Somali people. The programme is designed to contribute to the three outcomes of the UNSAS: i. Somali people have equitable access to basic services – health, education, shelter, water and sanitation; ii. Somali people benefit from poverty reduction through equitable economic development and decent work; iii. Somali people live in a stable environment where rule of law is respected and rights based and engendered development is pursued. 40. The overall strategy is two-pronged: a. Promoting and strengthening partnerships with Governmental, non- Governmental (NGOs) and community-based organizations(CBOs), and strengthening capacities and advocacy for delivery of humanitarian assistance aimed at reduced incidence of maternal mortality and morbidity, especially in South Central zone; b. Strengthening partner institutions and data availability to guide and monitor sustainable programmatic interventions in the areas of reproductive health, gender equality and population and development that specifically contribute to reduction of maternal mortality and morbidity.
Proposed Programme. The seventh UNFPA supported programme for Jordan (2008-2012) was developed following an extensive consultative process with several stakeholders. The programme is based on the UNDAF signed with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in 2007, and is in line with the National Agenda and other national priorities; the UNFPA Strategic Plan (2008-2011) and the Millennium Development Goals. The programme is harmonized with the programme cycles of UNDP and UNICEF. It is informed by the priorities identified in the CCA and directly linked to the outcomes of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) agreed to between the Government and the UN Country Team. The guiding principle underpinning the programme is national ownership and leadership, including utilization and strengthening of national systems, accountability harmonization with other UN agencies and management for results. The programme outputs and outcomes are also linked to the UNFPA medium term strategic plan for the years 2008-2011 which has also set goals in the three interlinked focus areas of population and development, reproductive health and rights, and gender equality. The linkages between the outputs of the Country Programme, the UNFPA strategic Plan, national priorities and the MDGs is summarized in the following table:
Proposed Programme. The UNDP country programme for the period of 2010‐2015 aims to achieve the objectives set out in the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2015, in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals. The proposed programme areas are in line with the themes defined in the Joint Country Programme Strategy, signed between partners on November 3rd, 2009: support for (i) broad‐ based economic growth; (ii) good governance; and (iii) human development. The promotion of national development policies and programmes will be undertaken through a combination of policy support for the MDGs and capacity development support for service delivery, strategic planning, and resource mobilization. Building on its comparative advantages, programme strengths and lessons learned from previous interventions, UNDP will focus its interventions on the areas of (1) Poverty Reduction and Achievement of MDGs, (2) Reducing burden of HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, (3) Good Governance, (4) Crisis Prevention and Recovery, and (5) Environment and Sustainable Development. Particular attention will be given to the scaling up of proven successful initiatives, utilizing best practices and lessons learned to inform policy reform, and promoting gender equality as a cross‐cutting issue, such that gender is integrated into all UNDP programme interventions and promoted by key implementing partners, including the Government of Tajikistan. One of the goals of the Gender Mainstreaming strategy will be to ensure that all projects and programmes have a data collection system that includes gender disaggregated indicators. Lastly, the UNDP Country Office will focus on providing policy advice to the Tajikistan government across all programmatic areas.
Proposed Programme. 4.1 Based on the lessons learned, UNDP would operate within an environment-economic- governance nexus in the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tokelau. It would seek to demonstrate MDG impact through an integrated and coordinated and gender responsive approach to equitable economic growth and poverty reduction, good governance and human rights from the angle of HIV/AIDS prevention, crisis prevention and recovery, and sustainable environmental management. These are aligned to the priority areas of the UNDAF. The Country Programme Action Plan for Tokelau will to a large extent seek to complement the sector planning processes used by the Government, existing annual work and budget planning processes and enhanced partnerships. 4.2 UNDP is guided by the human rights principles of participation, accountability, empowerment, gender equality and non-discrimination. Promoting human rights and protecting the dignity and integrity of men, women and children, particularly their protection from HIV/AIDS infection cut across the programme objectives and results areas. The UNDP Multi- country Office’s gender-mainstreaming strategy will support mainstreaming gender into all programme design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Capacity development in sex-disaggregated data collection and analysis, gender mainstreaming, gender budgeting and auditing will be provided to Governments, CSOs and the United Nations multi-country team, with advice from the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM). The Tokelau CPAP will concentrate on the goals set out below (for details, see the annex, Results and resources framework). 4.3 To reduce transaction costs for Government and development partners and to share best practices and lessons learnt, a Sub-Regional South-South Cooperation and Capacity Development Unit would provide funding for MCPD/UNDAF programmes in the areas of: (a) policy and programme formulation and implementation; (b) MDG small grants for community-based sustainable development initiatives; (c) management-capacity development; (d) planning, coordination, monitoring and evaluation and auditing; and (e) documentation of good practices/lessons, communications and advocacy. A. Equitable economic growth and poverty reduction 4.4 Through a United Nations joint programme on national planning for MDG achievement, UNDP would focus its support on MDG 1 (eradicating poverty) and MDG 3 (empowering women) to achieve the following results: (a) gender mainstrea...
Proposed Programme. Students will spend the first two years of their undergraduate degree at CSM, studying courses which satisfy the requirements for Level 1 at Swansea University. Upon successful completion of Level 1 core modules (or equivalent) students will enrol at Swansea for entry to level 2. Upon successful completion of their programme, the students will receive a Swansea University degree.
Proposed Programme. 22. The proposed programme is aligned with national development priorities, the United Nations Development Assistance Framework 2013-2017 and the UNFPA Strategic Plan. It builds on lessons learned from the evaluation of the previous programme. The Programme adopts a human rights based and participatory approaches. The programme will focus on joint programming with a number of United Nations organizations, including UN Women, UNICEF, WHO, UNDP, UNHCR, and UNV, to ensure synergies and complementarities, optimize utilization of resources, respond to humanitarian needs and address culturally sensitive issues. 23. UNFPA will work on the following areas of the 2013-2017 UNDAF: (a) Poverty alleviation through Pro-Poor Growth and Equity; (b) Quality Basic Services, (c) Democratic Governance through Decentralization, Civic Engagement and Human Rights. 24. UNFPA’s 9th Cycle Country Program contributes to the following three UNDAF outcomes: i) Women in reproductive age, men and young people have increased access to quality FP/RH services, ii) National institutions and CSOs are strengthened to further protect, respect and fulfil Human Rights in line with Egypt’s international commitments, with special focus on women, children, disabled, refugees, the aged and migrants, iii) The voice, leadership, civic engagement and political participation of women and young people are visible and effective in public spheres. 25. The programme seeks to accelerate the achievement of universal access to reproductive health services through the reduction of inequities in accessing safe deliveries, and family planning services and to assist Egypt to meet the goals of MDG 5a around maternal health. Systems enhancement, advocacy and evidence based policy dialogue will be conducted at the central level, while capacity development and community-based interventions will focus on Assiut and Sohag. The program has three outputs: 26. Access to sexual and reproductive health services for young people (a) integrating youth friendly reproductive health counselling and services in selected primary health care units to enable young people to make informed health choices, (b) empowering young people through support to institutions as well as social media to raise their awareness about reproductive health and gender issues and to promote their civic engagement (c) building capacity of the youth peer education network to engage young people in decision-making and advocacy, (d) developing and implementin...
Proposed Programme. In light of this, UNDP proposes to structure its interventions in the areas of: (1) Poverty Reduction and Achievement of MDGs, (2) Reducing burden of HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, (3) Good Governance, (4) Crisis Prevention and Recovery, and (5)