RETURN TO WORK AGREEMENT. Employees who qualify for the supplemental unemployment benefit payment and request a supplemental unemployment benefit payment as provided above will be required to complete and sign a Return to Work Agreement. The Return to Work Agreement shall require that they commit to return to work immediately following the expiry of their pregnancy leave and/or any extended period for which they have been granted for parental leave for a minimum period equivalent to the number of consecutive weeks of supplemental unemployment benefits received. The Employee shall also be required, should they terminate their employment prior to completion of this commitment, to repay to their Hospital the full amount of the supplemental unemployment benefit payment received within a period of six (6) months of their last day of employment.
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RETURN TO WORK AGREEMENT. REINSTATEMENT CONDITIONS I, [Emp Full Name] was suspended after a substance abuse test disclosed a positive result. I understand and agree that my continued employment is contingent upon my compliance with these commitments and conditions:
RETURN TO WORK AGREEMENT. A. All recipients accepting a sabbatical leave must notify the EVSC of their intention to return by February 1 during the sabbatical year. The teacher shall enter into a written agreement with the Board in which they pledge to return to the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation employment for a period of not less than one (1) year.
RETURN TO WORK AGREEMENT. The Employer may require an employee to participate in an Employer-approved education or rehabilitation program. Employees who do so before their drug or alcohol problem leads to initial or future performance problems will be supported in their efforts to seek help. Employees who delay seeking help will not be excused from consequences of their performance deficiencies. Return to work agreements set the conditions under which the employee returns to work. Upon satisfactory completion of the terms of the Referral Agreement, the employee will enter into a Return to Work Agreement which may containlast chance” provisions. Any discipline for the positive test will continue to be withheld pending successful completion of the terms of the Return to Work Agreement. Employees will only be allowed to access rehabilitation in lieu of discipline one time. An employee who fails to cooperate, abandons or does not complete the terms of the Referral Agreement will receive all previously withheld discipline. Whenever an employee agrees to a Referral Agreement and a subsequent Return to Work Agreement as a condition of continued employment, that employee shall continue to be subject to the same rules, working conditions and disciplinary procedures in effect for other employees. An employee referred for inpatient treatment of substance abuse problems will be allowed to return to work when all terms of the referral agreement have been met and the Employer receives MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING #5 Transition Plan AFSCME Local 328 (“Union”) and Oregon Health & Science University (“Employer”) hereby agree to the following transition plan for employees who are active participants in PERS Tier I, PERS Tier II or OPSRP as of the date of ratification of this Agreement. The terms of this memorandum are directly tied to and contingent upon discontinuance of the Employer’s 6% employee pickup contribution for said employees effective the end of the pay period ending immediately prior to January 1, 2014 (“Effective Date”) as provided in Section 16.2.2. PERS retirees and UPP participants are not eligible to participate in this transition plan.
RETURN TO WORK AGREEMENT. Date: This agreement is executed in connection with the undersigned licensed nurse's participation in the (Employer) Program for Impaired Nurses. It is the purpose of this Agreement to prevent any misunderstanding as to the terms and time specified. This agreement is specifically designed to meet the needs of the facility and the individual and is uniquely adapted to the recovering individual. I, (Nurse), enter into this agreement on the above date with (Employer) and the (Treatment Program). In consideration of my being permitted to continue in, or to return to, the employ of (Employer), I agree to the Terms and Conditions set out in this Agreement. I understand that the Employer agrees to employ me only on these terms and conditions and that failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement shall be grounds for either additional disciplinary action or possible termination. The Terms and Conditions on this Agreement shall remain in force for a period of two (2) years from the above date but are subject to modification if the Employer, in consultation with treatment provider, decides such modification is in the best interest of the Nurse's rehabilitation or necessary to protect the health and safety of clients/patients. I understand and agree that this Agreement does not obligate the Employer to employ me for a two (2) year period and that, except as provided in the Agreement, I am employed on the same terms and conditions as the Employer's other employees. This Agreement consists of this page plus the attached Terms and Conditions for Return to Work, each page of which is initialed by the undersigned parties. Any modification of the printed terms of the Agreement must be approved by (Employer), the undersigned nurse and, if applicable, collective bargaining representative. Executed on the date shown above. Employee's Name Employee's License Number Supervisor's Name Supervisor's Title Counselor's Name (Treatment Program) Counselor's Title Xxxxx's Representative (Collective Bargaining Representative) O:\SPAN\FORMS\Return to work agreemnt.DOC Rev. 3/21/01
RETURN TO WORK AGREEMENT. Employees returning to work following the completion of an approved treatment program will sign a Return-to-Work Agreement with terms established by the Company. This agreement will include, but is not limited to, acceptable work performance standards, continued counseling as recommended by the treatment counselor, willingness to submit to at least one (1) unscheduled substance test within the next twelve (12) month period, and/or an understanding of last-chance nature of the agreement. The Return-to-Work Agreement for an employee who voluntarily enters into the EAP without having been found to have violated this Article shall not include a Last Chance arrangement solely on the basis that the employee voluntarily submitted to the EAP program. The number and timing of unscheduled tests will be at the Company’s sole discretion. Unsuccessful completion of a treatment program, failure to comply with the Return-to-Work Agreement, or testing positive to a subsequent substance test will result in immediate termination.
RETURN TO WORK AGREEMENT. If one of the grounds for disciplinary action was the use of or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the City may require the employee, as a condition of continued employment, to enter into a Return to Work Agreement. The Return to Work Agreement will provide for the protection of the employee's job, provided that: • the employee enters a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program acceptable to both the City and the employee; • the employee successfully completes the program within the prescribed time; • the employee complies with all conditions and directives of the program, including periodic drug testing if applicable; • and such other provisions as may be agreed upon by the City and the employee. Failure of the employee to strictly comply with all the terms and conditions of the Return to Work Agreement shall be grounds for termination of employment, or a lesser sanction at the discretion of the City.
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RETURN TO WORK AGREEMENT. The Agreement is hereby entered into between City of Xxxxxxx (hereinafter referred to as 'City') and (hereinafter referred to as 'Employee'). The purpose of this Agreement is to assist in solving his/her drug/alcohol problem. This Agreement is in no way intended to restrict rights guaranteed City or Employee pursuant to state or federal laws or to the existing terms and conditions of employment. City agrees to suspend its action regarding the discipline of as a result of . As a condition to and in consideration for the suspension of disciplinary action, Employee agrees to enroll in, participate in and complete City's designated Employee Assistance Plan (sometimes referred to herein as the 'Plan'). In the event that the Plan provider directs the Employee to participate in a rehabilitation program (sometimes referred to herein as the 'Program'), either in addition to or in place of participation in the Plan, Employee shall, as a condition to the suspension of disciplinary action, participate in and complete such a Program. Any such Program must be approved in advance by City or the Plan provider. City's Employee Assistance Plan consists of 5 counseling sessions provided to employees to further assess the need for additional treatment. In the event treatment beyond these 5 sessions is directed or required, the cost will be borne by the Employee. Employee will be given 10 weeks in which to successfully complete the Employee Assistance Plan which Employee agrees is a reasonable time in which to complete the Plan. Failure of Employee to successfully complete the Plan within this time period, unless excused for good cause by City or the Plan provider, may constitute a failure to comply with this Agreement. If during or upon completion of the Employee Assistance Plan, the Plan provider determines that Employee requires further treatment, Employee shall be notified, and Employee shall thereupon make such arrangements for such further treatment. Employee understands and agrees to follow the instructions given by and conditions set by the treatment provider in order to complete the Plan or Program, as the case may be. Employee understands that refusal to cooperate in any way with the Plan or Program provider for purposes of treatment, including failing to attend treatment sessions, will constitute a violation of this Agreement. Employee further understands that City will be in contact with treatment provider in order to verify Employee's compliance with this Agreemen...
RETURN TO WORK AGREEMENT. The parties agree to enter into a new Return to Work Agreement as of May 1, 2022, under which the terms of Parts I and II of the Return to Work Agreement as of July 19, 2021, as modified by the letter agreement dated February 15, 2022, shall be further modified as indicated below. The Agreement shall expire on July 15, 2022. Modifications toPart II” of the July 19, 2021 Return to Work Agreement to be Incorporated in the May 1, 2022 Return to Work Agreement:


  • Return to Work (a) The parties recognize the duty of reasonable accommodation for individuals under the Human Rights Code of Ontario and agree that this Collective Agreement will be interpreted in such a way as to permit the Employer and the Union to discharge that duty. To that end, the Home and the Union agree to cooperate in complying with the Ontario Human Rights Code.

  • Return to Work Program When feasible, the Employer will provide alternative work opportunities to employees injured on the job. The Employer shall work closely with the employee and his/her physician to determine if and when the employee can return to modified duty, and what assignments and/or activity level restrictions must be adhered to.

  • Return to Work Programs (a) The parties recognize that prevention of injuries and rehabilitation of injured employees are equally important goals. The parties further recognize that return to work programs are part of a continuum of injury prevention and rehabilitation.

  • Returning to Work (a) Returning to work early

  • Failure to Return to Work If, upon the expiration of FMLA or CFRA Leave, or any District approved extension thereof including General Leave, an employee fails to return to work and no additional leave has been authorized, the employee shall be considered to have automatically resigned from his or her position. In such cases, the employee will receive advance notification of the District’s intent to implement an automatic resignation.

  • Recall to Work An employee recalled to work overtime after leaving the company’s premises (whether notified before or after leaving the premises) will be paid for a minimum of three hours work at the appropriate rates for each time the employee is so recalled. Except in the case of unforeseen circumstances arising, the employee will not be required to work the full three hours if the job the employee was recalled to perform is completed within a shorter period.

  • Graduated Return to Work Where an Employee is not receiving benefits from another source and is working less than his/her regular working hours in the course of a graduated return-to-work as the Employee recovers from an illness or injury, the Employee may use any unused sick/short term disability allocation remaining, if any, for the portion of the day where the Employee is unable to work due to illness or injury. A partial sick/short term leave day will be deducted for an absence of a partial day in the same proportion as the duration of the absence is to an employee’s regular hours. Where an employee returns on a graduated return to work from a WSIB/LTD claim, and is working less than his/her regular hours, WSIB and LTD will be used to top up the employee’s wages, as approved and if applicable. Where an employee returns on a graduated return to work from an illness which commenced in the previous fiscal year, • and is not receiving benefits from another source; • and is working less than his/her regular hours of work; • and has sick leave days and/or short-term disability days remaining from the previous year The employee can access those remaining days to top up their wages proportional to the hours not worked. Where an employee returns on a graduated return to work from an illness which commenced in the previous fiscal year, • and is not receiving benefits from another source, • and is working less than his/her regular hours of work, • and has no sick leave days and/ or short-term disability days remaining from the previous year, the employee will receive 11 days of sick leave paid at 100% of the new reduced working hours. When the employee’s hours of work increase during the graduated return to work, the employee’s sick leave will be adjusted in accordance with the new schedule. In accordance with paragraph c), the Employee will also be allocated one hundred and twenty (120) short-term disability days payable at ninety percent (90%) of regular salary proportional to the hours scheduled to work under the graduated return to work. The new pro-rated sick/short-term leave allocation may not be used to top-up from part-time to full-time hours.

  • Access to Work District representatives shall at all times have access to the Work, wherever it is, in preparation or in progress. Contractor shall provide safe and proper facilities for such access.

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