Examples of Active status in a sentence
In accordance with sec- tion 202(f) of Public Law 104–303, the Corps will provide a levee owner’s man- ual to the non-Federal sponsor of all flood control works in an Active status in the RIP.
The results of these inspections deter- mine Active status in the RIP, and thus determine eligibility for Rehabili- tation Assistance.
In the event of an issue with a Bidder’s Business Registration Certification Active status, NJSTART provides a link to take corrective action.
A completed Federal flood control project, or com- pleted functional portions thereof, is granted Active status in the RIP upon transfer of the operation and mainte- nance of the project (or functional por- tion thereof) to the non-Federal spon- sor.
Local PTAs which achieve Active status by December 1, are eligible for voting representation at the upcoming National PTA Convention and Texas PTA Annual Meeting .