EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. 19.1 The public has a right to expect efficient, fair, and impartial law enforcement. Therefore, any alleged misconduct by an employee of the UWPD must be thoroughly investigated to assure the maintenance of these qualities. Employees, too, must be protected against false allegations of misconduct and have the assurance that internal investigations will be conducted in a manner conducive to good order and discipline.
19.2 Every employee who is the subject of an internal affairs investigation or who is interviewed relating to a matter that could lead to discipline (dismissal, demotion, suspension without pay, reduction in pay, written reprimand, or verbal reprimand) of him/her shall be entitled to be represented by a designated Union representative of his/her choice. The employee to be interviewed shall be afforded reasonable time prior to the interview to consult with the Union representative.
19.3 Every employee who becomes the subject of an internal investigation shall be advised at the time of the interview who is in charge of the investigation and who will be conducting the interview.
19.4 The investigator shall apprise the employee of the complaint made against him/her, and allow the employee to read the allegations contained in the complaint. A sanitized copy of the complaint may be provided to the employee and the Union, upon request.
19.5 The interview of any employee shall be at a reasonable hour, preferably when the employee is on duty, unless the exigency of the interview dictates otherwise. Whenever possible, interviews will be scheduled during the normal workday of the employee.
19.6 The employee or the Employer may request that the interview be recorded, either mechanically or by a stenographer. There can be no "off the record" questions. Upon request, the employee shall be provided an exact copy of any written statement the employee has signed, a copy of the audio recording, or a verbatim transcript of any interview. Upon written authorization from the employee, the Employer will provide to the Union a copy of any signed statement, copy of the audio recording, or verbatim transcript provided to the employee. The transcript will be provided if a transcript is made.
19.7 Interviewing shall be completed within a reasonable time and the employee shall be entitled to reasonable breaks for personal necessities, meals, telephone calls, consultant with the Union, and rest periods.
19.8 All interviews shall be limited in scope to activities, circumst...
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. A. Pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1975, the Board hereby agrees that every employee shall have the right to organize, join, and support the Association and its affiliates for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations.
B. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he/she may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations.
C. No employee shall be prevented from wearing pins or other identification of membership in the Association or its affiliates.
D. Whenever any employee is required to appear before his/her supervisor for the purpose of formal discipline which could, in the opinion of the supervisor, adversely affect the continuation of that employee's employment, the employee shall be given 48 hours prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting and shall be entitled to representation by a member of the Association.
E. Communications of a professional nature between the administrator and/or Board and an employee, or between employees regarding a student or students, shall remain confidential.
F. Any person who leaves the employ of the Board shall be entitled to request an exit interview, through the Superintendent of Schools, with the Board or sub-committee of the Board, as per Board policy, and shall be entitled to have a member of the Association present.
G. No employee shall be discharged, disciplined, reprimanded or reduced in work or compensation, or deprived of any professional advantage, without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be subject to the grievance procedure herein set forth.
H. Each teacher shall plan and teach course content in the manner he/she considers most practical and useful within the limits of District philosophy, Board policy, approved curriculum, State and Federal laws, and the Administrative Code.
I. Employees shall be notified one day in advance of any maintenance work to be done in their classrooms during the school day. It is understood that repairs which necessitate immediate attention in order to continue usage of the facilities shall be exempt from prior notification.
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. The County shall not hinder or discipline an employee for exercising any rights or benefits provided in the Memorandum of Understanding.
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. A) When such a formal written evaluation is carried out the employee shall be made aware of the evaluation and shall signify in writing awareness of the evaluation. If an employee disagrees with the evaluation, then the employee may object in writing to the evaluation, and such objection shall be retained by the Employer with the evaluation.
B) An employee shall be entitled, upon reasonable notice, access to her personnel file and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall be entitled to inspect the formal written evaluation and all written censures, letters of reprimand and adverse reports of performance evaluations. An employee shall be made aware of all such evaluations, censures, letters and reports and upon written request shall be provided with copies of the same.
C) Any employee who disputes any censure, reprimand or adverse report may have recourse through the grievance procedure and the eventual resolution thereof shall become part of the employee’s personnel record with such amendments or deletions that may be requisite.
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. The employee retains all rights conferred by Section 3500, et seq., of the Government Code or Chapter 2.79 of the Sacramento County Code.
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. 6.1 Employees shall have all rights granted to public employees under California law. Employees shall have the right to form, join, and participate in the activities of employee organizations of their own choosing for the purpose of representation on all matters of employer-employee relations. Employees also have the right to refuse to join or participate in the activities of employee organizations and shall have the right to represent themselves individually in their employment relations with ANAHEIM. No employee shall be interfered with, intimidated, restrained, coerced, or discriminated against by ANAHEIM or by any employee organization because of his/her exercise of these rights.
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. 4.1 The District and the Association recognize the right of employees to form, join, and participate in lawful activities of employee organizations and the equal alternative right of employees to refuse to form, join, and participate in employee organization activities.
4.2 Neither the District nor the Association shall interfere with, intimidate, restrain, coerce, or discriminate against an employee because of the exercise of rights to engage or not to engage in lawful association activity.
4.3 The personnel file of each employee shall be maintained at the District's central administrative office. No adverse action of any kind shall be taken against any employee based upon materials, which are not in the personnel file. The Association recognizes the need for supervisors to have notes or other written materials between evaluation periods, but at the point the contents of such a supervisory file is considered by the supervisor to be grounds for an adverse action, the employee shall be provided with a copy and an opportunity to respond.
4.4 Employees shall be provided with copies of any written material ten (10) working days before it is placed in the bargaining unit member's District Support Center personnel file. The employee shall be given an opportunity during normal working hours and without loss of pay to initial and date the material and to prepare a written response to such material. The written response shall be attached to the material.
4.5 An employee shall have the right at any reasonable time to examine and/or obtain copies of any material from the bargaining unit member's personnel file, with the exception of material that includes ratings, reports, or records which were obtained prior to the employment of the bargaining unit member involved.
4.6 All personnel files shall be kept in confidence and shall be available for inspection only to the other employees of the District when actually necessary in the proper administration of the District's affairs or the supervision of the employee. The District shall keep a log indicating the persons who have examined a personnel file, as well as the date such examinations were made. Such log and the bargaining unit member’s personnel file shall be available for examination by the unit member and the Association representative if authorized by the bargaining unit member. The log shall be maintained in the unit member's personnel file.
4.7 The District agrees to provide, maintain, and replace all tools, un...
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. The Employer's policy recognizes the right of employees:
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. The District and the Association recognize the right of employees to form, join and participate in lawful activities of employee organizations.
EMPLOYEE RIGHTS. A. An employee shall not be discriminated against because of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, age, handicap or marital status. In addition, the parties recognize that sexual harassment detracts from a professional and comfortable working environment. As such, the parties agree to work together toward the elimination of discrimination and sexual harassment from the work place. Employees are encouraged to report any allegations of discrimination or sexual harassment to their administrators or the applicable district-level departments for prompt investigation. Any claims shall be referred to the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and the employee shall retain all rights to pursue his/her claim through the appropriate federal and/or state agency. Employees shall not be retaliated against for appropriately reporting discrimination and/or sexual harassment.
B. The Board agrees that the private and personal life of any employee, including additional employment, are not within the appropriate concern or attention of the Board, provided that these activities do not impair the employee's effectiveness and performance as an employee of the School Board.
C. The Board agrees to comply with Florida Statutes as they relates to actions in tort for damages as a result of the negligent or wrongful act or omission of an employee while acting in the scope of his/her employment. The Board shall not be responsible or liable for the actions of an employee who acts in bad faith or with malicious purpose or in a manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard of human rights, safety or property. Further, if the employee relies on the Board for tort protection the Board may exercise its right to settle any claim for damages brought against the employee in any manner the Board deems appropriate.
D. The Board, upon request by an employee, may determine to provide legal services for employees who are charged with civil or criminal actions arising out of and in the course of the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. However, in any case in which the employee pleads guilty or nolo contendere or is found guilty of any such action, the employee shall reimburse the Board for any legal services which the Board may have supplied pursuant to this provision. Each determination of the Board to expend funds for legal defense of an employee shall be made at a public meeting with notice pursuant to Chapter 120 of the Florida Statutes.
E. An employee shall have the right ...