OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. Employees not covered by the terms of this Agreement will not perform duties normally assigned to those employees who are covered by this Agreement, except for the purposes of instruction, experimentation, or in emergencies when regular employees are not readily available.
OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. Work of the Bargaining Unit
OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. All employees of Eaglebrook Inc. of Canada working in the city of save and except managers, persons above the rank of manager, office, sales, clerical and laboratory staff.
OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. Persons excluded from the bargaining unit shall not perform duties normally performed by employees in the bargaining unit which shall directly cause or result in the lay-off or reduction in hours of work of an employee in the bargaining unit. In the event the Employer plans to change a vacant full-time position to a part-time position, it will advise the Union and discuss its plans with them.
OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. There shall be one, exclusive bargaining unit, recognized by Local 399, for all employers bound by this Agreement for the territorial, and work jurisdiction covered herein. That bargaining unit shall be the Associated Construction Contractors of New Jersey and its affiliates , which shall include all present and future members, and employers for whom the said Association bargains on behalf of or which it represents (all hereinafter referred to as employers). The Association is composed of employers engaged in work, coming under the jurisdiction of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Iron Workers.
OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. Work of the Bargaining Unit Employment Agencies Volunteers Ratio of to Utilization Article Technological Change Article Leaves of Absence Bereavement Leave Education Leave,.,
OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. The Board recognises the Association as the exclusive Bargaining Agent for the Bargaining defined in the Certificates of July March and October (which are attached as appendixes to this Memorandum of Agreement) and any amendments to these certificates.
OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. There shall be one, exclusive bargaining unit, recognized by Local 399, for all employers bound by this Agreement for the territorial, and work jurisdiction covered herein. That bargaining unit shall be the B.C.A. of South Jersey and Associated Construction Contractors of New Jersey, which shall include all present and future members, and employers for whom the said Association bargains or which it represents (all hereinafter referred to as employers). The Association is composed of employers engaged in work, coming under the jurisdiction of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Iron Workers.
OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. Supervisors and persons above the rank of supervisor who are excluded from the bargaining unit shall not perform duties performed by employees in the bargaining unit which shall directly cause or result in the layoff of employeesin the bargaining unit.
OF THE BARGAINING UNIT. Persons excluded from the bargaining unit shall not perform duties normally performed by the employees in the Bargaining Unit which shall directly cause or result in the lay-off or reduction in hours of work of an employee in the Bargaining Unit. In the event the Employer plans to change a vacant full-time position into a part-time position, it will advise the Union and discuss its plans with them. The employer and the union will share equally in any cost of printing of collective agreements.