Personnel Files. An employee, or his/her certified representative with the written consent of the employee, may inspect that employee's personnel file with the exception of all material obtained from other employers and agencies at the time that employee was hired. An employee shall be advised of, and entitled to read, any written statement by the employee's supervisor or departmental Management regarding his/her work performance or conduct if such statement is to be placed in his/her personnel file. The employee shall acknowledge that he/she has read such material by affixing his/her signature on the copy to be filed, with the understanding that such signature merely signifies that he/she has read the material to be filed but does not necessarily indicate agreement with its content. If the employee refuses to sign, the supervisor shall note his/her refusal on the copy to be filed along with the supervisor's signature and the signature of a witness to the employee's refusal to sign. The employee may file a grievance regarding any such document within the prescribed time limits of the grievance procedure. If the employee fails to file a grievance within the designated time limits, the document becomes part of the official file. If the employee does file a grievance within the designated time limits, said document shall not be placed in the official file nor referenced in any Performance Evaluation or Appraisal of Promotability until the grievance procedure or civil service appeal rights have been exhausted. Grievances filed under this provision shall not be subject to the Arbitration provisions of the Grievance Procedure unless they involve violation of a specific provision of this agreement. Management agrees that no properly used full paid sick leave used in the twelve months immediately prior to an Appraisal of Promotability or a Performance Evaluation will be referenced on such forms. The employee may attach his/her statement to any document within twenty (20) business days if he/she chooses not to file a grievance regarding such document or within ten (10) business days following final determination if he/she has filed a grievance regarding such document. On reviewing his/her personnel file, an employee may request and have any written warnings issued more than one year prior placed in an envelope and sealed in his/her personnel file except as such may be a part of an official permanent record. On the face of the sealed envelope it shall read "The contents herein sha...
Personnel Files. All documents, communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed separately from the personnel files of the participants.
Personnel Files. 7.3.1 There shall be a single personnel file for each unit member. Personnel files shall be kept in the central administrative office of the District.
7.3.2 Materials in the personnel file of a unit member, except as noted below, shall be made available for inspection by the unit member involved. Upon authorization by the unit member, an Association representative may review the unit members file or accompany the unit member in his/her review of the file. Materials excluded from inspection shall be ratings; reports on records which were obtained prior to the employment of the unit member involved, were prepared by identifiable examination committee members, or were obtained in connection with a promotional examination or interview. Unit members shall have the right to obtain one copy of personnel file materials, upon request, at no charge to the unit member.
7.3.3 Information of a derogatory nature, except material excluded in accordance with section above, shall not be entered or filed until the unit member is given notice and an opportunity to review and comment thereon. A unit member shall have the right to enter, and have attached to any such derogatory statement, his/her own comments. Such review, and any preparation of comments in response to the information, shall take place during normal business hours, and the unit member shall be released from duty for this purpose without salary reduction.
7.3.4 All material placed in a unit member's personnel file shall be dated and signed by the person who caused the material to be prepared. All material destined for a unit member's personnel file shall be presented to the unit member for his/her signature, which indicates only that the documents have been read and that the right to attach written responses is known, before the material is placed in the personnel file. Failure of the unit member to sign the document shall not prevent its placement in the personnel file.
7.3.5 Access to a unit member's personnel file shall be limited to a "need to know" basis. The contents of all personnel files shall be kept in strictest confidence. The district shall keep a log indicating the dates and names of all persons examining personnel files, except that district office personnel performing administrative personnel functions are not subject to this requirement. Such log shall be available for examination by the unit member or his/her authorized Association representativ...
Personnel Files. 4.1.1 The official personnel file of each unit member shall be maintained at the District's central Human Resources Office.
4.1.2 A unit member shall have the right during normal business hours of the District Administrative Offices to examine and/or obtain a copy, at the unit member’s expense, of any material in her/his official personnel file, except those excluded by law, by appointment with the Human Resources Office. Material not available to the unit member includes, but is not limited to, materials, which were obtained prior to the employment of the unit member.
4.1.3 The official personnel file shall be kept in confidence and shall be available for inspection only by the unit member, her/his representative of AFT (with the unit member’s written permission or when accompanied by the unit member) and authorized administrative employees of the District when actually necessary in the proper administration of the District's affairs or the supervision of the unit member. Any time the unit member’s official personnel file is accessed by anyone other than: a) the unit member; b) her/his representative; or c) an authorized District employee conducting routine District business who serves under the direction of the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources; the unit member shall be notified of such access. Said notification shall include the name and title of the administrative official accessing the official file and the reason for such access. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent compliance with a valid court order or subpoena, although the unit member shall be noticed if such a request occurs.
4.1.4 Material derogatory to a unit member’s conduct, performance, or character, shall not be entered in a unit member's personnel file unless and until the unit member is provided a copy. A unit member has a right to have a written response attached to such derogatory material and placed in her/his official personnel file. A unit member has the right to respond in writing within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the material or disciplinary letter and to have that response attached to the letter. The unit member may forward a copy of her/his rebuttal to Human Resources, Attn: Employee Relations, to insure the rebuttal is included in the unit member’s personnel file.
4.1.5 Upon the request of the unit member, all materials, except those materials referenced in Section 4.
Personnel Files. Section 11.01 There will be established and maintained one official personnel file on each faculty member. This file will be maintained in the Office of Human Resources.
Section 11.02 Access to the official personnel file shall be available during regular business hours to the faculty member and/or representative upon request to the Director of the Office of Human Resources or designee. The review of such personnel file shall be in the presence of the Director of the Office of Human Resources or designee. Neither the file nor any part thereof shall be removed from the College’s offices.
Section 11.03 Faculty shall be informed of any complaint by a student or member of the public which is directed toward them and which will become a matter of record.
Section 11.04 Anonymous letters or materials shall not be placed in the faculty member’s file nor shall they be made a matter of record. Each faculty member shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of the personnel file. A representative of the NCSFA-AAUP may, at the faculty member’s request accompany the member to such a review.
Section 11.05 Each faculty member shall have the right to dispute the accuracy, relevancy, timeliness or completeness of information contained in the file. Each faculty member shall also have the right to request in writing that such disputed materials be removed from the file. Such a request shall specifically identify the material objected to and the basis of the dispute. When such a challenge is made, a reasonable investigation of the disputed information shall be conducted by the Chief Academic Officer or designee. Any determination will be made by the Chief Academic Officer or acting Chief Academic Officer. Any information which cannot be verified or is found to be inaccurate by the College will be deleted.
Section 11.06 Should it be determined that the disputed information should not be removed, the faculty member will be permitted to include in the file a written statement of position and a notation that protests that the disputed information is inaccurate, irrelevant, or incomplete.
Section 11.07 The faculty member may be charged actual cost for any copies of materials placed in or requested from the personnel file.
Personnel Files. Teacher files shall be maintained in accordance with the following procedures:
A. No material related to a teacher's conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in the file unless it is signed by the person submitting the information. The teacher shall be given the opportunity to acknowledge that he/she has read such material by affixing one's signature on the actual copy to be filed with the understanding that such signature merely signifies that he/she has read the material to be filed and does not necessarily indicate agreement with its contents. No such material shall be used in a hearing against a teacher unless an opportunity for such review has been afforded. A teacher's refusal to sign will be noted by an administrator and a witness. If the item has been sent to the teacher by “Certified Restricted Mail”, then the certified mail receipt may be attached to the item in lieu of the teacher’s signature on the copy.
B. The teacher shall have the right to answer any material filed and the answer shall be attached to the file copy. The appropriate administrator or supervisor shall affix his/her signature to the reply indicating that such reply was read and noted.
C. A teacher shall be permitted to examine his/her files at all reasonable times. A designee of the Superintendent shall be present at all times. A one-time copy of any document filed shall be provided the teacher with the exception of confidential references. Additional copies may be provided at cost.
D. A teacher's file shall be open to inspection by only those persons whose official responsibilities require such inspection.
E. The Office of Human Resources and Employee Relations shall continue to place in a teacher's file information of positive nature indicating special competencies, achievements, performances or contributions of an academic, professional or civic nature.
F. Letters of personal references received prior to initial employment are confidential and not subject to review.
G. Adverse material properly placed in a teacher's file and not acted upon within two (2) years may be removed upon request by the teacher unless it relates to a substantiated issue involving the abuse or sexual harassment of either a student or fellow employee or an issue involving drug abuse or alcohol abuse that has a direct impact upon job performance. Materials related to abuse or sexual harassment or those involving drug abuse or alcohol abuse related to job performance may be removed upon r...
Personnel Files. The personnel file of each unit member shall be maintained at the District's central administration office. No dismissal action shall be taken against a permanent unit member based upon events or circumstances which are not reflected in materials in the central administration office personnel file, unless the action is based upon materials originated by another governmental agency.
17.1 Unit members shall be provided with copies of any derogatory written statements five (5) workdays before it is placed in the unit member's personnel file. Full time permanent unit members shall be given up to two (2) hours during normal working hours and without loss of pay to prepare a written response for each issuance of derogatory documentation. The written response shall be attached to the material. Such release time must be utilized no later than forty-five (45) calendar days after the issuance of derogatory documentation. Such leave may only be used in maximum blocks of two (2) hours per day.
17.2 A unit member shall have the right to claim unpaid released time to examine and/or obtain copies of any material from the unit member's personnel file with the exception of material that includes ratings, reports, or records which were obtained prior to the employment of the unit member involved, or the results of any form of promotional examination.
17.3 The District shall keep a log indicating the persons other than unit members in the Personnel Department who have examined a personnel file as well as the date such examinations were made. Such log and the unit member's personnel file shall be available for examination by the unit member or the CSEA representative if authorized in writing by the unit member. The log shall be maintained in the unit member's file. Access to unit members' personnel files shall be restricted to persons on official District business.
17.4 Any person who places written material or drafts written material for placement in a unit member's file shall sign the material and signify the date on which such material was drafted.
Personnel Files. 34.1 A personnel file exists as a record of an individual’s employment history, achievements, and activities. The CCSNH shall maintain one official personnel file for each covered employee. This file shall be maintained at the CCSNH Human Resources Office under the custody of the CCSNH Director of Human Resources. The contents of personnel files shall include documents used to support personnel actions such as, compensation, benefits, performance evaluations and related documentation, counseling letters, disciplinary actions, training, licensure, certification, awards, commendations, and other employment records or employment-related correspondence. The existence of the official personnel file shall not preclude duplicative or non-official files, but any such files shall not be considered the official file of the employee. In the event that information is omitted, absent, or missing from his/her personnel file, the employee shall be able to submit such information to the CCSNH Human Resources Office and the same shall be included in such personnel file.
34.2 Medical records shall not be part of the employee’s official personnel file. A separate file shall be maintained by the CCSNH Human Resources Office for documents including medical records obtained in the course of employment including any permitted drug or alcohol testing; first reports of injury; applications and memos of payments related to workers’ compensation benefits; and requests for reasonable accommodations. Such files shall be available to the employee for inspection and copying.
34.3 Documents obtained or generated during the course of an investigation involving a covered employee shall be maintained in a confidential manner in a separate file from the employee’s official personnel file. Investigative documents pertaining to allegations that are determined to be unfounded shall be stored confidentially by the CCSNH Director of Human Resources for a period of five (5) years. After five (5) years, all such investigative documents shall be destroyed if there have been not further incidents within the five (5) year time period. However, any discipline or counseling resulting from such investigation shall be included in the employee’s official personnel file as set forth in Section 34.1 above and Article 15 of this Agreement.
34.4 Documentation pertaining to disciplinary actions that are reversed or overturned through the process of formal or informal settlement shall be removed from the employe...
Personnel Files. 1. An employee, upon written request to or after prior arrangement with the State Bureau of Human Resources, or the appropriate official at his/her work location or in his/her agency, shall be permitted to review his/her personnel files. Such review shall take place during normal office hours and shall be conducted under the supervision of the appropriate records custodian or agency representative. An employee may review his/her personnel files at reasonable times during his/her regular work hours if such review does not require travel out of the normal work area. An employee shall be allowed to place in such file a response of reasonable length to anything contained therein which the employee deems to be adverse.
2. An employee's personnel file shall include, but not be limited to, all memoranda and documents relating to such employee which contain commendations, employee performance appraisals or ratings and records of training programs completed.
3. Upon request an employee shall be provided a copy of any or all materials in his/her personnel files. Copies of material added to the employee's personal file after the effective date of this Agreement shall be furnished at the State's expense and sent to each employee simultaneously with it being placed in his/her personnel file.
4. Upon request of an employee, records of reprimands, written warnings and preventable accident reports shall be removed from personnel files after three (3) years from the date of the occurrence provided that the employee has had no further disciplinary action since that date. Upon request of an employee, records of suspensions and disciplinary demotions shall be removed from personnel files after five (5) years from the date of the occurrence provided that the employee has had no further disciplinary action since that date. However, records of disciplinary suspensions resulting from patient/client abuse, neglect or mistreatment shall not be removed from personnel files under the provisions of this paragraph.
Personnel Files. All evaluations and files generated within the District relating to each employee shall be available during regular school business hours to each individual employee upon reasonable notice. The employee shall have the right to reproduce any of the contents of the files at the employee’s expense, and to submit for inclusion in the file written information in response to any material contained therein. The District may destroy such files as provided by law.