THE SPONSOR WILL a. To the maximum extent practicable, consult with and use the people of the community to be served by AmeriCorps VISTA members in planning, developing, and implementing the project.
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THE SPONSOR WILL. Notify the Department in writing who the Sponsor designates as its full-time employee to be in responsible charge of the day to day oversight of the Project (Form LPA-005). If the designated full time employee changes, the Sponsor must notify the Department by resubmitting Form LPA-005. The duties and functions of this person are: Oversee project activities, including those dealing with cost, time, adherence to contract requirements, construction quality and scope of Federal-aid projects; Maintain familiarity of day to day project operations, including project safety issues; Make or participate in decisions about changed conditions or scope changes that require change orders and/or supplemental agreements; During construction, visit and review the project on a daily basis; Review financial processes, transactions, and documentation to ensure that safeguards are in place to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse; Direct project staff, Sponsor or consultant, to carry out project administration and contract oversight, including proper documentation; Be aware of the qualifications, assignments and on-the-job performance of the Sponsor and consultant staff at all stages of the project. Prepare plans, specifications, and a cost estimate for construction. A registered professional engineer must sign the plans and specifications for the Project. (See Form LPA-003 for items to be included in the bid proposal.) Be responsible for any necessary coordination with effected railroads including preliminary and final plan review and for executing any formal railroad maintenance and construction agreements that may be necessary for the project. This includes ensuring that potential bidders are aware of railroad coordination required during construction including flagging services and insurance. Complete the process for all permits that might be required for the project. This could include, but is not limited to, the US Army Corp of Engineers Section 404 permit; and the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality’s Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Short Term Activity Authorization, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. The Section 404 permitting application(s) and/or determination information should be submitted with the plans to the Department in order to aid in the completion of the environmental documentation. Provide any necessary higher levels of investigation for the required environmental document should the Project have uncertain or signific...
THE SPONSOR WILL. Initially submit to the Department $1,000 (20%) to be matched by $4,000 (80%) Federal-aid funds for Department administrative costs associated with state preliminary engineering, which include but are not limited to, on site meetings, environmental review, and plan and specification review. The Sponsor’s final cost for this phase will be determined by actual Department charges to preliminary engineering. Be responsible for hiring a consultant engineering firm(s) in accordance with the Local Agency Consultant Selection Procedures (Form LPA-002) to provide engineering services which include environmental documentation, preliminary engineering, and construction engineering for the Project. NOTE: FHWA authorization and Department approval must be given prior to issuing a work order to the consultant for federal funds to be allowed in this phase. Prepare plans, specifications, and a cost estimate for construction. A registered professional engineer must sign the plans and specifications for the Project. (See Form LPA-003 for items to be included in the bid proposal.) Make periodic payments to the consultant for preliminary engineering for the Project and request reimbursement from the Department. Reimbursement requests should be submitted, at minimum, every three (3) months and not more than once per month. Understand that expenditures for preliminary or construction engineering performed by the Sponsor’s forces are not eligible for reimbursement with federal funds. Prepare the necessary environmental documentation as required by FHWA and conduct any required public involvement meetings and public hearings. Ensure that the plans and specifications are developed using the Department’s standard drawings and Standard Specifications for Highway Construction (latest edition). Ensure that the plans and specifications comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) design standards, and all other applicable state and federal regulations, including airport clearance when necessary, for the type of work involved. Before acquiring property or relocating utilities, contact the Department’s Right of Way Division to obtain the procedures for acquiring right-of-way and adjusting utilities in compliance with federal regulations. NOTE: Failure to notify the Department prior to initiating these phases of work may result in all project expenditures being declared non‑participating in federal f...
THE SPONSOR WILL. 1. Contract for the works described in Section A and provide for their completion on or before the date specified in the Notice to Proceed letter. No work shall commence until the Notice to Proceed (NTP) letter is issued. The Sponsor will provide NRCS a copy of each solicitation (invitation for Bids, Request for Quotations, etc.) bid abstract, and awarded contract associated with the work. Competitive procedures must be used to ensure a fair and reasonable price is obtained for any services supporting the works of improvement. The project completion date will be specified in the Notice to Proceed.


  • Exchange Administrator The entity selected by Freddie Mac to act as its exchange administrator for the Exchangeable Notes and the MAC Notes, which as of the Closing Date is U.S. Bank.

  • Selection of Representatives a) Each central party and the Crown shall select its own representatives to the Committee.

  • Global Agent and Exchange Administrator The Global Agent acts solely as a fiscal agent of Xxxxxxx Mac with respect to the Original Notes (and of the Exchange Administrator with respect to the MAC Notes) and does not assume any obligation or relationship of agency or trust for or with any Holder of an Original Note, except that any moneys held by the Global Agent for payment on an Original Note shall be held in trust for the Holder. The Global Agent does not assume any obligation or relationship of agency or trust for, or with, any Holder of an Original Note.

  • Final Report The Recipient shall Prepare a Final Report for this Agreement in accordance with the approved Final Report Outline, Style Manual, and Final Report Template provided by the CAM with the following considerations: o Ensure that the report includes the following items, in the following order:  Cover page (required)  Credits page on the reverse side of cover with legal disclaimer (required)  Acknowledgements page (optional)  Preface (required)  Abstract, keywords, and citation page (required)  Table of Contents (required, followed by List of Figures and List of Tables, if needed)  Executive summary (required)  Body of the report (required)  References (if applicable)  Glossary/Acronyms (If more than 10 acronyms or abbreviations are used, it is required.)  Bibliography (if applicable)  Appendices (if applicable) (Create a separate volume if very large.)  Attachments (if applicable) o Ensure that the document is written in the third person. o Ensure that the Executive Summary is understandable to the lay public.  Briefly summarize the completed work. Succinctly describe the project results and whether or not the project goals were accomplished.  Identify which specific ratepayers can benefit from the project results and how they can achieve the benefits.  If it’s necessary to use a technical term in the Executive Summary, provide a brief definition or explanation when the technical term is first used.

  • ICANN testing registrar Registry Operator agrees that ICANN will have a testing registrar used for purposes of measuring the SLRs described above. Registry Operator agrees to not provide any differentiated treatment for the testing registrar other than no billing of the transactions. ICANN shall not use the registrar for registering domain names (or other registry objects) for itself or others, except for the purposes of verifying contractual compliance with the conditions described in this Agreement. SPECIFICATION 11 PUBLIC INTEREST COMMITMENTS

  • Final Report Outline The Recipient shall Prepare a Final Report Outline in accordance with the Energy Commission Style Manual provided by the CAM. Recipient Products: • Final Report Outline (draft and final) CAM Product: • Energy Commission Style Manual • Comments on Draft Final Report Outline • Acceptance of Final Report Outline

  • To the Administrator An Administrator Expenses Payment not to exceed $ except for a showing of good cause and as approved by the Court. To the extent the Administration Expenses are less or the Court approves payment less than $ , the Administrator will retain the remainder in the Net Settlement Amount.

  • Instructions to the Trustee All orders, requests, and instructions by the Grantor to the Trustee shall be in writing, signed by or such other designees as the Grantor may designate by amendment to this agreement. The Trustee shall be fully protected in acting without inquiry in accordance with the Grantor's orders, requests, and instructions. All orders, requests, and instructions by the Agency to the Trustee shall be in writing, signed by the Agency’s Secretary or Executive Director, or designee, and the Trustee shall act and shall be fully protected in acting in accordance with such orders, requests, and instructions. The Trustee shall have the right to assume, in the absence of written notice to the contrary, that no event constituting a change or a termination of the authority of any person to act on behalf of the Grantor or the Agency hereunder has occurred. The Trustee shall have no duty to act in the absence of such orders, requests, and instructions from the Grantor and/or the Agency, except as provided for herein.

  • Settlement Administrator 52. The Settlement Administrator shall administer various aspects of the Settlement as described in the next Paragraph and perform such other functions as are specified for the Settlement Administrator elsewhere in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, providing Mail Notice to Settlement Class Members as described in Section VII; effecting Publication Notice; establishing and operating the Settlement Website and a toll-free number; administering the Claims processes; and distributing cash payments according to the processes and criteria set forth in Section X and Exhibits 5, 6, and 7.

  • Instructions for Certification – First Tier Participants a. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective first tier participant is providing the certification set out below.

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