Foreclosure Sample Clauses

Foreclosure. Enforce any security interest or lien given or provided for under this Agreement or under any security agreement, mortgage, deed of trust or other document, in such manner and such order, as to all or any part of the properties subject to such security interest or lien, as the Bank, in its sole judgment, deems to be necessary or appropriate and the Borrower hereby waives any and all rights, obligations or defenses now or hereafter established by law relating to the foregoing. In the enforcement of its security interest or lien, the Bank is authorized to enter upon the premises where any Collateral is located and take possession of the Collateral or any part thereof, together with the Borrower's records pertaining thereto, or the Bank may require the Borrower to assemble the Collateral and records pertaining thereto and make such Collateral and records available to the Bank at a place designated by the Bank. The Bank may sell the Collateral or any portions thereof, together with all additions, accessions and accessories thereto, giving only such notices and following only such procedures as are required by law, at either a public or private sale, or both, with or without having the Collateral present at the time of the sale, which sale shall be on such terms and conditions and conducted in such manner as the Bank determines in its sole judgment to be commercially reasonable. Any deficiency which exists after the disposition or liquidation of the Collateral shall be a continuing liability of the Borrower to the Bank and shall be immediately paid by the Borrower to the Bank.
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Foreclosure. Beneficiary may institute any one or more actions of foreclosure against all or any part of the Property, or take such other action at law, equity or by contract for the enforcement of this Deed of Trust and realization on the security herein or elsewhere provided for, as the law may allow, and may proceed therein to final judgment and execution for the entire unpaid balance of the Liabilities. The unpaid balance of any judgment shall bear interest at the greater of (a) the statutory rate provided for judgments, or (b) the rate borne by the Securities. Without limiting the foregoing, Beneficiary may cause the foreclosure of this Deed of Trust and exercise its rights as a secured party for all or any portion of the Liabilities which are then due and payable, subject to the continuing lien of this Deed of Trust for the balance not then due and payable. In case of any sale of the Property by judicial proceedings, the Property may be sold in one parcel or in such parcels, manner or order as Beneficiary in its sole discretion may elect. Grantor, for itself and anyone claiming by, through or under it, hereby agrees that Beneficiary shall in no manner, in law or in equity, be limited, except as herein provided, in the exercise of its rights in the Property or in any other security hereunder or otherwise appertaining to the Liabilities or any other obligation secured by this Deed of Trust, whether by any statute, rule or precedent which may otherwise require said security to be marshalled in any manner and Grantor, for itself and others as aforesaid, hereby expressly waives and releases any right to or benefit thereof. The failure to make any tenant a defendant to a foreclosure proceeding shall not be asserted by Grantor as a defense in any proceeding instituted by Beneficiary to collect the Liabilities or any deficiency remaining unpaid after the foreclosure sale of the Property.
Foreclosure. In the event that the Trust obtains, through foreclosure on a Mortgage or otherwise, the right to receive title to a Mortgaged Property, the Special Servicer, as its agent, shall direct the appropriate party to deliver title to the REO Property to the Trustee or its nominee. The Special Servicer may consult with counsel to determine when an Acquisition Date shall be deemed to occur under the REMIC Provisions with respect to the Mortgaged Property, the expense of such consultation being treated as a Servicing Advance related to the foreclosure, subject to the provisions of Section 4.4 hereof. The Special Servicer, on behalf of the Trust (and the holder of the related B Note if in connection with an A/B Mortgage Loan and the holder of the related Serviced Companion Mortgage Loan if in connection with a Loan Pair), shall sell the REO Property expeditiously, but in any event within the time period, and subject to the conditions, set forth in Section 9.15. Subject to Section 9.15, the Special Servicer shall manage, conserve, protect and operate the REO Property for the holders of beneficial interests in the Trust (and the holder of the related B Note if in connection with an A/B Mortgage Loan and the holder of the related Serviced Companion Mortgage Loan if in connection with a Loan Pair) solely for the purpose of its prompt disposition and sale.
Foreclosure. If the Trust obtains, through foreclosure on a Mortgage or otherwise, the right to receive title to a Mortgaged Property (other than any Mortgaged Property relating to any Non-Serviced Mortgage Loan), the Special Servicer, as its agent, shall direct the appropriate party to deliver title to the related REO Property to the Trustee or its nominee. The Special Servicer may consult with counsel to determine when an Acquisition Date shall be deemed to occur under the REMIC Provisions with respect to the Mortgaged Property, the expense of such consultation being treated as a Servicing Advance related to the foreclosure, subject to the provisions of Section 4.4 hereof. The Special Servicer, on behalf of the Trust (and the holder of the related B Note if in connection with an A/B Whole Loan and the holder of the related Serviced Companion Loan if in connection with a Loan Pair), shall sell such REO Property expeditiously, but in any event within the time period, and subject to the conditions, set forth in Section 9.15. Subject to Section 9.15, the Special Servicer shall manage, conserve, protect and operate such REO Property for the holders of beneficial interests in the Trust (and the holder of the related B Note if in connection with an A/B Whole Loan and the holder of the related Serviced Companion Loan if in connection with a Loan Pair) solely for the purpose of its prompt disposition and sale. In connection with causing the Trust to foreclose on collateral that consists of multiple properties held for sale to customers by the Mortgagor (such as unsold condominium units in a single project), the Special Servicer shall consider the effect of the bidding price for the properties on the tax basis of such properties if such properties are likely to be treated in the hands of the Trust as properties held for sale to customers.
Foreclosure. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, the entire unpaid Indebtedness shall, at the option of Beneficiary (to be exercised at any time that said Event of Default continues to exist), become immediately due and payable for all purposes without any notice or demand, except as required by law (ALL OTHER NOTICE OF THE EXERCISE OF SUCH OPTION BEING HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVED), and Beneficiary may, in addition to exercising any rights it may have with respect to the Personal Property under the Uniform Commercial Code of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located, institute proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction to foreclose this instrument as a mortgage, or to enforce any of the covenants hereof, or Trustee or Beneficiary may, either personally or by agent or attorney in fact, enter upon and take possession of the Property and may manage, rent or lease the Property or any portion thereof upon such terms as Beneficiary may deem expedient, and collect, receive and receipt for all rentals and other income therefrom and apply the sums so received as hereinafter provided in case of sale. Trustee is hereby further authorized and empowered, either after or without such entry, to sell and dispose of the Property en masse or in separate parcels (as Trustee may think best), and all the right, title and interest of Grantor, by advertisement or in any manner provided by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located (GRANTOR HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO A HEARING PRIOR TO SUCH SALE), and to issue, execute and deliver a deed of conveyance, all as then may be provided by law; and Trustee shall, out of the proceeds or avails of such sale, after first paying and retaining all fees, charges, costs of advertising the Property and of making said sale, and attorney's fees as herein provided, pay to Beneficiary or the legal holder of the Indebtedness the amount thereof, including all sums advanced or expended by Beneficiary or the legal holder of the Indebtedness, with interest from date of advance or expenditure at the Default Rate (as defined in the Note), rendering the excess, if any, as provided by law; such sale or sales and said deed or deeds so made shall be a perpetual bar, both in law and equity, against Grantor and the heirs, successors and assigns of Grantor, and all other persons claiming the Property aforesaid, or any part thereof by, from, through or under Grantor. The legal holder of the Indebtedness may purchase the Propert...
Foreclosure. The Lender is responsible for determining who the necessary parties are to any foreclosure action or who should be named on a deed of conveyance taken in lieu of foreclosure. When the conveyance is received and the property is liquidated, the net proceeds will be applied to the guaranteed loan debt. If USDA has repurchased the guaranteed portion of the loan from the Holder, the Lender must obtain USDA’s concurrence to any foreclosure action to be taken by the Lender; however, USDA will not be considered to be a necessary party to the action or otherwise required to join in.
Foreclosure. Upon the occurrence of a default, Trustee, or his successor or substitute, is authorized and empowered and it shall be his special duty at the request of Holder to sell the Property or any part thereof situated in the State of Texas, at the courthouse of any county (whether or not the counties in which the Property is located are contiguous, if the Property is located in more than one county) in the State of Texas in which any part of the Property is situated, at public venue to the highest bidder for cash between the hours of ten o'clock a.m. and four o'clock p.m. on the first Tuesday in any month or at such other place, time and date as provided by the statutes of the State of Texas then in force governing sales of real estate under powers of sale conferred by deed of trust, after having given notice of such sale in accordance with such statutes. Any sale made by Trustee hereunder may be as an entirety or in such parcels as Holder may request. To the extent permitted by applicable law, any sale may be adjourned by announcement at the time and place appointed for such sale without further notice except as may be required by law. The sale by Trustee of less than the whole of the Property shall not exhaust the power of sale herein granted, and Trustee is specifically empowered to make successive sale or sales under such power until the whole of the Property shall be sold; and, if the proceeds of such sale of less than the whole of the Property shall be less than the aggregate of the Secured Indebtedness and the expense of executing this trust as provided herein, this Deed of Trust and the lien hereof shall remain in full force and effect as to the unsold portion of the Property just as though no sale had been made; provided, however, that Grantor shall never have any right to require the sale of less than the whole of the Property but Holder shall have the right, at its sole election, to request Trustee to sell less than the whole of the Property. Trustee may, after any request or direction by Holder, sell not only the real property but also the Collateral and other interests which are a part of the Property, or any part thereof, as a unit and as a part of a single sale, or may sell any part of the Property separately from the remainder of the Property. It shall not be necessary for Trustee to have taken possession of any part of the Property or to have present or to exhibit at any sale any of the Collateral. After each sale, Trustee shall make to the purch...
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Foreclosure. In accordance with Accepted Servicing Practices, Countrywide shall use reasonable efforts to foreclose upon or otherwise comparably convert the ownership of properties securing such of the Mortgage Loans as come into and continue in default and as to which no satisfactory arrangements can be made for collection of delinquent payments. Countrywide shall use reasonable efforts to realize upon defaulted Mortgage Loans, in such manner as will maximize the receipt of principal and interest by the Purchaser, taking into account, among other things, the timing of foreclosure proceedings. The foregoing is subject to the provisions that, in any case in which Mortgaged Property shall have suffered damage, Countrywide shall not be required to expend its own funds toward the restoration of such property unless it shall determine in its discretion (i) that such restoration will increase the proceeds of liquidation of the related Mortgage Loan to the Purchaser after reimbursement to itself for such expenses, and (ii) that such expenses will be recoverable by Countrywide through PMI Proceeds, Government Insurance Proceeds, Other Insurance Proceeds or Liquidation Proceeds from the related Mortgaged Property. Countrywide shall notify the Purchaser in writing of the commencement of foreclosure proceedings. Such notice may be contained in the reports prepared by Countrywide and delivered to the Purchaser pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Countrywide shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by it in any foreclosure proceedings; provided, however, that it shall be entitled to reimbursement thereof from proceeds from the related Mortgaged Property. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in connection with a foreclosure or acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, in the event Countrywide has reasonable cause to believe that a Mortgaged Property is contaminated by hazardous or toxic substances or wastes, or if the Purchaser otherwise requests an environmental inspection or review of such Mortgaged Property, such an inspection or review is to be conducted by a qualified inspector. The cost for such inspection or review shall be borne by the Purchaser. Upon completion of the inspection or review, Countrywide shall promptly provide the Purchaser with a written report of the environmental inspection. After reviewing the environmental inspection report, the Purchaser shall determine how Countrywide shall proceed with respec...
Foreclosure. Upon the occurrence of a Default, Trustee, his successor or substitute, is authorized and empowered and it shall be his special duty at the request of Noteholder to sell the Mortgaged Property or any part thereof situated in the State of Texas at the courthouse of any county in the State of Texas in which any part of the Mortgaged Property is situated, at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash. The sale shall take place at such area of the courthouse as shall be properly designated from time to time by the commissioners court (or, if not so designated by the commissioners court, at the courthouse door) of the specified county, between the hours of 10 o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. (the commencement of such sale to occur within three hours following the time designated in the hereinafter described notice of sale as the earliest time at which such sale shall occur, if required by Applicable Laws) on the first Tuesday in any month after having given notice of such sale at least twenty-one (21) days before the day of sale of the time, place and terms of said sale (including the earliest time at which such sale shall occur) in accordance with the statutes of the State of Texas then in force governing sales of real estate under powers conferred by deeds of trust. Notice of a sale of all or part of the Mortgaged Property by Trustee shall be given by posting written notice thereof at the courthouse door (or other area in the courthouse as may be designated for such public notices) of the county in which the sale is to be made, and by filing a copy of the notice in the office of the county clerk of the county in which the sale is to be made at least twenty-one (21) days preceding the date of the sale, and if the Mortgaged Property to be sold is in more than one county, a notice shall be posted at the courthouse door and filed with the county clerk of each county in which the Mortgaged Property is situated. In addition, Noteholder shall, at least twenty-one (21) days preceding the date of sale, serve written notice of the proposed sale by certified mail on Grantor and each debtor obligated to pay the Indebtedness or any portion thereof according to the records of Noteholder. Service of such notice shall be completed upon deposit of the notice, enclosed in a postpaid certified mail wrapper, properly addressed to Grantor and each such debtor at the most recent address as shown by the records of Noteholder, in a post office or official depository under the care ...
Foreclosure. In the case of any foreclosure, the immediate successor in interest in the property pursuant to the foreclosure shall assume such interest subject to the lease between the prior owner and the tenant and to the HAP contract between the prior owner and the PHA for the occupied unit. This provision does not affect any State or local law that provides longer time periods or other additional protections for tenants. This provision will sunset on December 31, 2012 unless extended by law.
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