Examples of Power of Sale in a sentence
The parties hereto are cognizant of and acknowledge the Oklahoma Power of Sale Mortgage Foreclosure Act which went into effect November 1, 1986.
PROVIDED ALWAYS that before making any such entry or taking possession as aforesaid or making any sale, calling in, collection or conversion under the aforesaid power in that behalf (hereinafter referred to as the "Power of Sale"), the Trustee shall give written notice of their intention to the Company.
The statutory powers of leasing conferred on the Security Trustee shall be extended so as to authorise the Security Trustee to lease and make agreements for leases at a premium or otherwise, to accept surrenders of leases and to grant options on such terms as the Security Trustee shall consider expedient and without the need to observe any of the provisions of sections 99 and 100 Law of Property Xxx 0000, and Clause 8.2 (Power of Sale) shall operate as a variation and extension of section 101 of such Act.
FORM Mortgagee's sale of real estate By virtue of and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed given by .................
Such Statutory Power of Sale shall be in addition to all rights and remedies set forth herein or available under applicable law.