AND RETIREMENT. It is recognized for this Article seniority will be based upon date of hire. Provided that there remain on the job employees who have the ability and qualifications as required by law to perform the work, the Employer shall first lay-off probationary employees, and if further layoffs are necessary, lay-off employees in the reverse order of their seniority within their classification within the bargaining unit. An employee receiving layoff notice may:
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AND RETIREMENT. 30.1 All employees shall be required to participate in the Local Authorities Board Pension Plan. The date of eligibility for participation in the Plan shall be upon the employee having completed twelve (12) months of continuous employment with the Board. The Plan shall apply to all full-time employees, and part-time employees who work a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week, excluding hours worked as noon hour assistant. Term employees are also eligible to participate, unless excluded by the conditions of the Plan.
AND RETIREMENT. When an employee has completed more than one (1) year of continuous service and ceases to be employed by reason of incapacity or incompetence, he or she is entitled to severance (as per clause 14.13). When an employee retires from the Authority at age fifty-five or over, he or she is entitled to severance (as per clause 14.13).
AND RETIREMENT. The parties hereby agree that the Region will provide the following employee benefit program with premiums payable by the Region, except as noted, to all full-time
AND RETIREMENT. All members shall participate in the final average earnings basic pension plan under the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System The Board and each member shall contribute the amount required under the legislation and regulations. The parties agree that no member retire later than age sixty (60). The Basic and Types I and Plans shall be administered consistent with the Rules and Regulations of the Pension Plan. Any member of the Service may establish credited service in the existing pension provisions for all or part of active military service in His or Her Majesty's military, naval or air forces in World War or the Korean War, in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act and Regulations; the application for such credited military service will be in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act and Regulations. On the condition that "past service" (as defined below) can be treated as credited service under and on the condition that there is no cost whatsoever to the Board or the Regional Municipality in the member purchasing such past service, the Board agrees to endeavour to obtain from for those members applying within time limits and pursuant to procedures established by or the supplemental optional service coverage for a member's past service as follows:
AND RETIREMENT. The Employer shall maintain the Group Life Insurance Plan, or a Plan providing at least equal benefits, in effect the time of the signing of this Agreement during the life of Agreement for full-time employees who have completed their probationary period. Such are participate in The Globe and Mail Group Plan. An employee may coverage or equal to and one-half his annual base rate his annual salary at base rate. The Company will pay the cost of the first of coverage. For coverage in of the employee pay of the premium cost per thousand dollars of insurance and the Company shall pay the balance. The Canadian Newspapers Bargaining and Hourly Employees' Retirement Plan The Globe and Mail Division providing a retirement program for employees now by this Agreement shall be continued by the Employer during the life of this Agreement. The Employer agrees to during the of the Agreement payment of the Employer's matching contribution to Canada Pension Plan without requiring reduction in Canadian Newspapers Bargaining and Hourly Retirement Plan The Globe and Mail Division.
AND RETIREMENT. The normal retirement age shall be sixty-five (65). In exceptional circumstances, the Chief Administrative Officer may, in the interest of the City, recommend to the Council for approval, extension of the retirement age provided that not more than one (1) year extension shall be granted at any one time, and that in no case shall any extension be granted beyond the employee's seventieth (70th) birthday. All employees shall participate in the Pension Plan in accordance with the rules of that plan. All costs of the Pension Plan premiums are to be shared equally on a basis. NOTICE OF LAYOFF Notice of termination will be given in accordance with the most current Employment Standards Act. A regular employee may be discharged only for just cause, and only with the authority of the Chief Administrative Officer. The Department Head may suspend an employee for periods of one (I) day or more and shall report such action, and the reason therefore, to the Chief Administrative as quickly as possible. The immediate Supervisor may suspend any employee for a period of up to one (1) day on any one occasion and such suspension shall be duly reported to the Department Head. When an employee is warned, suspended or discharged he shall be given the in the presence of his Xxxxxxx. The affected employee and the Union Local shall be subsequently writing of the for such warning, suspension or dismissal "as promptly as possible". An employee considered by the Union to be wrongfully or unjustly discharged or suspended shall be entitled to a hearing under ARTICLE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. STEPS and of the Grievance Procedure shall be omitted in such cases. The Corporation shall notify permanent employees in writing, who are to be laid off, ten working days before the layoff is to be effective. If the employee laid off has not had the opportunity to work ten full days notice of layoff, shall be paid in lieu of work for that part of the ten days during which work has not been made available.
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AND RETIREMENT. Subject to clause every full-time member in the "Permanent Service" class of members shall be covered by the provision of By-law No. of the City of Toronto and amendments thereto, being a by-law "to provide pensions for employees, their spouses and children, of the City of Toronto and other participating employers". It is understood and agreed that to the extent that the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System is by statute applicable to any member of the Force, the By-law No. shall not be applicable to such member. Every member shall be retired upon attaining the age of seventy years, such retirement to be effective on the last day of the month in which the seventieth birthday of such member occurs. The Board has placed One Hundred Thousand Dollars in a fund to be administered by the Trustees of the Toronto Police Benefit Fund as set out in the Memorandum of Understanding dated May The Trustees will continue to determine the rules and regulations of the Fund, but the objectives will be to provide a supplement to existing governmental payments and pension plan payments Toronto Police Benefit Fund, Toronto Pension Plan) due to such dependents on the member's death, so that the disposable after tax income of the surviving dependents will be approximately one hundred per cent of the disposable after tax income of the deceased member, based on the salary for the deceased member at the time the payments are made. For this purpose salary shall include the premium costs of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan the and Comprehensive Medical Plans and the Dental Plan. The Trustees will continue to have the right to adjust the amount depending on the circumstances of the individual case from time to time. The adequacy of the Fund will be reviewed from time to time.
AND RETIREMENT. PENSION Employees eligible pursuant to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System Act shall be enrolled in the pension from the date of eligible employment. NORMAL DATE Notwithstanding Article each employee shall be retired upon attaining the age of sixty-five years, such retirement to be effective upon the last day of the month in which the sixty-fifth birthday of such employee occurs.


  • Resignation and Retirement Any Trustee may resign his trust or retire as a Trustee, by written instrument signed by him and delivered to the other Trustees or to any officer of the Trust, and such resignation or retirement shall take effect upon such delivery or upon such later date as is specified in such instrument.

  • Severance and Retirement Options (a) (i) Where an employee resigns within 30 days after receiving notice of layoff pursuant to article 14.02 (a)(ii) that his or her position will be eliminated, he or she shall be entitled to a separation allowance of two (2) weeks' salary for each year of continuous service to a maximum of sixteen (16) weeks' pay, and, on production of receipts from an approved educational program, within twelve (12) months of resignation, may be reimbursed for tuition fees up to a maximum of three thousand ($3,000) dollars.

  • Pre-Retirement Leave (a) An employee, who is scheduled to retire and to receive a superannuation allowance under the Pension (Public Service) Act, or who has reached the mandatory retiring age, shall be entitled to:

  • Deferred Retirement a. An employee who, upon separation from County service, is eligible for paid retirement and elects deferred retirement must defer participation in the Grant until such time as he or she becomes an active retiree.

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