Meetings Sample Clauses

Meetings. Meetings of the Trustees shall be held from time to time upon the call of the Chairman, if any, or the President or any two Trustees. Regular meetings of the Trustees may be held without call or notice at a time and place fixed by the By-Laws or by resolution of the Trustees. Notice of any other meeting shall be given by the Secretary and shall be delivered to the Trustees orally not less than 24 hours, or in writing not less than 72 hours, before the meeting, but may be waived in writing by any Trustee either before or after such meeting. The attendance of a Trustee at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting except where a Trustee attends a meeting for the express purpose of objecting to the transaction of any business on the ground that the meeting has not been properly called or convened. Any time there is more than one Trustee, a quorum for all meetings of the Trustees shall be one-third, but not less than two, of the Trustees. Unless provided otherwise in this Declaration and except as required under the 1940 Act, any action of the Trustees may be taken at a meeting by vote of a majority of the Trustees present (a quorum being present) or without a meeting by written consent of a majority of the Trustees. Any committee of the Trustees, including an executive committee, if any, may act with or without a meeting. A quorum for all meetings of any such committee shall be one-third, but not less than two, of the members thereof. Unless provided otherwise in this Declaration, any action of any such committee may be taken at a meeting by vote of a majority of the members present (a quorum being present) or without a meeting by written consent of all of the members. With respect to actions of the Trustees and any committee of the Trustees, Trustees who are Interested Persons in any action to be taken may be counted for quorum purposes under this Section and shall be entitled to vote to the extent not prohibited by the 1940 Act. All or any one or more Trustees may participate in a meeting of the Trustees or any committee thereof by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other; participation in a meeting pursuant to any such communications system shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.
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Meetings. 1. The representatives of the Parties shall hold meetings from time to time for the purpose of: (a) reviewing the implementation of this Chapter; (b) exchanging legal information and investment opportunities; (c) forwarding proposals on promotion of investment; and (d) studying other issues in connection with investments. 2. Where either Party requests consultation on any matters referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the other Party shall give prompt response and the consultation shall be held alternately in Beijing and Lima.
Meetings. A meeting of the shareholders shall be called by the Secretary whenever ordered by the Trustees, or requested in writing by the holder or holders of at least 10% of the outstanding shares entitled to vote at such meeting. If the meeting is a meeting of the shareholders of one or more series or class of shares, but not a meeting of all shareholders of the Trust, then only the shareholders of such one or more series or classes shall be entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting. If the Secretary, when so ordered or requested, refuses or neglects for more than five days to call such meeting, the Trustees, or the shareholders so requesting may, in the name of the Secretary, call the meeting by giving notice thereof in the manner required when notice is given by the Secretary.
Meetings. The Supplier agrees to attend meetings between the Parties in person to discuss the circumstances of any MI Failure(s) at the request of the Authority (without prejudice to any other rights the Authority may have). If the Authority requests such a meeting the Supplier shall propose measures to ensure that the MI Failures are rectified and do not occur in the future. The Parties shall document these measures and continue to monitor the Supplier's performance.
Meetings. The Committee will meet within sixty (60) calendar days of the ratification of the central terms of the collective agreement. The Committee shall meet on agreed upon dates three (3) times in each school year, or more often as mutually agreed.
Meetings. A meeting of the shareholders of the Trust shall be held whenever called by the Trustees, whenever election of a Trustee or Trustees by shareholders is required by the provisions of Section 16(a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 for that purpose or whenever otherwise required pursuant to the Declaration of Trust. Any meeting shall be held on such day and at such time as the President or the Trustees may fix in the notice of the meeting.
Meetings. The JSC will meet at least once per [***] during the Term unless the Parties mutually agree in writing to a different frequency. No later than [***] Business Days prior to any meeting of the JSC (or such shorter time period as the Parties may agree), the Alliance Managers will prepare and circulate an agenda for such meeting; provided, however, that either Party may propose additional topics to be included on such agenda, either prior to or in the course of such meeting. Either Party may also call a special meeting of the JSC (by videoconference, teleconference or in person) by providing at least [***] Business Days prior written notice to the other Party if such Party reasonably believes that a significant matter must be addressed prior to the next scheduled meeting, in which event such Party will work with the chairperson of the JSC and the Alliance Managers of both Parties to provide the members of the JSC no later than [***] Business Days prior to the special meeting with an agenda for the meeting and materials reasonably adequate to enable an informed decision on the matters to be considered. The JSC may meet in person, by videoconference or by teleconference. Notwithstanding the foregoing, at least one (1) meeting per [***] will be in person unless the Parties mutually agree in writing to waive such requirement. In-person JSC meetings will be held at locations alternately selected by Surface and by Novartis. Each Party will bear the expense of its respective JSC members’ participation in JSC meetings. Meetings of the JSC will be effective only if at least [***] representative of each Party (which representative is not such Party’s Alliance Manager) is present or participating in such meeting. The Alliance Managers will be responsible for preparing reasonably detailed written minutes of all JSC meetings that reflect material decisions made and action items identified at such meetings. The Alliance Managers will send draft meeting minutes to each member of the JSC for review and approval within [***] Business Days after each JSC meeting. Such minutes will be deemed approved unless [***] of the JSC objects to the accuracy of such minutes within [***] Business Days of receipt. Minutes will be officially endorsed by the JSC at the next JSC meeting, and will be signed by the Alliance Managers.
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Meetings. The parties recognize the value of nurses’ input and participation in committee meetings. All joint Employer-Association meetings shall be scheduled where practical, during the nurse’s regular working hours. The Employer will provide replacement staff where operationally required. The employer agrees to pay for time spent during regular working hours for representatives of the Association attending meetings with the Employer.
Meetings. Consultant and District agree to participate in regular meetings on at least a monthly basis to discuss strategies, timetables, implementations of services, and any other issues deemed relevant to the operation of Consultant’s performance of Services.
Meetings. I normally conduct an evaluation that will last from 1-2 sessions. During this time, we both decide if I am the best person to provide the services you need in order to meet your treatment goals. If therapy has begun, I will usually schedule one 45-minute ses- sion per week at a time we agree on, although some sessions may be longer or more frequent. Once an appointment hour is scheduled, you will be expected to pay for it un- less you provide 24-hours advanced notice of cancellation. It is important to note that insurance companies do not provide reimbursement for cancelled sessions. Professional Fees My hourly fee varies depending on services and duration. In addition to weekly ap- pointments, I charge this amount for other professional services you may need. How- ever, I will break down the hourly cost if I work for periods of less than one hour. Note that these additional services are not covered by insurance. Other services include report writing, telephone conversations lasting longer than 10-minutes, Skype appoint- ments or check-ins, consulting with other professionals with your permission, prepar- ing of records or treatment summaries, and the time spent performing any other ser- vices you may request of me. If you become involved in legal proceedings that require my participation, you will be expected to pay for all of my professional time, including preparation and transportation costs, even if I am called to testify by another party. Be- cause of the difficulty of legal involvement, I charge $500 per hour for preparation and attendance at any legal proceedings. Contacting Me Due to my work schedule, I am often not immediately available by telephone. While I am usually in my office four days a week, I probably will not answer the phone when I am with a client. I will make every effort to return your call by the end of my business day, with the exception of weekends and holidays. If you are difficult to reach, please inform me of some times when you will be available. If you are unable to reach me and you feel that you can’t wait for me to return your call, contact your family physician, the nearest emergency room and ask for the psychologist or psychiatrist on call, or call 911. If I will be unavailable for an extended time, I will provide you with the name of a colleague contact, if necessary. You may also utilize email at to communicate with me. Limits of Confidentiality The law protects the privacy of all com...
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