Examples of Transportation Costs in a sentence
Mitford Transportation Costs) Transportation costs for the transporting of students from the Mitford area of Fairfield County to schools in the Great Falls area of Chester County is not the responsibility of and shall not be borne by the Chester County School District.
Decomposition of Net Effects of Transportation Costs on the Impacts of Tariff Reductions on Regional Household Disposable Income: By Import Corridors (standard deviation) A.
HUD expresses several of these community assets through the use of an index value, with 100 representing total access by all members of the community, and zero representing no access.The HUD opportunity indices are access to Low Poverty areas; access to School Proficiency; characterization of the Labor Market Engagement; residence in relation to Jobs Proximity; Low Transportation Costs; Transit Trips Index; and a characterization of where you live by an Environmental Health indicator.
Decomposition of Net Effects of Transportation Costs on the Impacts of Tariff Reductions on Regional Household Disposable Income: By Import Corridors (in percentage change) Import Corridors NorthFigure 7.
Transportation Costs shall be documented by Seller providing to Buyer unredacted copies of purchase orders and other available documentation.