Fair Share Fees Sample Clauses

Fair Share Fees. In accordance with applicable Minnesota statutes, the Employer, upon notification by the Union, shall deduct a fair share fee from all bargaining unit employees who are not members of the Union. The Union shall certify to the Employer, in writing, the current amount of the fair share fee to be deducted as well as the names of bargaining unit employees required by the Union to pay the fee. Monies so deducted shall be remitted monthly as directed by the Union.
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Fair Share Fees. No member of the bargaining unit shall be required to become a member of the BGSU-FA as a condition for securing or retaining employment at the University. The University shall deduct from each employee covered by this Agreement who is not a member of the BGSU-FA (“fair share fee payer”) an amount which shall not exceed regular union dues, and the BGSU-FA shall provide to fair share fee payers such rights and remedies as required by law (including applicable annual notice and right to challenge the allocation of chargeable and non-chargeable BGSU-FA expenses). In addition, annually, the BGSU-FA shall provide the University the applicable documents provided to fair share fee payers so that the University may assure itself that the BGSU-FA is complying with applicable law. The BGSU-FA shall promptly provide such documents to the University. In the event that the BGSU-FA fails to provide the applicable documents to the University, the University shall request the documents in writing, at which time the BGSU-FA shall have two weeks to provide the documents. The University’s obligation to continue to deduct fair share fees is conditioned upon its good faith determination that the BGSU-FA is complying with all applicable laws with respect to the rights of fair share fee payers. If the University believes the BGSU- FA is not so complying, it shall promptly state its basis in writing to the BGSU- FA. Any dispute between the parties regarding the BGSU-FA’s compliance shall be resolved through the grievance and arbitration procedures of this Agreement on an expedited basis, but this provision shall not prevent a fair share fee payer from pursuing any and all rights outside this Agreement. Payments by members of the bargaining unit holding religious objections shall be governed by applicable law (Section 4117.09(C) of the Ohio Revised Code, as amended).
Fair Share Fees. 1. Payroll Deduction of Fair Share Fee (FSF) Payers The employer shall deduct from the pay of members of the bargaining unit who elect not to become or to remain members of the Northwestern Local Employees Association OEA/NEA Unit #1 a fair share fee for the association's representation of such non-members during the term of this contract. No non-member filing a timely demand shall be required to subsidize partisan political or ideological causes not germane to the Association's work in the realm of collective bargaining.
Fair Share Fees. A. Each Employee, as a condition of his/her employment on or before thirty (30) days from the date of commencement of duties, shall join the Union or pay a fair share fee to the Union equivalent to the amount of dues uniformly required of members of the Union, including local, state and national dues.
Fair Share Fees. In accordance with Section 11 of the IELRA, bargaining unit members covered by this AGREEMENT who are not members of the Association shall be charged a fair share fee for services rendered in an amount not to exceed the annual fee uniformly charged members of the Association. The fair share fee shall be certified by the Association to non-members and to the College in accordance with the provisions of Section 11 of the IELRA. Fair share fee deductions shall be made no later than 30 calendar days following receipt of the written authorization in the office of the Chief Financial Officer. The authorization shall be deemed automatically revoked with the issuance of any non-Association member’s last paycheck. The Board shall provide a list of the fees collected and a list of the non-Association members for whom fee deductions were made to the Association Treasurer within ten business days after each pay period. If the non-Association bargaining unit member objects based upon bona-fide religious tenets or teachings, the individual may pay an amount equal to their fair share contribution to a non-religious charitable organization as outlined in the IFT Procedures for objectors which has been approved by the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board.
Fair Share Fees. Bargaining unit employees shall either become dues paying members of the FOP, Ohio Labor Council, Inc., or remit to the Labor Council monthly, through payroll deduction, a fair share fee in an amount not to exceed the monthly dues of a dues paying member and in accordance with the provisions of the O.R.C. 4117.09 (c). This amount shall be deducted from the wages of all such non- members of the Labor Council and shall commence sixty (60) days after initial employment in the bargaining unit.
Fair Share Fees. Employees covered by this Agreement who choose to become a voluntary Fair Share payer shall be assessed a fair share fee equal to ninety percent (90%) of membership dues..
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Fair Share Fees. In accordance with M.S. 179A.06, Subd. 3, as amended, any teacher included in the appropriate unit who is not a member of the exclusive representative may be required by the exclusive representative to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered as exclusive representative. The fair share fee for any teacher shall be in an amount equal to the regular membership dues of the exclusive representative, less the cost of benefits financed through the dues and available only to members of the exclusive representative, but in no event shall the fee exceed 85 percent of the regular membership dues. The exclusive representative shall provide written notice of the amount of the fair share fee assessment to the Director, the District, and to each teacher to be assessed the fair share fee. A challenge by a teacher or by a person aggrieved by the assessment shall be filed in writing with the Director, the District, and the exclusive representative within 30 days after receipt of the written notice. All challenges shall specify those portions of the assessment challenged and the reasons therefore but the burden of proof relating to the amount of the fair share fee shall be on the exclusive representative. The District shall deduct the fee from the earnings of the employee and transmit the fee to the exclusive representative 30 days after the written notice was provided, or, in the event a challenge is filed, the deductions for a fair share fee shall be held in escrow by the District pending a decision by the Director, PERB or Court. Any fair share challenge shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. The exclusive representative hereby warrants and covenants that it will defend, indemnify and save the District harmless from any and all actions, suits, claims, damages, judgments and executions or other forms of liability, liquidated or un-liquidated, which any person may have or claim to have, now or in the future, arising out of or by reason of the deduction of the fair share fee specified by the exclusive representative as provided herein.
Fair Share Fees. It is mutually agreed and recognized by the parties that each bargaining unit member shall proportionately share in the cost of the collective bargaining process. The cost for a bargaining unit member is fixed proportionately at the same amount as the Association membership dues per month. The fair share fee shall be deducted monthly from the compensation of each bargaining unit member who has not either certified to the College that he/she authorizes Association membership dues deduction or has made some other arrangement to pay Association membership dues. The total fair share fees collected, together with Association membership dues deducted in Section 1 above, will be remitted monthly in the aggregate to the treasurer of the Association. It is understood that the fair share fee in lieu of Association membership dues shall only be used as directed by the constitution and bylaws of the Association and by the majority vote of the membership. Any individual employee’s personal objection to paying dues or fees to the Association must be based on bona fide religious tenets or teaching of a church or religious body of which the employee is a member. The employee will be required to provide a written explanation to the College and the Association stating his/her objections. Such employee shall pay an amount of money equivalent to regular Association dues, fair share fees, and/or appropriate fees or assessments, if any, to a nonreligious charity or to another charitable organization mutually agreed upon by the employee affected and the Association President (or designee). Payment to the agreed upon charitable organization shall be made through the College payroll deduction process. The Association agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the College harmless against any claims made or any suit instituted against the College because of the fair share agreement.
Fair Share Fees. 1. The Board shall deduct from the pay of Members of the Bargaining Unit who elect not to become or to remain members of the LEA/OEA/NEA, a fair share fee for the Association’s representation of such non-members during the terms of this contract. Notice of the amount of the annual fair share fees, which shall not be more than one hundred percent (100%) of the unified dues of the Association, shall be transmitted by the Association to the Treasurer of the Board on or about September 15 of each year during the term of this contract for the purpose of determining amounts to be payroll deducted, and the Board agrees to promptly transmit all amounts deducted to the Association. Payroll deduction of such fair share fees shall begin at the second payroll period in November except that no fair share fee deductions shall be made for Bargaining Unit Members employed after October 31 until the second paycheck, which period shall be the required probationary period of newly-employed Bargaining Unit Members.
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