Common Area Maintenance Sample Clauses

Common Area Maintenance. Subject to Articles Eleven and Twelve, Landlord shall maintain the Common Areas in good order, condition, and repair. Common Area Maintenance expenses (“CAM Expenses”) are all costs and expenses associated with the operation and maintenance of the Common Areas and the repair and maintenance of the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, utility and safety systems (to the extent not performed by Tenant), including, but not limited to, the following: gardening and landscaping; snow removal; utility, water, sewage and property drainage services for the Common Area; maintenance of signs (other than tenants’ signs); worker’s compensation insurance; personal property taxes; rentals or lease payments paid by Landlord for rented or leased personal property used in the operation or maintenance of the Common Areas; fees for required licenses and permits routine maintenance and repair of roof membrane, flashings, gutters, downspouts, roof drains, skylights and waterproofing; maintenance of paving, (including sweeping, striping, repairing, resurfacing and repaving); general maintenance; painting; lighting; cleaning; refuse removal; security and similar items; reserves for roof replacement, exterior painting and other appropriate reserves; and a property management fee not to exceed five percent (5%) of building revenues. Landlord may cause any or all of such services to be provided by third parties and the cost of such services shall be included in CAM Expenses. With respect to any CAM Expenses which are included for the benefit of the Property and other property. Landlord shall make a reasonable allocation of such cost between the Property and such other property. CAM Expenses shall not include the cost of capital repairs and replacements; provided, however, that (a) the annual depreciation (based on the useful life of the item under generally accepted accounting principles) of any such capital repair or replacement to the Common Areas or the heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, plumbing, electrical, utility and safety systems serving the Property, shall be included in the CAM Expenses each year during the Lease Term; and (b) the cost of capital improvements undertaken to reduce CAM Expenses or made in order to comply with legal requirements shall be included in CAM Expenses each year during the term of this Lease.
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Common Area Maintenance. Tenant shall be responsible for Tenant's Prorata Share of the total costs incurred for the operation, maintenance and repair of the Common Areas, including, but not limited to, the costs and expenses incurred for the operation, maintenance and repair of parking areas (including restriping and repaving); removal of snow; all utilities including water, gas, and electric for the building; janitorial for common areas and tenant occupied space; normal HVAC maintenance and elevator maintenance (if applicable); trash removal; security to protect and secure the Area; common entrances, exits, and lobbies of the Building; all common utilities, including water to maintain landscaping; replanting in order to maintain a smart appearance of landscape areas; supplies; depreciation on the machinery and equipment used in such operation, maintenance and repair; the cost of personnel to implement such services; the cost of maintaining in good working condition the HVAC system(s) for the Leased Premises; the cost of maintaining in good working condition the elevator(s) for the Leased Premises, if applicable; and costs to cover Landlord's management fees paid for the management of the property. These costs shall be estimated on an annual basis by the Landlord and shall be adjusted upwards or downwards depending on the actual costs for the preceding twelve months. Tenant shall pay monthly, commencing with the first month of the Lease Term, as additional rent due under the terms hereof, a sum equal to Tenant's Prorata Share of the estimated costs for said twelve (12) month period, divided by 12. The estimated initial monthly costs are $ 3,227.00. Once each year the Landlord shall determine the actual costs of the foregoing expenses for the prior year and if the actual costs are greater than the estimated costs, the Tenant shall pay its Tenant's Prorata Share of the difference between the estimated costs and the actual costs to the Landlord with the next payment of Base Monthly Rent, or, if the actual costs are less than the estimated costs, the Landlord shall forthwith refund the amount of the Tenant's excess payment to the Tenant. Additionally, upon Lease Agreement expiration or termination Landlord shall also determine Tenant's Prorata Share of the annualized actual costs of the foregoing expenses for the number of days the Lease is in effect during the calendar year in which the Lease Agreement expires or terminates. If the annualized actual costs are greater than the estimat...
Common Area Maintenance. Landlord shall keep the common area in good repair during the term or extension thereof, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
Common Area Maintenance. Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to maintain and repair Common Areas of Property, including walks and parking lots. The cost of any maintenance, repairs, or replacements necessitated by the act, neglect, misuse, or abuse by Tenant, its employees, licensees, invitees, or contractors shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord. Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to cause any necessary repairs to be made promptly; provided, however, that Landlord shall have no liability whatsoever for any delays in causing such repairs to be made, including, without limitation, any liability for injury to or loss of Tenant's business, nor shall any delays entitle Tenant to any abatement of Rent or damages, or be deemed an eviction of Tenant in whole or in part.
Common Area Maintenance a. The Licensee shall also be required to pay Common Area Maintenance Fees for the respective property Business spaces allotted to him. The fees for the initial three years from the date of handover shall be Rs. 10 per Sqft per month. For consequent License tenure, the common area maintenance fees shall be in accordance with the timely revision made by by Maha- Metro in this regards.
Common Area Maintenance. Landlord shall, in Landlord’s sole discretion, maintain the Common Areas (subject to reimbursement pursuant to this Lease), establish and enforce reasonable rules and regulations concerning such areas, close any of the Common Areas to whatever extent required in the opinion of Landlord’s counsel to prevent a dedication of any of the Common Areas or the accrual of any rights of any person or of the public to the Common Areas, close temporarily any of the Common Areas for maintenance purposes, and make changes to the Common Areas including, without limitation, changes in the location of driveways, corridors, entrances, exits, the designation of areas for the exclusive use of others, the direction of the flow of traffic or construction of additional buildings thereupon. Landlord may provide security for the Common Areas, but is not obligated to do so. Under no circumstances shall Landlord be liable or responsible for any acts or omissions of any party providing any services to the Common Areas, Building or other improvements, including, without limitation, any security service, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Lease.
Common Area Maintenance. Landlord will maintain or cause to be maintained the Common Areas and Tenant will reimburse Landlord for Tenant’s prorata share of the cost of such maintenance as hereinafter provided.
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Common Area Maintenance. Landlord shall make available from time to time within the Property such Common Areas (including, but not limited to, parking areas, driveways, truckways, delivery passages, common truckloading areas, access and egress passages, walkways and sidewalks) as Landlord shall deem appropriate. Landlord shall operate, manage, equip, light, repair and maintain such Common Areas and landscaped areas for their intended purposes, all in such a manner as Landlord shall, in its sole discretion, determine, keeping all parking areas clean and reasonably free of snow and ice. Landlord shall also maintain the exterior and structural components of the Property and the Building, including but not limited to the roofs, any common HVAC equipment (but excluding the HVAC equipment exclusively serving the Demised Premises), the exterior walls, foundation, gutters, and utility services extending to the service connection to the Demised Premises. Landlord shall not be liable for any inconvenience or interruption of business or other consequences resulting from the making of repairs, replacements, improvements, alterations or additions, or from the doing of any other work to or upon any such Common Areas or elsewhere on the Property, or from delay or failure to perform such maintenance or other work with respect to such areas where such delay or failure is attributable to labor troubles material shortages or any other causes beyond Landlord’s reasonable control. It is agreed that the use of said Common Areas shall at all times be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as the Landlord may promulgate uniformly for all the Landlord’s tenants on the Property, in common with others, including but not limited to the designation by Landlord of areas in which such Property tenants (including the Tenant herein) and their employees are to park. Landlord may, from time to time, change the size, location and nature of any Common Area on the Property, provided that reasonable access and parking is provided to and for the Demised Premises, and Tenant’s dedicated parking spaces are unchanged. Notwithstanding the forgoing, unless and until such time as the Landlord erects another building(s) on the Property, the Tenant may perform certain Common Area Maintenance obligations of the Landlord (as agreed upon by Landlord and Tenant), at its sole cost and expense (and not to be included in Common Area Maintenance Charges). In that event, the Tenant’s obligations of insurance and indemnificatio...
Common Area Maintenance. (a) From and after the Commencement Date, Landlord, at its cost and expense, shall maintain the Common Areas and the Center clean and in good repair so that Tenant and its customers, guests, invitees, officers and employees can use and enjoy the same. The obligation of Landlord pursuant hereto shall include, but not be limited to, the management and maintenance of the Center and the pylon structure of Tenant's identification sign (if the same is affixed to a pylon sign used in common with Landlord or other tenants in the Center, but not Tenant's advertising panels), regular cleaning of the Common Areas, removal of trash and debris from the Common Areas, repairing the asphalt and concrete portions of the Common Areas (including potholes, curbs and sidewalks), repairing common utility lines and facilities, repairing storm drains, repairing parking lot lights, maintaining the landscaped portion of the Common Areas (including regular grass cutting), maintaining floodlights and other necessary means of illumination sufficient to illuminate the Common Areas during twilight and evening hours that Tenant's store is open for business and in operation, prompt removal of snow and ice on every occasion where safety of the Common Areas is impeded, employing traffic control personnel (such as off-duty police personnel), and periodically restriping the parking area. Landlord covenants that such maintenance and repair shall be planned and preventative maintenance undertaken in order to maintain the Common Areas in good usable condition so as to avoid breakdown of maintenance and avoidable costly repairs. Landlord shall not in any manner change the size, location, nature, design or use of the Common Areas as shown on the Site Plan without the prior written consent of Tenant, which shall not be unreasonably withheld unless the proposed change would involve additional buildings of any kind or reduce the number of parking spaces, or otherwise materially and adversely affect the access to or visibility of the Premises, in any of which cases Tenant's approval may be withheld in its sole discretion.
Common Area Maintenance. Landlord shall, in Landlord’s sole but reasonable discretion, maintain the Common Areas (subject to reimbursement pursuant to this Lease) in good working order and condition, establish and enforce reasonable rules and regulations concerning such areas, close any of the Common Areas to whatever extent required in the opinion of Landlord’s counsel to prevent a dedication of any of the Common Areas or the accrual of any rights of any person or of the public to the Common Areas, close temporarily any of the Common Areas for maintenance purposes, and make changes to the Common Areas including, without limitation, changes in the location of driveways, corridors, entrances, exits, the designation of areas for the exclusive use of others (provided such designation of exclusive use areas does not materially and adversely affect Tenant’s use of or access to the Leased Premises), the direction of the flow of traffic or construction of additional buildings thereupon. Landlord may provide security for the Common Areas, but is not obligated to do so. Under no circumstances shall Landlord be liable or responsible for any acts or omissions of any party providing any services to the Common Areas, Building or other improvements, including, without limitation, any security service, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Lease.
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