General maintenance definition

General maintenance means a person employed as a helper to skilled maintenance
General maintenance means a person employed as a helper to skilled maintenance employees, and to perform minor repairs to equipment and buildings of a county school system;
General maintenance means a person employed as a

Examples of General maintenance in a sentence

  • General maintenance can include routine cleaning, trash and debris removal (excluding hazardous waste), and minor repairs to ensure a clean and aesthetically pleasing environment throughout the Village.

  • General maintenance including but not limited to interior window cleaning, light bulb replacement; and maintenance required for code compliance.

More Definitions of General maintenance

General maintenance means personnel employed as
General maintenance. As needed, Sponsor may contract for services / purchase materials for routine maintenance / improvement of airport pavements, signage, drainage, AWOS systems, approach aids, lighting systems, utility infrastructure, fencing, herbicide / application, sponsor owned and operated fuel systems, hangars, terminal buildings and security systems; professional services for environmental compliance, approved project design. Special projects to be determined and added by amendment. Only work items as described in Attachment A, Scope of Services of this Xxxxx are reimbursable under this grant. CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORT FUND TxDOT Project ID: M1816ROBS The County of Nueces does certify that an Airport Fund has been established for the Sponsor, and that all fees, charges, rents, and money from any source derived from airport operations will be deposited for the benefit of the Airport Fund and will not be diverted for other general revenue fund expenditures or any other special fund of the Sponsor and that all expenditures from the Fund will be solely for airport purposes. The fund may be an account as part of another fund, but must be accounted for in such a manner that all revenues, expenses, retained earnings, and balances in the account are discernible from other types of moneys identified in the fund as a whole. The County of Nueces, Texas (Sponsor) By: Title: Date: Certification of State Single Audit Requirements I, , do certify that the County of Nueces, Texas, (Designated Representative) will comply with all requirements of the State of Texas Single Audit Act if the County of Nueces, Texas, spends or receives more than the threshold amount in any grant funding sources during the most recently audited fiscal year. And in following those requirements, the County of Nueces, Texas, will submit the report to the audit division of the Texas Department of Transportation. If your entity did not meet the threshold in grant receivables or expenditures, please submit a letter indicating that your entity is not required to have a State Single Audit performed for the most recent audited fiscal year. Signature Title Date DESIGNATION OF SPONSOR'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TxDOT Project ID: M1816ROBS The County of Nueces, Texas, designates, (Name, Title) as the Sponsor's authorized representative, who shall receive all correspondence and documents associated with this grant and who shall make or shall acquire approvals and disapprovals for this grant as required on behalf of the ...
General maintenance means the day to day up keep that is required during a routine vault cash load to keep a Terminal operating smoothly. [ie: change receipt paper, lightly cleaning of dispenser, card reader, printer etc.. and assist Canmor retrieving receipts(if required), notify Canmor of any quires etc.] CONFIDENTIAL 03252018 Canmor ATM Processing Agreement
General maintenance means any minor improvements to ensure the facility is able to be operated and managed on a daily basis;
General maintenance means the upkeep of Park Facilities and grounds that improves or preserves the appearance and which is completed at discrete intervals based on seasonal consideration or aesthetic preferences.
General maintenance means the use of power equipment for the maintenance and care of lawns, gardens, bushes, shrubs or other vegetation. (added by Bylaw No. 2114)
General maintenance. A posting which lists all Maintenance employees by seniority will be made available to employees wishing to work overtime. Employees will be rotated on the overtime posting list daily, after they have worked overtime, and once a week the employee on the top of the list will be moved to the bottom list. When overtime is required at the end of the day, the on will stay over to complete the task. For call-ins and overtime at the end of the day when no one is on the task, the on the top of the overtime posting will be asked to work. Employees who habitually do not respond to call-ins when they have signed their name to the posting will not be eligible for the overtime call-in list. This initial penalty will be that he will be removed from the list for one (1) month. In cases, where there is no one on the list or available, thejunior qualified in the department will be required to work. The Company shall consider personal reasons for an declining to work overtime in accordance with the overtime provisions. Upon completion of the unscheduled work that necessitated the call-in, any subsequent unrelated work performed shall be treated as an added call-in. Anyone reporting for unscheduled work outside his regular hours of work shall be paid time and one-half with a minimum of four (4) hours pay except on Sunday and statutory holidays when the minimum will be six (6) hours. Scheduled overtime will be assigned on a seniority basis. Tour Workers: When an opening occurs during a work week, shall move up on shift and fill in the at straight time rates. Failure to fill in at straight time rates shall cause the overtime to revert to the original vacancy. The vacancy will be filled by using the following procedures: Volunteer lists will be available for thecurrent week and the week following to give employees an opportunity to advise of their availability for emergency work. Employee should initial only in dates available. Company will call employees by the following method