Delays not Attributable to the Tenant Sample Clauses

Delays not Attributable to the Tenant. In accordance with Article 705 of Costa Rican Civil Code, the Tenant guarantees and acknowledges that it will not file any lawsuits or claims to recover additional amounts from the Landlord originated in a failure to deliver the Premises in a timely manner for causes not attributable to the Landlord, its contractors, agents or employees. Tenant accepts that it shall not file a claim against the Landlord or attempt to collect any losses, damages, penalties, expenses, disbursements or amounts, including but not limited to, legal fees or expenses, request a sum for damages or losses, if due to Force Majeure, acts of God, or other causes not attributable to the Landlord, if it's not possible to deliver the property on the date convened herein.
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Delays not Attributable to the Tenant. If the delivery of the Leased Real Estate does not take place on or before the expected Delivery Date, and such Delay is not due to a Tenant Delay, the Landlord shall acknowledge in favor of the Tenant a Fine, as a fixed and sole compensation for damages or losses, that shall be equivalent to the amount of one day's Rent, per day of delay. The relevant fine shall be deducted by applying a twelfth of the amount in each month of this Lease Agreement to complete twelve months of deductions to cover for such penalties. In accordance with Article 705 of Costa Rican Civil Code, the Tenant guarantees and acknowledges that it will not file any lawsuits or claims to recover additional amounts from the Landlord originated in a failure to deliver the Leased Real Estate in a timely manner for causes attributable to the Landlord, its contractors, agents or employees. Furthermore, Tenant will hold the Landlord harmless after having received the compensation provided for in accordance with this section. Additionally, Tenant accepts that it shall not file a claim against the Landlord or attempt to collect any losses, damages, penalties, expenses, disbursements or amounts, including but not limited to, legal fees or expenses, request a sum for damages or losses, if due to Force Majeure, acts of God, or other causes not attributable to the Landlord, if is not possible to deliver the property on the date convened herein.

Related to Delays not Attributable to the Tenant

  • TAXES PAYABLE BY TENANT In addition to rent and other charges to be paid by Tenant under this Lease, Tenant shall reimburse to Landlord, upon demand, any and all taxes payable by Landlord (other than net income taxes) whether or not now customary or within the contemplation of the parties to this Lease: (a) upon, allocable to, or measured by or on the gross or net rent payable under this Lease, including without limitation any gross income tax or excise tax levied by the State, any political subdivision thereof, or the Federal Government with respect to the receipt of such rent; (b) upon or with respect to the possession, leasing, operation, management, maintenance, alteration, repair, use or occupancy of the Premises or any portion thereof, including any sales, use or service tax imposed as a result thereof; (c) upon or measured by the Tenant’s gross receipts or payroll or the value of Tenant’s equipment, furniture, fixtures and other personal property of Tenant or leasehold improvements, alterations or additions located in the Premises; or (d) upon this transaction or any document to which Tenant is a party creating or transferring any interest of Tenant in this Lease or the Premises. In addition to the foregoing, Tenant agrees to pay, before delinquency, any and all taxes levied or assessed against Tenant and which become payable during the term hereof upon Tenant’s equipment, furniture, fixtures and other personal property of Tenant located in the Premises.

  • Budget For Tenant Improvements A preliminary detailed breakdown by trade of the costs incurred or that will be incurred in connection with the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements is set forth on Schedule 3 attached hereto (the “Budget”). The Budget is based upon the TI Construction Drawings approved by Tenant and shall include a payment to Landlord of administrative rent (“Administrative Rent”) equal to 1.5% of the TI Costs, which Administrative Rent shall include, without limitation, all out-of-pocket costs, expenses and fees incurred by or on behalf of Landlord arising from, out of, or in connection with monitoring the construction of the Tenant Improvements and Changes, and shall be payable out of the TI Fund. Landlord shall provide Tenant with a final Budget promptly following approval of the TI Construction Drawings by Landlord and Tenant. The Budget shall be subject to Tenant’s review and approval which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed by Tenant. Tenant shall have the right to approve any use of the contingency in the Budget by Landlord; provided, however, that, Tenant’s approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and the contingency shall not be available for use by Tenant for any Changes until all unforeseen conditions, changes to resulting from governmental agencies and the like have first been paid for out of the contingency.

  • Indemnity by Landlord Notwithstanding anything set forth in this Lease to the contrary, Landlord shall be responsible for and shall indemnify, defend, protect, save, hold harmless, and reimburse Tenant for, from and against any and all Environmental Costs (whether or not arising out of third-party claims and regardless of whether liability without fault is imposed, or sought to be imposed, on Tenant) incurred in connection with, arising out of, resulting from or incident to, before or during (but not after) the Term or such portion thereof, any Pre-Existing Environmental Conditions, provided that such Environmental Costs to conduct any Remediation with respect to any Pre-Existing Conditions are not incurred primarily as a result of or in connection to any alteration, renovation, remodeling or expansion activities performed by or on behalf of Tenant in, on or about the Leased Property during the Term (other than any such alteration or renovation activities, except to the extent such Remediation is required due to, or such Environmental Costs are incurred by Landlord or Tenant as a result of, Tenant’s negligence or willful misconduct, (a) performed in compliance with Section 8.2 or Section 9.1(a) hereof, or (b) required pursuant to any Applicable Law due to any safety risk or emergency), in which case Tenant shall be responsible for, and shall indemnify, defend, protect, save, hold harmless and reimburse any Indemnitees for, such Environmental Costs in accordance with this Article XXXII. “Pre-Existing Environmental Conditions” means (i) any condition that exists at or on the Leased Property on or prior to the Commencement Date with respect to contamination of soil, surface or ground waters, stream sediments, and every other environmental media from Hazardous Substances, (ii) any Hazardous Substances present or located in, on, under or about Leased Property on or prior to the Commencement Date or to the extent due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord thereafter and (iii) any Hazardous Substances that have migrated from the Leased Property on or prior to the Commencement Date. Tenant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any interference with or disruption of any Pre-Existing Environmental Conditions located within the Leased Property of which it is aware or becomes aware when performing its obligations under this Lease (including, without limitation, Sections 8.2 and 9.1(a)). If any claim is made by Xxxxxx for reimbursement for Environmental Costs incurred by it hereunder, Xxxxxxxx agrees to pay such claim promptly, and in any event to pay such claim within sixty (60) calendar days after receipt by Landlord of written notice thereof and any amount not so paid within such sixty (60) calendar day period shall bear interest at the Overdue Rate from the date due to the date paid in full.

  • INDEMNITY BY TENANT To the extent permitted by Law, Tenant hereby indemnifies, and agrees to protect, defend and hold the Indemnitees harmless, against any and all actions, claims, demands, liability, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and expenses for the defense thereof, arising from Tenant’s occupancy of the Premises, from the undertaking of any Tenant Additions or repairs to the Premises, from the conduct of Tenant’s business on the Premises, or from any breach or default on the part of Tenant in the performance of any covenant or agreement on the part of Tenant to be performed pursuant to the terms of this Lease, or from any willful act or negligence of Tenant, its agents, contractors, servants, employees, customers or invitees, in or about the Premises or the Property or any part of either. In case of any action or proceeding brought against the Indemnitees by reason of any such claim, upon notice from Landlord, Tenant covenants to defend such action or proceeding by counsel chosen by Landlord, in Landlord’s sole discretion. Landlord reserves the right to settle, compromise or dispose of any and all actions, claims and demands related to the foregoing indemnity. The foregoing indemnity shall not operate to relieve Indemnitees of liability to the extent such liability is caused by the willful and wrongful act of Indemnitees. Further, the foregoing indemnity is subject to and shall not diminish any waivers in effect in accordance with Section 16.04 by Landlord or its insurers to the extent of amounts, if any, paid to Landlord under its “All-Risks” property insurance.

  • SUBLEASE REQUIREMENTS The following terms and conditions shall apply to any subletting by Tenant of all or any part of the Premises and shall be deemed included in each sublease:

  • Repair of Damage to Premises by Landlord Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of any damage to the Premises resulting from fire or any other casualty. If the Premises or any Common Areas serving or providing access to the Premises shall be damaged by fire or other casualty, Landlord shall promptly and diligently, subject to reasonable delays for insurance adjustment or other matters beyond Landlord’s reasonable control, and subject to all other terms of this Article 11, restore the Base Building and such Common Areas. Such restoration shall be to substantially the same condition of the Base Building and the Common Areas prior to the casualty, except for modifications required by zoning and building codes and other laws or by the holder of a mortgage on the Building or Project or any other modifications to the Common Areas deemed desirable by Landlord, which are consistent with the character of the Project, provided that access to the Premises and any common restrooms serving the Premises shall not be materially impaired. Upon the occurrence of any damage to the Premises, upon notice (the “Landlord Repair Notice”) to Tenant from Landlord, Tenant shall assign to Landlord (or to any party designated by Landlord) all insurance proceeds payable to Tenant under Tenant’s insurance required under Section 10.3 of this Lease, and Landlord shall repair any injury or damage to the Tenant Improvements and the Original Improvements installed in the Premises and shall return such Tenant Improvements and Original Improvements to their original condition; provided that if the cost of such repair by Landlord exceeds the amount of insurance proceeds received by Landlord from Tenant’s insurance carrier, as assigned by Tenant, the cost of such repairs shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord prior to Landlord’s commencement of repair of the damage. In the event that Landlord does not deliver the Landlord Repair Notice within sixty (60) days following the date the casualty becomes known to Landlord, Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, repair any injury or damage to the Tenant Improvements and the Original Improvements installed in the Premises and shall return such Tenant Improvements and Original Improvements to their original condition. Whether or not Landlord delivers a Landlord Repair Notice, prior to the commencement of construction, Tenant shall submit to Landlord, for Landlord’s review and approval, all plans, specifications and working drawings relating thereto, and Landlord shall select the contractors to perform such improvement work. Landlord shall not be liable for any inconvenience or annoyance to Tenant or its visitors, or injury to Tenant’s business resulting in any way from such damage or the repair thereof; provided however, that if such fire or other casualty shall have damaged the Premises or Common Areas necessary to Tenant’s occupancy, and the Premises are not occupied by Tenant as a result thereof, then during the time and to the extent the Premises are unfit for occupancy, the Rent shall be abated in proportion to the ratio that the amount of rentable square feet of the Premises which is unfit for occupancy for the purposes permitted under this Lease bears to the total rentable square feet of the Premises. In the event that Landlord shall not deliver the Landlord Repair Notice, Tenant’s right to rent abatement pursuant to the preceding sentence shall terminate as of the date which is reasonably determined by Landlord to be the date Tenant should have completed repairs to the Premises assuming Tenant used reasonable due diligence in connection therewith.

  • Tenant’s Entry Into the Premises Prior to Substantial Completion Subject to the terms hereof and provided that Tenant and its agents do not interfere with, or delay, Contractor’s work in the Building and the Premises, at Landlord’s reasonable discretion, Contractor shall allow Tenant access to the Premises prior to the Substantial Completion of the Premises for the purpose of Tenant installing any necessary furniture, equipment or fixtures (including Tenant’s data and telephone equipment) in the Premises. Prior to Tenant’s entry into the Premises as permitted by the terms of this Section 6.01, Tenant shall submit a schedule to Landlord and Contractor, for their approval, which schedule shall detail the timing and purpose of Tenant’s entry, and Landlord will reasonably cooperate with Tenant to coordinate Landlord’s Contractor’s work of constructing the Tenant Improvements with such access by Tenant for the installation of Tenant’s furniture, equipment and fixtures. In connection with any such entry, Tenant acknowledges and agrees that Tenant’s employees, agents, contractors, consultants, workmen, mechanics, suppliers and invitees shall fully cooperate, work in harmony and not, in any manner, interfere with Landlord or Landlord’s Contractor, agents or representatives in performing work in the Building and the Premises, or interfere with the general operation of the Building and/or the Project; and such entry shall be subject to the site management rules of Landlord and Landlord’s Contractor. If at any time any such person representing Tenant shall not be cooperative or shall otherwise cause or threaten to cause any such disharmony or interference, including, without limitation, labor disharmony, and Tenant fails to immediately institute and maintain corrective actions as directed by Landlord, then Landlord may revoke Tenant’s entry rights upon twenty-four (24) hours’ prior written notice to Tenant. Tenant acknowledges and agrees that any such entry into and occupancy of the Premises or any portion thereof by Tenant or any person or entity working for or on behalf of Tenant shall be deemed to be subject to all of the terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of the Lease, excluding only the covenant to pay Rent (until the occurrence of the Lease Commencement Date). Tenant further acknowledges and agrees that Landlord shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage which may occur to any of Tenant’s work made in or about the Premises in connection with such entry or to any property placed therein prior to the Lease Commencement Date, the same being at Tenant’s sole risk and liability. Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for any damage to any portion of the Premises, including the Tenant Improvement work, caused by Tenant or any of Tenant’s employees, agents, contractors, consultants, workmen, mechanics, suppliers and invitees. If the performance of Tenant’s work in connection with such entry causes extra costs to be incurred by Landlord or requires the use of any Building services, Tenant shall promptly reimburse Landlord for such extra costs and/or shall pay Landlord for such Building services at Landlord’s standard rates then in effect. In addition, Tenant shall hold Landlord harmless from and indemnify, protect and defend Landlord against any loss or damage to the Building or Premises and against injury to any persons caused by Tenant’s actions pursuant to this Section 6.01.

  • LANDLORD’S NONLIABILITY Landlord, its agents, and any and all affiliates of Landlord, shall not be liable to Tenant, its employees, agents and/or invitees, and Tenant hereby waives all claims against Landlord, its agents, and any and all affiliates of Landlord, for and knowingly assumes the risk of loss of or damage to any property, or loss or interruption of business or income, or any other loss, cost, damage, injury or liability whatsoever (including without limitation any consequential damages and lost profit or opportunity costs), resulting from, but not limited to, Acts of God, acts of civil disobedience or insurrection, acts or omissions of third parties and/or of other tenants within the Project or their agents, employees, contractors, guests or invitees, fire, explosion, falling plaster, steam, gas, electricity, water or rain which may leak or flow from or into any part of the Premises, mold, or from the breakage, leakage, obstruction or other defects of the pipes, sprinklers, wires, appliances, plumbing, air conditioning, electrical works, roof, windows or other fixtures in the Building (whether the damage or injury results from conditions arising in the Premises or in other portions of the Building), regardless of the negligence of Landlord, its agents or any and all affiliates of Landlord in connection with any of the foregoing. It is understood that any such condition may require the temporary evacuation or closure of all or a portion of the Building. Landlord shall have no liability whatsoever (including without limitation consequential damages and lost profit or opportunity costs) and, except as provided in Sections 11.1 and 12.1 below, there shall be no abatement of rent, by reason of any injury to or interference with Tenant’s business arising from the making of any repairs, alterations or improvements to any portion of the Building, including repairs to the Premises, nor shall any related activity by Landlord constitute an actual or constructive eviction. In making repairs, alterations or improvements, however, Landlord shall interfere as little as reasonably practicable with the conduct of Tenant’s business in the Premises. Should Tenant elect to receive any service or products from a concessionaire, licensee or third party tenant of Landlord, Landlord shall have no liability for any services or products so provided or for any breach of contract by such third party provider. Neither Landlord nor its agents shall be liable for interference with light or other similar intangible interests. Tenant shall immediately notify Landlord in case of fire or accident in the Premises, the Building or the Project and of defects in any improvements or equipment.

  • Tenant Improvements Defined As used herein, “Tenant Improvements” shall mean all improvements to the Premises desired by Tenant of a fixed and permanent nature. Other than funding the TI Allowance (as defined below) as provided herein, Landlord shall not have any obligation whatsoever with respect to the finishing of the Premises for Tenant’s use and occupancy.

  • Performance by Lessee on Behalf of Lessor In the event that neither Lessor nor Lender cures said breach within thirty (30) days after receipt of said notice, or if having commenced said cure they do not diligently pursue it to completion, then Lessee may elect to cure said breach at Lessee's expense and offset from Rent an amount equal to the greater of one month's Base Rent or the Security Deposit, and to pay an excess of such expense under protest, reserving Lessee's right to reimbursement from Lessor. Lessee shall document the cost of said cure and supply said documentation to Lessor.

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