Career Guidance. Once an employee chooses employment security, the University’s Employment and Organizational Effectiveness Unit will meet with him/her to provide strategic career guidance and develop a plan that will include, if necessary, reassignment, training, placement, and the development of independent proposals.
Career Guidance. The GP Trainer will assist the GPStR, where appropriate with issues relating to career guidance and support and involve the Programme Directors where appropriate.
Career Guidance. 1) Upon request, employees identified by the Employer as not qualified for a vacancy are entitled to career guidance from Human Resources. This guidance will include, at a minimum, a description of the minimum qualification requirements for the positions for which the employee desires consideration, an analysis of the employee’s current qualifications as they relate to higher level positions the employee could reasonably be expected to fill within the next year, and areas in which the employee could improve to enhance the employee’s future career opportunities.
2) Employees who meet the basic qualifications may request the following additional information from the Human Resources Division, or its service provider if one exists:
a) Explanations of any part of the Merit Promotion Plan;
b) Details of the evaluation techniques;
c) The qualifications required for the position;
d) If the employee was grouped among the best qualified;
e) If the employee was minimally qualified for the position;
f) The total points awarded on the assessment questionnaire in the automated staffing process;
g) Minimum number for total points which were needed to make the best qualified list; and
h) The name of the selectee.
Career Guidance. Assist PARTICIPANTS in managing their career development and growth;
Career Guidance. (1) Upon request, employees identified by the Employer as not qualified for a vacancy are entitled to career guidance from the Human Resources. This guidance will include, at a minimum, a description of the minimum qualification requirements for the positions for which the employee desires consideration, an analysis of the employee’s current qualifications as they relate to higher level positions the employee could reasonably be expected to fill within the next year, and areas in which the employee could improve to enhance the employee’s future career opportunities.
(2) Employees who meet the basic qualifications may request the following additional information from the Human Resources Division, or its service provider if one exists:
(a) Explanations of any part of the Merit Promotion Plan;
(b) Details of the evaluation techniques;
(c) The qualifications required for the position;
(d) If the employee was grouped among the best qualified;
(e) If the employee was minimally qualified for the position;
(f) The total points awarded on the assessment questionnaire in the automated staffing process;
(g) Minimum number for total points which were needed to make the best qualified list; and
(h) The name of the selectee.
Career Guidance. Employees determined by the Employer to be not qualified for a vacancy may request career guidance from the Human Resources Division or its service provider. This guidance may include a description of the minimum qualification requirements for the position and an analysis of the employee’s current qualifications as they relate to that position. Employees who met the basic qualifications may request the following additional information from the Human Resources Division or its service provider:
1. Explanations of any part of the Merit Promotion Plan;
2. Details of the evaluation techniques;
3. The qualifications required for the position;
4. If the employee was among the best qualified;
5. The total points awarded on the assessment questionnaire in the automated staffing process;
6. Minimum number of total points which were needed to make the best qualified list; and
7. The name of the selected candidate; Section 16 -
Career Guidance. 11.1. Within four weeks after the employee has received written notification of potential dismissal, the administrator, the employee and HR advisor will compile a written guidance plan. The administrator will take the initiative in this. The guidance plan will be signed by the administrator, employee and HR advisor. The employee will be expected to cooperate with this and also show personal initiative. If this deadline is not achieved, providing that it is for reasons that cannot be attributed to the employee, the employment protection period referred to in Article 6 of this Continuous scheme in case of redundancy will be extended by the duration of the delay, i.e., the period starting from the end of the four-week deadline until the guidance plan has been drawn up in writing by the administrator and presented to the employee for signing.
11.2. The guidance plan will outline the wishes and possibilities of the employee facing potential redundancy with regard to a new position inside or outside UT. The plan may focus on the following: • career advice and training; • refresher training, additional training or retraining • outplacement facilities; • facilities associated with job application training; • other measures taken to facilitate a reassignment inside or outside UT; • support for entrepreneurship; • highlighting vacancies outside UT; • job application activities on the part of the employee (incl. registering with temporary employment agencies); • use of (other) facilities from the Continuous scheme in case of redundancy.
11.3. This provision does not apply to employees who have reached statutory pension age.
Career Guidance. Despite the fact that Career Guidance is an essential component of any given employability program, and due to the fact that this is an under-developed component within the Palestinian context; the YED team will present this component to new YSIs to generate more interest and guarantee full understanding of Career Guidance within the Palestinian context.
Career Guidance. In the event of a layoff of five (5) or more employees in a thirty (30) day period, the College shall provide for all laid off employees, a career development program. However, five (5) or more employees must enroll in the program before the College is obligated to conduct it. Topics will include the skills of self-assessment, career research, resume writing and job interviewing.
Career Guidance. The GP Trainer will assist the GPStR, where appropriate with issues relating to career guidance and support and involve the Programme Directors where appropriate. The Programme Directors will also assist in giving career advice and ensure that those giving this advice are fully familiar with the career options in general practice, and are able to provide up to date information regarding these or identify other individuals within the Deanery who can provide appropriate advice. This Agreement is between: Professor Xxxx Xxxxxx; the Xxxx of Postgraduate General Practice Education of Health Education East of England (“The Xxxx”) and Dr <<TrainerForenames>> <<TrainerSurname>> of <<GPPractice>> <<GPPracticeAddress1>> <<GPPracticeAddress2>> <<GPPracticeAddress3>> <<GPPracticeAddress4>> an approved Trainer (“The Trainer”).