Service Specification. The Parties have agreed upon the scope and specification of the Services provided under this Service Agreement in the Service Specification.
Service Specification. 2.1 The Parties have agreed upon the scope and specification for the Services as specified in the Service Specification in Appendix 1.
Service Specification. 6.1 From the Effective Date, the Operator shall operate its Local Services as it did under the terms of the BES 1.5, unless agreed otherwise with the Lead Authority prior to the Effective Date.
6.2 The Operator shall consult and agree with the Lead Authority and each Constituent Local Authority in whose area a Local Service operates by the Effective Date or by no later than thirty (30) days of the Effective Date, the specification of the services (including routes, frequencies and hours of operation) that the Operator shall provide. In determining the specification of the services the Parties shall have regard to:
6.2.1 supporting learners’ journeys to school or college on registered local bus services;
6.2.2 increasing frequencies where demand exceeds capacity;
6.2.3 improving accessibility to jobs and services across our regions and communities;
6.2.4 supporting economic recovery; and
6.2.5 ensuring social inclusion, (together the "Priorities"), provided that the services shall be affordable within the BES 2 Funding allocated to the Operator in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
6.3 The agreed Service Specification will be recorded in the form appended at Schedule 6 and shall be updated with any changes, agreed from time to time and subject to being deliverable within the BES 2 Funding provided to the Operator pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
6.4 The Operator shall act in good faith to discuss and agree with the Lead Authority and the relevant Constituent Local Authorities any changes in the Local Services required at regular intervals as agreed by the Parties, to ensure that the Local Services continue to meet local needs.
6.5 The Operator shall take all reasonable steps to respond and comply promptly with reasonable requests from the Lead Authority to amend the Local Services operated including:
6.5.1 the routes used by those services;
6.5.2 the hours of operation;
6.5.3 the vehicles used or levels of provision; and
6.5.4 the timetables of such services.
6.6 If, in exceptional circumstances, the Operator cannot reach agreement with the Lead Authority and any Constituent Local Authority on the Local Services to be operated in accordance with clause 6.4, then the Operator shall seek to agree the reasonable level of services to be provided with the Lead Authority who shall act reasonably to determine an appropriate service requirement in the context of the BES 2 Funding available and the requirements of the Lead Authority and the relevan...
Service Specification. The services to be provided under this Agreement are outlined in Appendix 1 to this Agreement. These services will be provided to support the Client in better managing and developing the Neath Port Talbot Primary School workforce, leading to improved outcomes for all pupils. These services will comprise a combination of (a) responses to requests for advice and other HR support, along with (b) a pre-planned programme of work which reflects priorities determined by the Client. The priorities for the 2023-2025 period are as follows: • Schools Grievance Procedure • Schools Dignity at Work Procedure • Schools Disciplinary Policy and Procedure • Capability Policy • Schools Pay Policy • Provision of advice and guidance in the event of any industrial action • Support and advice in relation to Employment Tribunal cases • Support and advice at negotiating and consultation forums, ELLL Negotiating Forum, Education JCG, Education, Health and Safety Committee • Attendance and HR advice on policy and process at Staff Disciplinary and Dismissal Committees and Staff Disciplinary and Dismissal Appeal Committees • Continue to utlilise the electronic process for administering Disclosure and Barring Service checks, in collaboration with Powys Council, improving efficiency of safe recruitment pre- employment checks. • Continue to provide training and guidance support to Schools to promote a culture of safe recruitment and safe employment practice. • Attendance, support and HR advice at PASM and relevant school Governor meetings. • 2023-2025 Budget – ongoing HR support from 1st September 2023 onwards for all schools implementing staffing changes to achieve a balanced budget • Budget – HR support to address any workforce planning actions required, together with any resultant management of change support. • Specific topics and events to be in accordance with LLAN priorities and delivered as agreed by the Chair of LLAN. • Safeguarding in Schools Training to continue to be delivered bi-annually in conjunction with the Education Safeguarding Officer during the 2023-2025 period. • Training in relation to Sickness Absence management, the Schools Disciplinary Procedure and Redundancy Procedure to be provided annually and also on an ad-hoc basis as necessary. • Ongoing support from the HR team and the Occupational Health Unit to support Head teachers and Governing Bodies to manage and reduce the incidence of sickness absence in the school workforce. • Specific Long Term Absence Manageme...
Service Specification. This service is available for only patients registered with a General Practice within the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The pharmacist will: Interview the patient (or, in a pandemic only, the patient’s representative) to identify the medicines needed and to establish the nature of the emergency; Examine the patient medication record to establish whether the patient’s last course of the medicine was obtained from that pharmacy against a prescription; The pharmacy should take reasonable measures to ascertain the appropriateness of making a a supply, including, where appropriate the use of Summary Care Record, contacting the last supplying pharmacy or the prescriber; and Where appropriate, advise the patient or his representative on the importance of ordering prescriptions in a timely manner. The pharmacist will at his/her discretion, make the supply in accordance with the requirements of the Human Medicines Regulations 2012. This service The pharmacy will maintain a record: of the emergency supply, setting out the name and address of the patient, the prescription only medicine supplied, the date of the supply and the nature of the emergency in accordance with the Human Medicines Regulations 2012; of the consultation and any medicine that is supplied in the patient medication record; of the consultation and any medicine that is supplied the paperwork/IT system provided by the commissioner. This record will be used for the recording of relevant service information for the purposes of audit and the claiming of payment. Patient consent will need to be given for this data sharing One copy of this record in will be sent to the patient’s general practitioner for information (this will normally be done by PharmOutcomes automatically) Patient consent will need to be given for this data sharing. A prescription charge should be collected unless the patient is exempt in accordance with the NHS Charges for Drugs and Appliances Regulations. Where a prescription charge is paid a patient must sign a declaration. A prescription refund and receipt form as approved by the Secretary of State must be provided if the patient requests it. Any prescription charges collected from patients will be deducted from the sum payable to the pharmacy. If a patient is exempt from paying a prescription charge in accordance with the NHS Charges for Drugs and Appliances Regulations, evidence of entitlement to exemption should be provided by the patient for the pharmac...
Service Specification. The provisions of Schedule 5 shall apply.
Service Specification. The pharmacy will at the point of handing out a completed prescription to a patient (or their representative where the patient has consented to the representative acting in this capacity) discuss with the patient the contents of the completed prescription and whether each item as dispensed is required by the patient. Where, as a result of the discussion described above, an item that has been ordered on the prescription is identified as not being required by the patient, the pharmacy will, at the discretion of the pharmacist, make an intervention to not dispense the item. When the pharmacist makes such an intervention they will make a record of the intervention on PharmOutcomes that captures the following information: The name and address of the patient The name and practice of the prescriber The date of the intervention The name, strength (if required), form and quantity of the item that the intervention has been made on The reason, as reported by the patient, that item was prescribed but is no longer required. Any action that the pharmacist has taken to prevent that item from being unnecessarily prescribed in the future When the pharmacist makes an intervention as described above, they will notify the patient’s GP that they have made that intervention and the reason why the item was not required. (This will be normally be done automatically by the PharmOutcomes system, but may sometime require the pharmacy to post the notification). When the pharmacist makes an intervention, that in their discretion may be clinically significant to the patients continuing treatment, they will deliver a Medicines Use Review to support the patients safe use of the prescribed medicines. Where a pharmacy makes an intervention they should check the patient history on PharmOutcomes to see if the patient has received a similar intervention in the previous period of treatment for the same item. If there has been a previous intervention the pharmacy should record this in the PharmOutcomes record and if appropriate, deliver a Medicines Use Review to the patient. Where a pharmacy makes an intervention, on an item that is prescribed on a paper prescription form, they shall score through the item so as to make it illegible. Where a pharmacy makes an intervention, on an item that is prescribed through the Electronic Prescription Service, they endorse the item as Not Dispensed (ND) on the Electronic Prescription Service claim. The pharmacy staff will ensure that the service ...
Service Specification. 2.1 The service aims are to: • Work closely within local communities to identify gaps in provision • Assist and provide practical guidance on the successful registration with ofsted and meeting the national standards • Assist and advise on the implementation of quality standards, providing business advise and information relating to HR, H&S, Legal duties, employment, marketing, financial accounting and signposting to other agencies • Give advice and signposting to potential funders to secure grants to enable settings to stay sustainable • Provide training, information and support to settings on new government legislation and standards i.e. Early Years Foundation Stage (following on from Birth To Three Matters Framework) • Deliver the legal requirements of Retained Functions – providing briefing sessions, pre-registration sessions and providing support to new and existing registrations • Ensure all providers are delivering to the Every Child Matters five outcomes framework • Ensure all initiatives are delivered strategically sharing best practice and meeting the childcare sufficiency strategy. Appropriate information is shared related to the development of children centres, extended schools, teenage pregnancy, safeguarding. Etc.
Service Specification. 4.1 The Service will be known as the London Pharmacy Immunisation Service 2015/16. This service will cover the National NHS England Flu service under the advanced services of the contractual framework in the instance the national service is not operational at any time during the period of September 1st 2015 to March 31st 2016. This service also covers the Pharmacy Enhanced Service in London for the additional patient groups for flu and additional immunisations such as Pneumococcal Polysaccharide that fall outside the national advanced service.
4.2 The Service to be provided is as set out in Schedule 1 of the Service Specification.
Service Specification. 4.1 The Service included in this SLA is known as the London influenza Vaccination Service. The local London influenza Vaccination Service can be provided by any pharmacy that holds a private PGD either onsite or offsite, provided NHSE/I have been previously informed. Pharmacists must sign up for provision of these services via declaration on the Sonar platform and keep a hard copy of the SLA & Service Specification(s) on file in the Pharmacy.
4.2 The Services to be provided is as set out in the Service Specification.