Arbitration Sample Clauses

Arbitration. Disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement that are not resolved pursuant to Section 5.1, including requests for specific performance, will be resolved through binding arbitration conducted pursuant to the rules of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The arbitration will be conducted in the English language and will occur in Los Angeles County, California. Any arbitration will be in front of a single arbitrator, unless (i) ICANN is seeking punitive or exemplary damages, or operational sanctions, (ii) the parties agree in writing to a greater number of arbitrators, or (iii) the dispute arises under Section 7.6 or 7.7. In the case of clauses (i), (ii) or (iii) in the preceding sentence, the arbitration will be in front of three arbitrators with each party selecting one arbitrator and the two selected arbitrators selecting the third arbitrator. In order to expedite the arbitration and limit its cost, the arbitrator(s) shall establish page limits for the parties’ filings in conjunction with the arbitration, and should the arbitrator(s) determine that a hearing is necessary, the hearing shall be limited to one (1) calendar day, provided that in any arbitration in which ICANN is seeking punitive or exemplary damages, or operational sanctions, the hearing may be extended for one (1) additional calendar day if agreed upon by the parties or ordered by the arbitrator(s) based on the arbitrator(s) independent determination or the reasonable request of one of the parties thereto. The prevailing party in the arbitration will have the right to recover its costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, which the arbitrator(s) shall include in the awards. In the event the arbitrators determine that Registry Operator has been repeatedly and willfully in fundamental and material breach of its obligations set forth in Article 2, Article 6 or Section 5.4 of this Agreement, ICANN may request the arbitrators award punitive or exemplary damages, or operational sanctions (including without limitation an order temporarily restricting Registry Operator’s right to sell new registrations). Each party shall treat information received from the other party pursuant to the arbitration that is appropriately marked as confidential (as required by Section 7.15) as Confidential Information of such other party in accordance with Section 7.15. In any litigation involving ICANN concerning this Agreement, jurisdiction and exclusive venue for s...
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Arbitration. You may elect, but are not required, to resolve any claim by individual arbitration. We may also request to resolve any claim by individual arbitration, but you are not required to accept our request. Claims are decided by a neutral arbitrator. If you elect or agree to resolve a claim through arbitration, your or our right to litigate that claim in court or have a jury trial on that claim may be limited. Further, you and we may not have the right to participate in a representative capacity or as a member of any class pertaining to any claim subject to arbitration. Arbitration procedures are generally simpler than the rules that apply in court, and discovery is more limited. The arbitrator's authority is limited to claims between you and us alone. Claims may not be joined or consolidated unless you and we agree in writing. An arbitration award and any judgment confirming it will apply only to the specific case and cannot be used in any other case except to enforce the award. The arbitrator's decisions are as enforceable as any court order and are subject to very limited review by a court. Except as set forth below, the arbitrator's decision will be final and binding. Other rights you or we would have in court may also not be available in arbitration. Initiating Arbitration If you and we agree to proceed to arbitration, claims will be referred to either JAMS or AAA, as selected by the party electing arbitration. Claims will be resolved pursuant to this Arbitration provision and the selected organization's rules in effect when the claim is filed, except where those rules conflict with this Agreement. If we choose the organization, you may select the other within 30 days after receiving notice of our selection. Contact JAMS or AAA to begin an arbitration or for other information. Claims also may be referred to another arbitration organization if you and we agree in writing or to an arbitrator appointed pursuant to section 5 of the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. sec. 1-16 (FAA). We will not request arbitration for any claim you file in small claims court, so long as the claim is individual and pending only in that court. You may otherwise elect to arbitrate any claim at any time unless it has been filed in court and trial has begun or final judgment has been entered. Limitations on Arbitration If the parties agree to resolve a claim by arbitration, that claim will be arbitrated on an individual basis pursuant to that agreement, and the agreement would not al...
Arbitration. Any dispute or controversy arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled exclusively by arbitration, conducted before an arbitrator in Houston, Texas in accordance with the National Rules for the Resolution of Employment Disputes of the American Arbitration Association then in effect. Judgment may be entered on the arbitration award in any court having jurisdiction; provided, however, that the Company shall be entitled to seek a restraining order or injunction in any court of competent jurisdiction to prevent any violation or continuation of any violation of the provisions of Articles 11, 12, 13 or 15 of this Agreement and Employee hereby consents that such restraining order or injunction may be granted without requiring the Company to post a bond. Only individuals who are on the AAA register of arbitrators shall be selected as an arbitrator. Within 20 days of the conclusion of the arbitration hearing, the arbitrator(s) shall prepare written findings of fact and conclusions of law. It is mutually agreed that the written decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be valid, binding, final and non-appealable; provided however, that the parties hereto agree that the arbitrator shall not be empowered to award punitive damages against any party to such arbitration. The Company shall bear all administrative fees and expenses of the arbitration and each party shall bear its own counsel fees and expenses except as otherwise provided in this paragraph. If Employee makes a claim against the Company relating to the performance of, or the rights and obligations of, the Company arising under, relating to or in connection with this Agreement (a “Covered Claim by the Employee”), the arbitrators shall award Employee his reasonable legal fees and expenses if Employee prevails on one material Covered Claim by the Employee (as determined by the arbitrator). If a claim is made by the Company against Employee relating to the performance of, or the rights and obligations of, Employee arising under, relating to or in connection with this Agreement (a “Covered Claim by the Company”), the arbitrators shall award Employee his reasonable legal fees and expenses; provided that if such Covered Claim by the Company relates to Employee’s performance or obligations under Articles 11, 12, 13 or 15, the arbitrators shall award Employee his legal fees and expenses only if the Company does not prevail on any Covered Claim by the Company relating to any such Section (as determin...
Arbitration. Any controversy or claim arising out of relating to this Agreement, or the breach hereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
Arbitration. Any dispute or controversy arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled exclusively by arbitration, conducted before a panel of three arbitrators sitting in a location selected by Executive within fifty (50) miles from the location of the Bank, in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect. Judgment may be entered on the arbitrator’s award in any court having jurisdiction; provided, however, that Executive shall be entitled to seek specific performance of his right to be paid until the Date of Termination during the pendency of any dispute or controversy arising under or in connection with this Agreement.
Arbitration. Any dispute or controversy arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled exclusively by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect. Judgment may be entered on the arbitrator's award in any court having jurisdiction.
Arbitration. 20.01 If the parties fail to settle the grievance at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure, the grievance may be referred to arbitration under the following procedure.
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Arbitration. Any party hereto may elect to submit any dispute hereunder that has an amount in controversy in excess of $250,000 to arbitration hereunder. Any such arbitration shall be conducted in Boston, Massachusetts in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association then pertaining and the decision of the arbitrators with respect to such dispute shall be binding, final and conclusive on the parties. In the event any party hereto shall elect to submit any such dispute to arbitration hereunder, the Seller and the Purchaser shall each appoint and pay all fees of a fit and impartial person as arbitrator with at least ten (10) years’ recent professional experience in the general subject matter of the dispute. Notice of such appointment shall be sent in writing by each party to the other, and the arbitrators so appointed, in the event of their failure to agree within thirty (30) days after the appointment of the second arbitrator upon the matter so submitted, shall appoint a third arbitrator. If either the Seller or the Purchaser shall fail to appoint an arbitrator, as aforesaid, for a period of ten (10) days after written notice from the other party to make such appointment, then the arbitrator appointed by the party having made such appointment shall appoint a second arbitrator and the two (2) so appointed shall, in the event of their failure to agree upon any decision within thirty (30) days thereafter, appoint a third arbitrator. If such arbitrators fail to agree upon a third arbitrator within forty five (45) days after the appointment of the second arbitrator, then such third arbitrator shall be appointed by the American Arbitration Association from its qualified panel of arbitrators, and shall be a person having at least ten (10) years’ recent professional experience as to the subject matter in question. The fees of the third arbitrator and the expenses incident to the proceedings shall be borne equally between the Seller and the Purchaser, unless the arbitrators decide otherwise. The fees of respective counsel engaged by the parties, and the fees of expert witnesses and other witnesses called for by the parties, shall be paid by the respective party engaging such counsel or calling or engaging such witnesses. The decision of the arbitrators shall be rendered within thirty (30) days after appointment of the third arbitrator. Such decision shall be in writing and in duplicate, one counterpart thereof to be delivered to the Sel...
Arbitration. PLEASE READ THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION CAREFULLY TO UNDERSTAND YOUR RIGHTS. IT PROVIDES THAT ANY CLAIM OR DISPUTE THAT YOU MAY HAVE IN THE FUTURE RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT AND YOUR DEALINGS WITH US MUST BE RESOLVED SOLELY THROUGH BINDING ARBITRATION. Notwithstanding the foregoing, You have the right to opt out of this agreement to arbitrate by providing written notice of your intention to do so to Us via certified mail within thirty (30) days of the purchase of this Agreement. Arbitration is a method of resolving any claim, dispute or controversy without filing a lawsuit. In this Arbitration Provision, You, We, and the Administrator (the “Parties”) are irrevocably waiving our rights to go to court and are agreeing instead to submit any claims, disputes or controversies between the Parties to binding arbitration for resolution. This Arbitration Provision sets forth the terms and conditions of our agreement to binding arbitration. The Parties agree and acknowledge that the transaction evidenced by this Agreement affects interstate commerce and the Federal Arbitration Act (“Act”) applies to this Arbitration Provision. The Parties agree to resolve all claims, disputes and controversies (collectively “Claims”) related in any way to this Agreement by binding arbitration, including but not limited to Claims related to the underlying transaction giving rise to this Agreement, and including further, without limitation, Claims arising under contract, tort, statute, regulation, rule, ordinance or other rule of law or equity. Notwithstanding this agreement to arbitrate, each of the Parties retains the right to seek remedies in small claims court to resolve any Claim within the jurisdiction of small claims court. You acknowledge Your understanding that all Parties hereunder are waiving their rights to go to court, except for small claims court, to resolve any Claims arising under this Agreement between or among the Parties. YOU AGREE AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVE ANY RIGHT YOU MAY HAVE TO LITIGATE IN SMALL CLAIMS COURT, STATE, COUNTY OR FEDERAL COURT ANY CLAIM ON A CLASS-ACTION BASIS OR IN ANY OTHER COLLECTIVE OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING AS EITHER A REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER OF A CLASS, OR AS A PRIVATE ATTORNEY GENERAL, OR TO OTHERWISE PURSUE ANY CLAIM IN A CLASS- ACTION IN SMALL CLAIMS, STATE, COUNTY OR FEDERAL COURT. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY IN THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION, ANY DISPUTE REGARDING THE VALIDITY AND EFFECT OF THIS CLASS ACTION WAIVER PROHIBIT...
Arbitration. If the grievance is not settled in accordance with the foregoing procedure, the UNION may refer the grievance to arbitration within fourteen (14) calendar days after the employee and UNION's receipt of the EMPLOYER's written answer in Step 2. The parties shall mutually agree upon an arbitrator. If the parties are unable to agree on an arbitrator, the selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Public Employment Relations Act and administered by the State of Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services. The arbitrator shall hear the grievance at a scheduled meeting subject to the availability of the EMPLOYER and the union representatives. The arbitrator shall notify the union representative and the EMPLOYER of his/her decision within thirty (30) calendar days following the close of the hearing or submission of briefs by the parties, whichever is later, unless the parties agree to an extension thereof. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the EMPLOYER and the UNION, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. Employees who serve as such representatives or witnesses shall not be compensated at a rate in excess of their base pay rate. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, provided it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost shall be shared equally. The arbitrator shall not have the right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the provisions of this AGREEMENT. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted, in writing, by the EMPLOYER and the UNION, and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue(s) not so submitted. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The decision shall be based solely upon the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this AGREEMENT and on the facts of the grievance presented. If the arbitrator determines that the grievance is covered by law or statute, or not covered by the express provisions of this AGREEMENT, the arbitrator shall refer the grievance back to the parties with...
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