Professional experience means the actual and lawful pursuit of the profession concerned;
Professional experience means the experience that occurred through full-time employment in an educational related field or in a field in which the person intends to be licensed.
Professional experience refers to the member’s competence and effectiveness in carrying out the activities of her/his professional specialty during the time period specified. The requirement for academic experience may be waived for the purposes of determining rank at initial appointment. A member’s professional experience will be evaluated in terms of specific job descriptions within the current rank.
Examples of Professional experience in a sentence
Desired: Professional experience in the field of migration, in particular with regard to third countries, the European Union and international organizations; experience as immigration liaison officers, as well as other liaison officers or diplomats for an EU Member State in a third country which, as part of their duties, dealt with migration issues would be an asset.
Professional experience: Date from – Date toDate from – Date to18.
Professional experience will be counted from the date on which the applicant acquired the minimum qualification for access to the profile in question.
Professional experience includes the years of practice after obtaining the diploma(s) required.
Professional experience: Date from – Date to Date from – Date to 18.
More Definitions of Professional experience
Professional experience means the actual and lawful full-time or equivalent part-time pursuit of the profession concerned in a Member State;
Professional experience means a diversity of work calling for substantial technical knowledge, skill, and responsibility as well as a lesser degree of supervision necessary to ensure that good judgment is applied to protect the public during the course and scope of projects.
Professional experience means employment in career and technical education in the discipline and/or spe- cialty for which the application has been submitted.
Professional experience means experience lawfully obtained while licensed as a
Professional experience means the period of actual and assimilated professional activity performed with the employer with whom the employee is in service, as well as the periods of actual and assimilated professional activity which the employee has performed prior to his/her entry into service, as a salaried worker, a self-employed person or a statutory civil servant.
Professional experience means the period of time in which the person applying for acknowledgement has exercised legally the respective profession in a member state of the European Union and the European economic space.
Professional experience refers to the Member’s competence and effectiveness in car- rying out the activities of their professional specialty during the time period specified. The requirement for academic experience may be waived for the purposes of deter- mining rank at initial appointment. A Member’s professional experience will be evalu- ated in terms of specific job descriptions within the current rank.