Call Out. Any employee who is eligible for overtime who is called out for work outside of and not continuous with his/her regular hours will be paid a minimum of four (4) hours of the employee's regular rate of pay or hours actually worked at the appropriate rate, whichever is greater. Any additional call outs occurring within the same four (4) hour period shall be compensated for actual time worked at the appropriate rate. This section shall not apply to an employee who is called in four (4) hours or less prior to the start of his/her workday or shift and who continues to work that day or shift or to an employee held over at the end of their regular workday. Notwithstanding this provision, employees in agencies which have been compensated for call out on a higher basis as of January 1, 1997 shall continue to be compensated on the higher basis.
Call Out. (a) With the exception of call-out, an employee who reports for work and on reporting to work finds no work available, shall be entitled to two (2) hours’ pay at their regular rate of pay. This payment shall not apply if, during the preceding workday, the Employer has notified the employee not to report for work on the day following. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, it shall be the intent of the Employer to notify an employee as to work assignments for the following day as soon as requirements are known.
(b) Call-out shall be for a minimum period of four (4) hours or four (4) hours’ pay, starting when the employee arrives at the work site and finishing when the employee leaves the work site.
Call Out. When a day off is canceled because of staff and training meetings, the employee shall be given another day off in conjunction with their remaining scheduled day off. If more than one (1) day off is canceled for the above training then the employee shall be given an equal amount of consecutive days off within the same fourteen (14) day cycle. Notice shall be given to the affected employees in writing, postmarked at least fourteen (14) days in advance of such meetings. Should such meetings be canceled, reasonable notification of the rescheduled meetings will be provided where circumstances permit in consideration of operational needs. If the employee is not initially given a fourteen (14) day advance notice, the employee is entitled to one and one-half (1½) hours for each hour spent in such training or meetings, including actual necessary travel time. When an employee is called out to work by his/her supervisor on any scheduled day off, even if the day off falls on a holiday, the employee shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours of work for which they shall be given a minimum of four (4) hours of compensating time or one and one-half (1½) hours of compensating time for each hour worked, whichever is greater. In lieu of compensating time, upon mutual agreement, employees may be paid one and one-half (1½) their hourly rate for each hour worked. This does not include employees who are scheduled to work a holiday. Investigators who are called out to work by their supervisor after the end of their regular workday and up to the beginning of their next regular workday, with the exception of scheduled days off or holidays, shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours of pay or for hours actually worked at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times their regular rate, whichever is greater. An employee who reports for call out 2.5 hours or less prior to the start of his/her core period shall continue working until the beginning of his/her core period, unless otherwise authorized by a supervisor. Also, Fire Investigators who are engaged in work-in-progress for more than twelve (12) hours from the time he/she commenced working on a regular workday, which twelve (12) hours need not be continuous but which work must be in progress as of the end of a regular workday, shall be guaranteed a minimum of two (2) hours of pay at one and one- half (1½) times the base hourly rate for such hours worked in excess of twelve (12). Should this special overtime fund be depleted, ...
Call Out. Any employee called out for work outside of and not continuous with his/her regular hours will be paid a minimum of four (4) hours of compensating time or compensating time at the appropriate rate for the hours spent on the call out whichever is greater. This section shall not apply to an employee who is called in four (4) hours or less prior to the start of his/her workday and who continues to work that day or to an employee held over at the end of their regular workday.
Call Out. When a day off is canceled because of statewide, regional or district meetings and training sessions; town warden meetings, readiness review inspections; or overhead team exercises the employee shall be given another day off in conjunction with their remaining scheduled day off. If more than one (1) day off is canceled for the above training then the employee shall be given an equal amount of consecutive days off within the same twenty-eight (28) day cycle. Notice shall be given to the affected employees in writing, postmarked at least fourteen (14) days in advance of such meetings. Should such meetings be canceled, reasonable notification of the rescheduled meetings will be provided where circumstances permit in consideration of operational needs. If the employee is not initially given a fourteen (14) day advance notice, the employee is entitled to one and one-half (1½) hours for each hour spent in such training or meetings, including actual necessary travel time. When an employee is called out to work by his/her supervisor on any scheduled day off, even if the day off falls on a holiday, the employee shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours of work for which they shall be given a minimum of four (4) hours of compensating time or one and one-half (1½) hours of compensating time for each hour worked, whichever is greater. In lieu of compensating time, upon mutual agreement, employees may be paid one and one-half (1½) their hourly rate for each hour worked. This does not include employees who are scheduled to work a holiday. The sum of $400,000 will be annually allocated among the Departments of Public Safety, Conservation, Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, the Office of the Attorney General and Marine Resources in proportion to the number of employees who are paid by general funds in the following classes: Forest Ranger II Forest Ranger III Game Warden Game Warden Specialist Game Warden Investigator Marine Patrol Officer Marine Patrol Specialist Attorney General Detective For other employees in the Department of Public Safety and employees in the State Department, Motor Vehicle Division, who are paid by dedicated revenue accounts, a like proportionate amount of money will be allotted for the payment of call-out under this provision for the following classes: Fire Investigator Motor Vehicle Investigator Senior Fire Investigator Forest Rangers who are called out to work by their supervisor or the scheduled duty officer, after the end of their regular wor...
Call Out. Refers to an unscheduled return to work by regular employees or auxiliary employees who work scheduled full or part-time weekly shifts after completion of their regular work-day (work-shift).
Call Out. A call of an employee to perform non-scheduled work for the Company.
A. If the time worked immediately follows and connects (as defined in 1.04) with regularly scheduled time, it shall not be considered a call-out.
B. If the time worked immediately precedes and connects (as defined in 1.04) with regularly scheduled time and starts at or after 7:00 A.M., it shall not be considered a call-out.
C. If the time worked starts before 7:00 A.M., and falls entirely within the hour which immediately precedes the regularly scheduled starting time, it shall not be considered a call-out.
Call Out. A call-out is work performed at a time separate from an employee's regular hours of work. Employees on call-out shall receive not less than three (3) hours of pay at the specified overtime premium. Calls within two (2) hours of each other shall be considered as one (1) call, for the purpose of computing minimum pay for the employee called out.
Call Out. Regular and temporary employees who are called out and required to work outside their regular working hours, shall be paid at overtime rates, with a minimum payment equal to three (3) hours at regular rates. If the call out is on a day the employee is not scheduled to work, a minimum payment equal to four (4) hours at regular rates shall be paid.
Call Out. Any employee who is eligible for overtime who is called out for work outside of and not continuous with his/her regular hours will be paid a minimum of four (4) hours of the employee's regular rate of pay or hours actually worked at the appropriate rate, whichever is greater. This section shall not apply to an employee who is called in four (4) hours or less prior to the start of his/her workday or shift and who continues to work that day or shift or to an employee held over at the end of their regular workday. Notwithstanding this provision, employees in MCC/System Office which have compensated for call-out on a higher basis prior to the effective date of this Agreement shall continue to be compensated on the higher basis.