PREAMBLE. The parties agree that this article constitutes the method and procedure for a final and conclusive settlement of any dispute (hereinafter referred to as "the grievance") respecting the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of this Collective Agreement, including a question as to whether a matter is arbitrable.
PREAMBLE. The general purpose of this Agreement is to establish and maintain collective bargaining relations between the Hospital and the employees covered by this Agreement; to provide for ongoing means of communication between the Union and the Hospital and the prompt disposition of grievances and the final settlement of disputes and to establish and maintain mutually satisfactory wages, hours of work and other conditions of employment in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. It is recognized that the employees wish to work efficiently together with the Hospital to secure the best possible care and health protection for patients.
PREAMBLE. 1.01 It is the purpose of both parties to this Agreement:
PREAMBLE. The Council of Trustees’ Associations (CTA) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) agree to establish a joint Central Labour Relations Committee (Committee) to promote and facilitate communication between rounds of bargaining on issues of joint interest.
PREAMBLE. All parties in the Victorian Building Industry are committed to the provision of safe and healthy workplaces. The attainment of this objective can be undermined by the hazardous use of alcohol and other drugs by some individuals on occasions. There are many factors which determine alcohol and other drug usage patterns. Some relate to personal and social matters. Others may relate to work culture and conditions. Research has highlighted that the building industry has a high level of alcohol use. This may affect occupational health and safety on building sites. This policy aims to facilitate the implementation of practical ways in which building workers themselves can address the alcohol and other drug issues, which affect them, their families or co- workers. It provides guidelines, which may be adapted to meet the specific conditions of different workplaces. PRINCIPLES ⮚ Safety is paramount on building sites. ⮚ Prevention of safety and health problems is the primary goal of alcohol and drug policy formulation. ⮚ Policy implementation and program management is best founded on consultation and collaboration between employees and management. ⮚ Employees with alcohol and/or other drug problems will be provided with appropriate assistance, support and access to intervention programs without jeopardizing their employment. OBJECTIVES ⮚ To establish a program run by and for building workers, which enables alcohol and other drug issues to be addressed on building sites. ⮚ To expand awareness of alcohol and other drug use as an occupational health and safety issue. ⮚ To enable industrial factors likely to influence alcohol and other drug use (eg. Extended working hours, peer group pressure) to be recognised and addressed. ⮚ To provide a basis for health promotion in the building industry. ⮚ To enable a consistent approach to alcohol and other drug issues across the building industry in Victoria. ⮚ To set out collaborative procedures for dealing with alcohol and drug issues on building sites. ⮚ To provide a structure on-site to assist workers to get any help they need for alcohol and/or other drug problems, confidentially and without jeopardising their employment. ⮚ To enable the development of a network of people; resources and programs managed by and sensitive to the needs of building workers with alcohol and drug problems.
PREAMBLE. The Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway and the Swiss Confederation, Members of the European Free Trade Association (hereinafter referred to as “the EFTA States”), and the Republic of Botswana, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Namibia, the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of Swaziland, together forming the Southern African Customs Union (hereinafter referred to jointly as “SACU” or severally as “the SACU States”), hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Parties”, CONSIDERING that the EFTA States and the SACU States wish to further strengthen their links and to establish close and lasting relations based on partnership and co- operation; RECOGNISING the efforts by the governments of the SACU States to further economic and social development for their people and the willingness of the EFTA States to support this process; RECALLING the importance attached by the Parties to the principles and rules which govern international trade and to the need to apply them in a transparent and non- discriminatory manner; TAKING ACCOUNT of the Parties’ rights and obligations in terms of their membership of the World Trade Organisation (hereinafter referred to as “the WTO”) and their contribution to the further strengthening of the multilateral trading system; RECOGNISING the special needs and interests of the SACU States as developing or least-developed countries and that such needs and interests be taken care of by less than full reciprocity in reduction commitments as referred to in the Doha Development Agenda; CONFIRMING the commitment of the Parties to promote regional co-operation and economic integration between the countries of Southern Africa and Europe and to encourage the liberalization of trade between the Parties; BEARING IN MIND the Parties’ commitment to ensure that their mutual arrangements do not impede the process of regional integration among the EFTA States on the one hand and the SACU States on the other; DESIRING to create new employment opportunities and to improve working conditions and living standards in their respective territories while promoting sustainable development; REAFFIRMING their commitment to the principles and objectives set out in the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and CONVINCED that this Agreement will create conditions encouraging economic, trade and investment relations between the Parties; HAVE AGREED, in pursuit of the above, to co...
PREAMBLE. In order to establish the background, context, and frame of reference for this Agreement and to generally express the objectives and intentions of the respective parties herein, the following statements, representations, and explanations shall be accepted as predicates for the undertakings and commitments included within the provisions which follow and may be relied upon by the parties as essential elements of the mutual considerations upon which this Agreement is based.