Days In definition

Days In means the total number of Scheduled Trading Days (excluding any Disrupted Day) in the relevant Observation Period (or, if the Daily Autocall Feature is triggered during such Observation Period, the period commencing from but excluding the relevant Period Start Date to and including the Autocall Trigger Date) on which the Closing Price of the Linked Stock is at or above the applicable Distribution Barrier Price;
Days In. A/R Goals for the UPA Department Charge Entry Goals for the UPA Department Payment Posting Goals for the UPA Department Accounts Receivable Follow Up Goals Procedure for feedback on performance of US Servis personnel Exhibit D (Training) (To be based on Contract Issues, Agreed Upon Solutions, Headings Purpose and Process) During the implementation period, or for one year following the Effective Date, whichever is sooner, US Servis will provide the mutually agreed to training to ensure a successful implementation. US Servis will provide group training, at no cost to Client as long as the training is conducted at US Servis or at an appropriate facility at the Client's Newark campus. If training is required at a site other than the aforementioned it will be charged pursuant to Section 6(F). On an ongoing basis, US Servis will provide group training once per month at no cost to Client as long as the training is conducted at US Servis or at an appropriate facility at the Client's Newark campus. If training is required at a site other than the aforementioned it will be charged pursuant to Section 6(F). US Servis shall provide formal training to providers quarterly in one group session regarding compliance issues, E&M coding, and other general coding related issues. Once a year, US Servis shall do a chart/coding audit of each Department and shall provide the Department Chair/Administrator with a written summary of the findings as well as a Department specific training session to review Department specific issues. Exhibit E (Implementation Plan) The purpose of the implementation Plan is to map out the roles and responsibilities of each party required to install and implement the RM Services in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. US Servis shall prepare a detailed Implementation Plan with a description of the tasks to be performed, a proposed timetable for those tasks and identification of the Party responsible for each task. US Servis shall provide the Plan to UPA for its review and comment. Once the Implementation Plan has been mutually agreed to, it will be signed by US Servis and UPA and deemed a part of this Agreement. It is the intent of both parties that the Implementation Plan will be agreed to within one hundred eighty (180) days of the execution of this Agreement. Once agreed to, the Implementation Plan may only be changed by the mutual agreement of the parties.
Days In means the total number of Scheduled Trading Days (excluding any Disrupted Day for any Linked Stock) in the relevant Observation Period on which the Closing Price of the Worst Performing Stock on such Scheduled Trading Day is at or above its applicable Distribution Barrier Price;

Examples of Days In in a sentence

  • Delivery to be completed in number of days ………………………… (Calendar Days In figure) …………………………………(Calendar Days in words) for delivery from the date of issue of supply order by purchaser.

  • Delivery to be completed in number of days ………………………… (Calendar Days In figure) (CalendarDays in words) for delivery from the date of issue of supply order by purchaser.

  • Delivery to be completed in number of days………………………… (Calendar Days In figure) ………………………………… (Calendar Days in words) for delivery from the date of issue of supply order by purchaser.

  • Days: In any place in this grievance procedure where the grievant is required to take any action within a certain number of days, same shall be construed to mean the work days for the particular grievant.

  • Delivery to be completed in number of days ………………………… (Calendar Days In figure)…………………………………(Calendar Days in words) from the date of issue of supply order by purchaser.

  • Delivery to be completed in number of days ………………………… (Calendar Days In figure)………………………………… (Calendar Days in words) for delivery from the date of issue of supply order by purchaser.

  • However, the bidder have an option to submit the best delivery time, but in any case the delivery should be before 90 days after the issue of supply order by purchaser.Number of days ………………………… (Calendar Days In figure)…………………………………(Calendar Days in words) for delivery from the date of issue of supply order by purchaser.

  • In accordance with Article X, section F of the Professional Agreement, job-share teachers will receive payment for additional time worked on Institute Days, In- service Days, Parent/Teacher Conference Days, and School Improvement Days.

  • Days: In the context of the time, refers to total calendar days, irrespective of weekends or holidays.

  • Personal Days In addition to the scheduled breaks and school holidays, the student will be allocated three (3) personal days off each semester, including summer semester.

More Definitions of Days In

Days In means the total number of Scheduled Trading Days (excluding any Disrupted Day) in the relevant Observation Period on which the Closing Price of the Linked Stock is at or above the applicable Distribution Barrier Price;
Days In means the total number of scheduled trading days (excluding any disrupted days) in an observation period on which the closing price of the reference stock is at or above the barrier price.“Days out” means the total number of scheduled trading days (excluding any disrupted days) in an observation period on which the closing price of the reference stock is below the barrier price.“Total days” means the total number of scheduled trading days (excluding any disrupted days) in an observation period.* The day-in cash distribution rate and day-out cash distribution rate used in the variable accrual formula will be specified in the relevant term sheet and will be the same for each applicable observation period. The day-in cash distribution rate will always be set at a rate which is higher than the day-out cash distribution rate. If the day-out cash distribution rate is specified to be zero, the potential cash distribution amount for the relevant observation period will be equal to the amount calculated in accordance with Part (I) of the variable accrual formula only.
Days In means the total number of scheduled trading days (excluding any disrupted days) in an observation period on which the closing price of the reference stock is at or above the barrier price.“Days out” means the total number of scheduled trading days (excluding any disrupted days) in an observation period on which the closing price of the reference stock is below the barrier price.“Total days” means the total number of scheduled trading days (excluding any disrupted days) in an observation period.

Related to Days In

  • Scheduling means the actions of Seller and/or its designated representatives pursuant to Section 4.2, of notifying, requesting and confirming to ISO- NE the quantity of Energy to be delivered on any given day or days (or in any given hour or hours) during the Services Term at the Delivery Point.

  • Quality system means documented organizational procedures and policies: internal audits of those policies and procedures: management review and recommendation for quality improvement.”

  • transhipment means the customs procedure under which goods are transferred under customs control from the importing means of transport to the exporting means of transport within the area of one customs office which is the office of both importation and exportation;

  • Start means the day falling the Relevant Number of Index Days prior to the first day of the relevant Interest Period.

  • Stability means structural stability.

  • labelling means any words, particulars, trade marks, brand name, pictorial matter or symbol relating to a food and placed on any packaging, document, notice, label, ring or collar accompanying or referring to such food;

  • Radiograph means an image receptor on which the image is created directly or indirectly by an x-ray pattern and results in a permanent record.

  • BPSS means the recognised standard for HMG for staff vetting which comprises verification of (1) identity, (2) employment history, (3) nationality and immigration status (including the right to work), and Criminal Records Bureau check (including a five (5) year address history check).

  • Shipment means a volume of products offered to and accepted by Carrier for transportation.

  • Scaling as used herein, involves:

  • Customer Care Centre means a department or a section or a facility established under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 25 by the distributor of television for addressing service requests, answering queries, recording of complaints, and redressal of grievances of consumers, by telephonic or electronic means or by any other means.

  • Quality means the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs;

  • Labeling means all labels and other written, printed, or graphic matter on an article or any of its

  • Child care center means an entity that regularly provides child day care and early learning services for a group of children for periods of less than twenty-four hours licensed by the Washington state department of early learning under chapter 170-295 WAC.

  • Promotion means a change from an employee's position to one with a higher maximum salary level.

  • Catalog means the available list of tangible personal property or services, in the most current listing, regardless of date, during the life of the contract, that takes the form of a catalog, price list, schedule, shelf price or other form that:

  • quality (functionality means the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs F.1.4 Communication and employer’s agentEach communication between the employer and a tenderer shall be to or from the employer's agent only, and in a form that can be read, copied and recorded. Writing shall be in the English language. The employer shall not take any responsibility for non-receipt of communications from or by a tenderer. The name and contact details of the employer’s agent are stated in the tender data. F.1.5 The employer’s right to accept or reject any tender offer F.1.5.1 The employer may accept or reject any variation, deviation, tender offer, or alternative tender offer, and may cancel the tender process and reject all tender offers at any time before the formation of a contract. The employer shall not accept or incur any liability to a tenderer for such cancellation and rejection, but will give written reasons for such action upon written request to do so. F.1.5.2 The employer may not subsequent to the cancellation or abandonment of a tender process or the rejection of all responsive tender offers re-issue a tender covering substantially the same scope of work within a period of six months unless only one tender was received and such tender was returned unopened to the tenderer. F.2 Tenderer’s obligations F.2.1 EligibilitySubmit a tender offer only if the tenderer satisfies the criteria stated in the tender data and the tenderer, or any of his principals, is not under any restriction to do business with employer. F.2.2 Cost of tenderingAccept that the employer will not compensate the tenderer for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a tender offer, including the costs of any testing necessary to demonstrate that aspects of the offer satisfy requirements. F.2.3 Check documentsCheck the tender documents on receipt for completeness and notify the employer of any discrepancy or omission. F.2.4 Confidentiality and copyright of documentsTreat as confidential all matters arising in connection with the tender. Use and copy the documents issued by the employer only for the purpose of preparing and submitting a tender offer in response to the invitation. F.2.5 Reference documentsObtain, as necessary for submitting a tender offer, copies of the latest versions of standards, specifications, conditions of contract and other publications, which are not attached but which are incorporated into the tender documents by reference. F.2.6 Acknowledge addendaAcknowledge receipt of addenda to the tender documents, which the employer may issue, and if necessary apply for an extension to the closing time stated in the tender data, in order to take the addenda into account. F.2.7 Clarification meetingAttend, where required, a clarification meeting at which tenderers may familiarize themselves with aspects of the proposed work, services or supply and raise questions. Details of the meeting(s) are stated in the tender data. F.2.8 Seek clarificationRequest clarification of the tender documents, if necessary, by notifying the employer at least five working days before the closing time stated in the tender data. F.2.9 InsuranceBe aware that the extent of insurance to be provided by the employer (if any) might not be for the full cover required in terms of the conditions of contract identified in the contract data. The tenderer is advised to seek qualified advice regarding insurance. F.2.10 Pricing the tender offer F.2.10.1 Include in the rates, prices, and the tendered total of the prices (if any) all duties, taxes (except Value Added Tax (VAT), and other levies payable by the successful tenderer, such duties, taxes and levies being those applicable 14 days before the closing time stated in the tender data. F2.10.2 Show VAT payable by the employer separately as an addition to the tendered total of the prices.

  • EDI means electronic data interchange.

  • Person centered care means care that:

  • broadcasting station means a station in the broadcasting service.

  • Timelines means the dates set out in Appendix 2 hereto as may be amended by agreement between the Parties and Timeline shall mean any one of such dates.

  • Catalogue means the catalogue of IT Products available for Order under the provisions of the Framework Agreement.

  • Promotores means individuals who are members of the community who function as natural helpers to address some of their communities’ unmet mental health, health and human service needs. They are individuals who represent the ethnic, socio-economic and educational traits of the population he/she serves. Promotores are respected and recognized by their peers and have the pulse of the community’s needs.

  • Scale means the height, width and length of each building proposed within the development in relation to its surroundings;

  • Service Complaints For service problems or complaints, you should contact your local utility by calling: AEP Ohio at 000.000.0000. IN THE EVENT OF AN ENERGY-RELATED EMERGENCY, SUCH AS A POWER OUTAGE OR DOWNED POWER LINE, PLEASE VACATE THE AREA BY A SAFE DISTANCE AND CALL YOUR LOCAL UTILITY or 911. Authorization/Representation/Letter of Agency:By entering into this Agreement, you authorize XOOM to act on your behalf under your local utility’s tariffs in accordance with the rules and regulations of the PUCO. You acknowledge that you are your local utility account holder, or a person legally authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the account holder for electricity service and are at least eighteen (18) years of age. You agree to authorize XOOM to obtain your credit information and you agree to authorize your local utility to release all information relating to your historical and current electricity usage, billing and payment history to XOOM or its authorized representatives. You acknowledge that XOOM has full authority to make all rates and tariff selections necessary to meet its obligations under this Agreement. You may rescind this authorization at any time by contacting XOOM. Neither your social security number, customer account number nor any other customer financial information will be released by XOOM, except where such release is required by court order or by Commission Order or Rule, without your affirmative written consent. Execution of this Agreement shall constitute authorization for the release of this information to XOOM.

  • Suppliers means any person or entity, including affiliates of the Company, who locates, purchases, sells, stores and/or transports natural gas or its equivalent for or on behalf of the Company. Suppliers may include, but not be limited to, interstate pipeline transmission companies, producers, brokers, marketers, associations, intrastate pipeline transmission companies, joint ventures, providers of LNG, LPG, SNG, and other hydrocarbons used as feed-stock, other distribution companies and end-users.