Sick Leave Entitlement. The employer will allow one and one-quarter (1 1/4) days per month sick leave with full pay up to 152 days maximum. When an employee has worked eleven (11) of the days in any given calendar month, they will be entitled to full sick leave credit for that month. Sick leave entitlement shall accrue commencing 1990 January 01.
Sick Leave Entitlement. Upon receipt of the memorandum from the Chief Physician recommending that the employee should make application for LTD benefits, entitlement to accumulate or restore sick leave credits shall cease on the day following the next accumulation date provided that it falls within the qualifying period.
Sick Leave Entitlement. Temporary employees shall earn sick leave credit of one-half day at one hundred percent (100%) pay for each month of accumulated service.
Sick Leave Entitlement. Eight days at 100 percent (100%) and 15 days at 75 percent (75%) pay shall be immediately credited. On the first accumulation date, restoration of sick leave credits will take place based on the total service credit. It is recognized that this provision is subject to the provisions of recurring disability as defined in Section 12.2.3.
Sick Leave Entitlement. (a) Permanent full-time employees shall be entitled to twenty (20) days of sick leave credits in each calendar year. Sick Leave credits shall not be accumulated from year to year.
(b) A permanent part-time employee shall be entitled to sick leave credits on a pro rata basis.
(c) Where an employee is absent from work because of illness or injury, the employee shall be entitled to claim sick leave at his regular rate of pay for a maximum period equivalent to his accumulated sick leave credit.
Sick Leave Entitlement. 31.6.1 An Employee is entitled to use up to a maximum of ten (10) days per annum (ie in any one year) of their paid personal carer’s leave accruals as paid sick leave in accordance with the AFPCS.
31.6.2 An Employee is not entitled to be paid sick leave whilst they are in receipt of workers’ compensation payments.
Sick Leave Entitlement. Sick leave entitlement of twelve (12) days a contract year shall be credited at the beginning of employment and at the start of each succeeding fiscal year (July 1) to full-time employees and shall accumulate from year to year. Fractional assignments shall receive proportionate leave entitlement. Sick leave for hourly teaching ("C" and ‘A/C’ contract) shall be earned at the rate of one (1) hour for each nine (9) hours taught. Sick leave for temporary, "C", or ‘A/C’ contract counseling shall be earned at the rate of one (1) day for each twenty (20) days service. Sick leave for temporary, "C", or ‘A/C’ contract service in other categories shall be credited at the rate of one (1) day for each full-time calendar month.
Sick Leave Entitlement. 4.1.1 The employer shall grant sick leave on full pay as set out below. The following sick leave allocation applies to all teachers. A teacher who was employed by an employer immediately prior to 1 July 1992 shall have their transitional sick leave entitlement calculated on the basis set out in clause 4.1.4.
Sick Leave Entitlement. A temporary, probationary or regular full-time employee, not on leave of absence or lay- off, shall earn sick leave credits at the rate of ten and one half (10 ½) hours for each month of service in which pay was received for at least ten (10) days. Sick leave shall accumulate to a maximum of eight hundred and forty (840) hours. A temporary, probationary or regular part time employee, not on leave of absence or lay- off, shall be entitled to sick leave credits on a pro rata basis. Where an employee is absent from work because of illness or injury, the employee shall be entitled to claim sick leave at the regular rate of pay for a maximum period equivalent to the employee's accumulated sick leave credit. In the event an employee requires medical treatment outside of the immediate area, or is referred to a medical specialist, leave shall be granted under this Article. An employee shall be paid from available sick leave credits for hours the employee had been previously scheduled to work. Absences in excess of five (5) consecutive days must be supported by a medical certificate. The University may request a medical opinion to confirm whether an employee, on return to work, is fit to return to work. A temporary employee may carry forward fifty percent (50%) of unused sick leave credits from a temporary appointment to subsequent temporary appointments or to a regular appointment, provided the break between appointments has not exceeded eight
Sick Leave Entitlement. (a) Sick Leave With Pay