Estate Common Areas definition

Estate Common Areas means those parts of the Estate intended for the common use and benefit of the Estate as a whole and not just any particular Unit or any particular part thereof and which are, subject to the provisions of this Deed and all subsisting rights and rights of way (if any), to be used by each Owner and Occupier in common with all other Owners and Occupiers of the Estate which said parts include but not limited to: -
Estate Common Areas means those parts of the Estate which may from time to time be designated by the Landlord and/ or the Management Company as being common areas including open spaces, water features, ponds, roads, footpaths, grass margins, security huts or compounds, external podium, concourses, landscaped areas, kerbs, verges, street lighting, bridges, pedestrian ways, watercourses, lakes, reservoirs, fountains, landscaped areas and other common areas and their finishes and those parts of the ground floor structural slabs of any Blocks in the Estate which do not exclusively serve any one Block any structural parts below ground floor slabs which do not exclusively serve any Block and any plant and equipment and machinery used in connection with the operation of the Estate and intended to be used in common by the owners and occupiers of the Estate and not exclusively serving any Block and any other area or any other structure used or intended to be used in common by the owners and occupiers of the Estate but does not include the Building, the Blocks, the Lettable Areas, the Basement Common Parts or any parts of the Estate which have been or are intended to be or are capable of being assured (whether by way of conveyance, assignment or by long lease) to any person other than any Management Company (other than any parts used by the Management Company for the purposes of managing the Estate and for the purpose of providing the Basement Services and the Estate Services);
Estate Common Areas means such areas shown foridentification purposes edged [ ] on the plan attached hereto or on such alternative plan as the Manager may from time to time supply to the Owner together with any buildings or structures erected or to be erected thereon or on some part thereof

Examples of Estate Common Areas in a sentence

  • The Estate Common Areas and Facilities shall be deemed to be common areas and facilities for the benefit of the Owners which areas and facilities may, subject to the provisions hereof and of Sub-Deed (if any), be used by each Owner in common with all other Owners.

  • Estate Common Areas and Facilities The Estate Common Areas and Facilities shall be deemed to be common areas and facilities for the benefit of the Owners which areas and facilities may, subject to the provisions hereof and of Sub-Deed (if any), be used by each Owner in common with all other Owners.

  • Oil, grease or fluid must not be allowed to soil any portion of the Estate Common Areas and should this occur the Owner shall be responsible to expeditiously clean and remove all traces.

  • All monies received for the Special Fund must be deposited by the Manager with a bank within the meaning of Section 2 of the Banking Ordinance (Cap.155) in interest-bearing accounts designated for the purposes of the Special Fund, one for Estate Common Areas and Facilities portion and the other for Residential Blocks Common Areas and Facilities portion.

  • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Declaration, Declarant shall have, and Declarant hereby reserves to itself, the exclusive right to manage or designate a Managing Agent for the Real Estate, Common Areas and Common Maintenance Areas, and to perform all the functions of the Association, until the Applicable Date.

More Definitions of Estate Common Areas

Estate Common Areas means those parts of the Estate which are intended for use by Owners of the Estate as a whole and not for the sole benefit of any Owner or group of Owners of the Estate including, but not limited to all those parts of the Greenery Areas which serve the Estate as a whole, all the slabs of the said parts of the Estate above the upper boundary of the Tai Wai Station including all the slabs above the water-proofing membrane and system and associated protection immediately above, all utilities, services, trenches, pits and facilities which serve the Estate, as well as all the finishes of the Estate, parts of the Setting-back Area, part of the 24-hour Walkway, parts of the Pedestrian Link, the Drainage Reserve or the New Drainage Reserve (as the case may be), the Waterworks Reserve, driveways, lifts, run in and out, the Public Lay-By, the PSC Lay-Bys, the Existing Public Toilet Items, the PSC Items, the PTI Items, cavity walls and diaphragm walls of the Basement Level 4 to the Basement Level 1, external walls, finishes and architectural features below the ceiling of 3rd Floor (excluding those parts of external walls forming parts of the Commercial Development and the finishes and architectural features thereof and thereat), external walls of the drum ramp above the ceiling level of 6th Floor up to the roof level, ramps, lift shafts, shuttle lifts, footpaths, staircases, landings, corridors and passages; pump rooms, transformer room, main switch room, electricity rooms, fire services control room, master meter cabinet and water meter room, fuel tank rooms, street fire hydrant and sprinkler and fire services pump room, fan rooms, sprinkler control valve room, pipe ducts, emergency generator rooms, air duct shaft, refuse storage and material recovery chamber; refuse collection point and spaces for the parking, loading and unloading of refuse collection vehicles provided pursuant to Special Condition No.(52)(b)(i) of the Government Grant; parapet walls, structural walls and columns, the foundations and other structural elements of the buildings erected on the Estate; management office, security room, guard rooms, caretaker’s quarters, office for Owners Committee and/or Owners Corporation, stores, lavatories and any other space on or in the Estate used for office of caretaker(s) or other accommodation of the Owners Committee or the Owners Corporation and all other communal areas within the Estate not used for the sole benefit of any Owner or group of Owners of the Es...
Estate Common Areas. The whole of the Lot and the Estate which are not otherwise specifically assigned to or for the exclusive use of an Owner and are designed or intended for common use and benefit of the Owners (which do not form part of the Units, Car Park Common Areas, Commercial Common Areas or Residential Common Areas) and shall include but not limited to :-
Estate Common Areas means such of the lobbies, telecommunication and broadcasting equipment room, transformer room, switch room, fire service control
Estate Common Areas means such of the lobbies, telecommunication and broadcasting equipment room, transformer room, switch room, fire service controlrooms, sprinkler control valve room, master water meter room, electric meter room, cable chamber room, toilet, pump rooms and water tanks, fire service water tank, fire service pump room, water check meter cabinets, switch room, cable and pipe ducts, emergency generator set rooms, passageways, staircases, steps and ramps, the structure of all walls, columns, beams and any other structural elements of and in the Estate, management office, caretakers’ office and quarters (if any), refuse storage and material recovery chamber, the Slopes and Retaining Structures and other areas and spaces containing the Estate Common Facilities and other areas and spaces in any part or parts of the Estate which are for the common use and benefit of the Estate, and the Estate Common Areas are shown for the purpose of identification only on the Plans (insofar as such areas and spaces are identifiable on such plans) and thereon coloured Yellow, EXCLUDING those areas being part of the Residential Common Areas, the Carpark Area, the RCHE, the Day Care Centre, the Elderly HUB, the Residential Units or the external walls, curtain walls and fences of the whole Estate but INCLUDING such other areas as may be designated by the Developer as Estate Common Areas from time to time;
Estate Common Areas means those parts of the Development which are intended for use by Owners of the Development as a whole and not for the sole benefit of any Owner or group of Owners including, but not limited to, the emergency vehicular access, driveways, run in and out, lay-bys, ramps, footpaths, corridors and passages, planters, part of the Greenery Areas, pump rooms, meter rooms, check meter xxxxxxxx/cabinets, F.S. inlets and sprinkler inlets, pipe ducts, hose reels, main telecommunications and broadcasting room, cable duct, telecommunications and broadcasting duct, sprinkler control valve room, telephone equipment room, transformer room protected lobby, transformer rooms, switch rooms, shuttle lift lobbies, loading and unloading space for refuse collection vehicle, refuse storage and material recovery room, F.S. control & sprinkler control valve room, part of the covered landscape area, emergency generator set room, fuel tank room, lift shaft, estate management office, staff lavatories, quarters for watchmen and caretakers, security control room, owners’ corporation office; parapet walls, structural walls and columns, the foundations and other structural elements of the buildings erected on the Development and all other communal areas within the Development not used for the sole benefit of any Owner or group of Owners (but excluding the Residential Common Areas, the Car Park Common Areas and those areas forming parts of other Common Areas as designated or to be designated in the Sub-Deed of Mutual Covenant or Deed Poll to be executed by the First Owner pursuant to this Deed) and for the purpose of identification only as shown (where possible and capable of being shown) coloured Indigo and Indigo Stippled Black on the plans (certified as to their accuracy by the Authorized Person) annexed hereto;
Estate Common Areas means those parts of the Estate intended for the common use and benefit of the Estate as a whole and not just any particular part thereof and which are subject to the provisions of this Deed and all subsisting rights and rights of way to be used by each Owner and Occupier in common with all other Owners and Occupiers of the Estate which said parts include but not limited to (a) such foundations, columns, beams, slabs and other structural supports and elements that do not belong to or form part of the Commercial Development or the Residential Units, (b) the Slopes and Retaining Walls (if any), (c) areas for the installation or use of aerial broadcast distribution or telecommunications network facilities,
Estate Common Areas means those parts of the Estate intended for the common use and benefit of the Estate as a whole and not just any particular part thereof which are subject to the provisions of this Deed to be used by the Owners and Occupiers of the Units in all Phases in common with all other Owners and Occupiers of the Units and includes but not limited to the Slopes and Retaining Walls, areas for the installation or use of aerial broadcast distribution or telecommunication network facilities, part of the Greenery Areas (other than those forming part of the Residential Common Areas), the guard room(s) (other than those forming part of the Commercial Development (if any)), the office accommodation for watchmen and caretaker and the office for Owners’ Corporation/Owners’ Committee and quarters for watchmen or caretakers which are for identification purpose only shown and coloured indigo, indigo dashed black and broken violet lines (such part located within the area coloured indigo only) respectively on the Plans, the accuracy of which is certified by the Authorized Person BUT (for the avoidance of doubt) excluding the Residential Common Areas and the Car Park Common Areas PROVIDED THAT, where appropriate, if (i) any parts of the Estate covered by paragraph (a) of the definition ofcommon partsset out in section 2 of the Ordinance and/or (ii) any parts specified in Schedule 1 to the Ordinance and included under paragraph (b) of the definition of “common parts” set out in section 2 of the Ordinance, shall also be covered by the provisions hereinbefore provided, such parts shall be deemed to have been included as, and shall form part of, the Estate Common Areas.