Access to and Use of the Services Sample Clauses

Access to and Use of the Services. You may not use or allow others to use, your IDs and/or the Services, directly or indirectly, nor upload, distribute, transmit, communicate, link to, publish or access any data, information or material through, using or otherwise in connection with the Services, that: (a) is libelous, defamatory, vulgar or obscene, pornographic, sexually offensive or explicit, harmful or harassing, threatening, hateful, racially, culturally, ethnically or otherwise objectionable or offensive, discriminatory or abusive; (b) violates any law or regulation or the rights of others; (c) causes duress, distress or discomfort to another or is likely to deter or discourage others from using the Services; and/or (d) infringes any intellectual property, privacy or proprietary rights or confidentiality obligations of others. You are solely responsible and liable for any such activity, behavior, use and conduct. We have no liability and you bear the sole and exclusive risk associated with use of or reliance on the accuracy, quality, completeness, reliability or usefulness of any data, information or material in connection with your IDs. You also may not use, nor allow others to use, your IDs, the Services, directly or indirectly, to: (a) attempt to or actually disrupt, impair or interfere with, alter or modify the Services or any information, data or materials posted and/or displayed by us or anyone else; (b) act in a way that affects or reflects negatively on us, the Services, or anyone else; (c) collect or attempt to collect any information from others including, without limitation, personally identifiable information, without such party’s prior consent. You agree to comply with all local, state, federal laws, statutes, rules and regulations, as well as any international treaties, which are applicable to your use of the Services. You are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Services, including, without limitation: (a) accessing data not intended for you or logging onto a processor, communications or access device or account which you are not authorized to access; (b) attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of the Services or to breach security or authentication measures, regardless of your motives or intent; (c) attempting to interfere with or disrupt the Services or services to any user, processor, host or network, including, without limitation, by submitting a virus, worm or Trojan horse; or (d) sending unsolicited e-mail or other info...
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Access to and Use of the Services. The Services are generally available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except for maintenance outages or other circumstances beyond our control. To access and use the Services, you must have access to the Internet and a Device. You also will be required to provide an e- mail address, phone number, and other information. The below provisions further explain the requirements to access and use the Services.
Access to and Use of the Services. In order to access and use Loopie’s Services, you must register for and maintain an active user account (“Account”), be at least 18 years of age and otherwise capable of entering into binding contracts, and you have the right and authority and capacity to enter into this Agreement and to abide by its terms and conditions. Account registration requires you to submit to Loopie certain personal information (“Personal Information”) such as name, address, mobile phone number, age, and at least one valid payment method supported by Loopie. Account registration also requires you to select a confidential password or verify your phone number to protect your Account. Failure to maintain accuracy and up-to-date information in your Account may result in your inability to access or use the Services (as defined below). Users may create only one Account. Users may not authorize third parties to use or access their Account. You may not assign or transfer your Account to a third party. Users are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their Account and are responsible for all activities that occur under your Account. Should you suspect that any unauthorized party is accessing your Account or any other breach of security, you agree to notify Loopie immediately.
Access to and Use of the Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and provided Customer is not in default hereunder, Eagle Point Software hereby grants to Customer the nonexclusive, non-transferable (except as provided in Section 11.3), nonsublicensable (except as expressly provided for herein) right to use and access the Services, in accordance with any explanatory and informational materials concerning the Services, in printed or electronic format which Eagle Point Software has released for general distribution to its customers (the “Documentation”) and this Agreement and solely for the internal training and best practices purposes of Customer and not for transfer, distribution, or disclosure to third parties or use for the commercial benefit of third parties.
Access to and Use of the Services. 2.1 Use of the Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Climax Community grants to Customer a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as permitted by this Agreement), licence, without the right to grant sub-licence, for the Term of this Agreement, to use the Services and the Documentation solely in connection with Customer’s internal business operations. Customer’s right to use the Services is subject to and contingent upon Customer’s compliance with this Agreement and Climax Community reserves all rights not expressly granted herein.
Access to and Use of the Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including Customer’s payment of all relevant fees, Renaissant grants to Customer a non- exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable subscription to access and use the Hardware and the related online portal and associated tools provided by Renaissant (collectively, the “Portal”) and any applicable Documentation at each Site during the “Subscription Term” set forth in such Order Form. The Hardware together with the Portal shall be collectively referred to herein as the “Services”. If Customer is required to agree to any third-party software licenses or other third-party terms and conditions, Customer shall be responsible for complying with such third-party terms and conditions and for compliance by its End Users. “End Users” means Customer’s employees, contractors, and representatives who are authorized to access and use the Services on Customer’s behalf.
Access to and Use of the Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Agilent grants Customer a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to access and use the Services and Documentation. Customer may only allow Authorized Users to access and use the Services and Documentation. An Authorized User may not share its right to use with other users. Customer will not, directly or indirectly, or by any technical means, make the Services or the Documentation accessible to other users other than the Authorized Users.
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Access to and Use of the Services. We have no obligation under this Agreement until we have approved your use of, and provided you access to, the Services. We may reject your request to use the Services or terminate your use of the Services for any reason at our sole and absolute discretion, subject to applicable law. At any point, we may request additional information or documentation in order to continue to provide the Services to you. You acknowledge that at any time, at our sole and absolute discretion, we may restrict any remittances, disbursements, or transfers required or permitted hereunder with or without prior notice to you. The Services may not be used for personal purposes. If you wish to terminate your use of the Services, you agree to notify us of this intention in writing. Bank shall have a reasonable period of time after receiving such notice to terminate your access to the Services. The Agreement’s terms and conditions will continue to apply to any FX Transaction not Settled prior to any termination of this Agreement.
Access to and Use of the Services. The Services are for personal, non-commercial use only. Participation is voluntary, and you may choose not to answer any survey questions you don’t wish to answer. By agreeing to become a SHRM Research Panel member, you agree to receive invitations to participate in surveys. Additionally, SHRM may provide SHRM Research Panel Members with the opportunity to communicate with other members and with SHRM . You may opt out from your membership in the SHRM Research Panel at any time. You may not use or allow others to use the Services, directly or indirectly, nor upload, distribute, transmit, communicate, link to, publish or access any data, information or material through, using or otherwise in connection with the Services, that: (a) is libelous, defamatory, vulgar or obscene, pornographic, sexually offensive or explicit, harmful or harassing, threatening, hateful, racially, culturally, ethnically or otherwise objectionable or offensive, discriminatory or abusive; (b) violates any law or regulation or the rights of others; (c) causes duress, distress or discomfort to another or is likely to deter or discourage others from using the Services; and/or (d) infringes any intellectual property, privacy or proprietary rights or confidentiality obligations of others. You are solely responsible and liable for any such activity, behavior, use and conduct. We have no liability and you bear the sole and exclusive risk associated with use of or reliance on the accuracy, quality, completeness, reliability or usefulness of any data, information or material in connection with your IDs. You also may not use, nor allow others to use, the Services, directly or indirectly, to: (a) attempt to or actually disrupt, impair or interfere with, alter or modify the Services or any information, data or materials posted and/or displayed by us or anyone else; (b) act in a way that affects or reflects negatively on us, the Services, or anyone else; (c) collect or attempt to collect any information from others including, without limitation, personally identifiable information, without such party's prior consent. You agree to comply with all local, state, federal laws, statutes, rules and regulations, as well as any international treaties, which are applicable to your use of the Services. You are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Services, including, without limitation: (a) accessing data not intended for you or logging onto a processor, communications or ac...
Access to and Use of the Services. You may use the Services by accessing the Website (or such other website that NT-ware may use to provide the Services) and only in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and all (i) local, state, national, and international laws, statutes, rules, regulations applicable to you, or any Data collected or otherwise processed by you; (ii) judicial, governmental, or administrative order, judgement, decree or ruling or enforceable requirements of any industry self-regulatory body; and (iii) enforceable regulatory and binding guidance and written or authoritative interpretation of any of the foregoing by a regulatory body (collectively, "Laws"). Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are permitted to access and use the functions and features of the Services made available to you by NT-ware under your subscription to the Services on a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-sub-licensable basis, solely for your own use in conjunction with NT-ware Software licensed in accordance with the corresponding XXXX and only for your internal business purposes. NT-ware reserves all rights not expressly granted herein in and to the Services, and other than as expressly set forth herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting or transferring any Intellectual Property Right to you. When using the Services, you may wish to access Third Party Services operated by any third party providers, access third party websites or use connectors which you agree to do at your own risk and responsibility. NT-ware does not have control over such Third Party Services or websites of third parties and shall not be responsible for such Third Party Services or websites of third parties. NT-ware does not review, warrant or make representations about such Third Party Services or websites of third parties, any information, software, products, services or materials found there, or any results that may be obtained from using them. Your access to the Third Party Services for use of the Services may require an account for the Third Party Services or additional software. You shall be responsible for acquiring such account, downloading any software and bearing any and all costs associated with such acts. The Third Party Services have their own terms of use which are applied to your use of those services and which you must agree in order to use the Third Party Services. To enable NT-ware to provide you with the Services, You acknow...
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