Right of First Offer Sample Clauses

Right of First Offer. Provided that no Event of Default has occurred under the Lease, Landlord hereby grants Tenant a right (“First Right”) to lease, during the initial Extended Term each of (i) approximately 23,455 rentable square feet of office space known as Suite No. 100, and/or (ii) approximately 18,351 rentable square feet of office space known as Suite No. 150 in the building located at 0000 Xxxxxxx Xxxx Drive, San Diego, California and shown on Exhibit A hereto (each, “First Right Space”) in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this Section; provided that this First Right shall cease to be effective during the final 12 months of the Extended Term unless and until Tenant exercises its extension option set forth in Section VIII.C above (or is then negotiating alternate terms for the extension of the Lease). Except as otherwise provided below, prior to leasing each First Right Space, or any portion thereof, to any other party during the period that this First Right is in effect and after determining that the existing tenant in the applicable First Right Space will not extend or renew the term of its lease, Landlord shall give Tenant written notice of the basic economic terms including but not limited to the Basic Rent, term, operating expense base, security deposit, and tenant improvement allowance (collectively, the “Economic Terms”), upon which Landlord is willing to lease such particular First Right Space to Tenant or to a third party; provided that the Economic Terms shall exclude brokerage commissions and other Landlord payments that do not directly inure to the tenant’s benefit. Further, if the First Right is exercised by Tenant during the first eighteen (18) months of the Extended Term, Tenant shall not be required to provide any security deposit if (i) Tenant is not then otherwise required to provide any security deposit with respect to the then current Premises, and (ii) Tenant’s net worth at the time the First Right is exercised is not less than 90% of its net worth as of the date hereof. If Tenant exercises any First Right during the initial 18 months of the Extended Term, the term for the applicable First Right Space shall be for a term equal to the then unexpired portion of the Term of the Lease and the Economic Terms shall be upon the same economic terms as the original Premises leased hereunder (including without limitation, the applicable Monthly Rate per square foot as set forth in Section II above). If Landlord intends to lease other office sp...
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Right of First Offer. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Section 4.1 and applicable securities laws, if the Company proposes to offer or sell any New Securities, the Company shall first offer such New Securities to each Major Investor. A Major Investor shall be entitled to apportion the right of first offer hereby granted to it among itself and its Affiliates in such proportions as it deems appropriate.
Right of First Offer. (a) In the event that the Board determines to sell any of the vessels owned by any of its Subsidiaries or the equity securities or other interests in any of its Subsidiaries that own any such vessels to a Third Party (any such sale, a "Ship Sale") and Zoullas objected to such Ship Sale (such objection to be evidenced by a negative vote or a no vote by Zoullas (in the event Zoullas did not have the opportunity to vote) in the meeting of the Board in which the decision to proceed with a potential Ship Sale was ratified by the Board in accordance with the terms of this Agreement), the Company shall promptly send to Zoullas a notice (the "ROFO Notice") setting forth its intentions with respect to a Ship Sale and offering Zoullas the right (the "ROFO") to make an offer to purchase the vessel described in the ROFO Notice. Within seven (7) days of receipt of a ROFO Notice, Zoullas shall notify the Board that he either (i) wishes to exercise his ROFO with respect to the Ship Sale described in the ROFO Notice or (ii) does not intend to exercise such ROFO. The failure to notify the Board within such seven (7) day period shall be deemed to be a notice that Zoullas does not intend to exercise his ROFO with respect to such Ship Sale. In the event Zoullas elects to exercise his ROFO with respect to the Ship Sale described in the ROFO Notice, Zoullas must, within fourteen (14) days of his receipt of the ROFO Notice (i) execute a definitive agreement with respect to such Ship Sale that is at a price acceptable to the Company and on other terms and conditions reasonably satisfactory to the Company; and (ii) make a customary deposit and provide credible evidence (as determined by the Board in its reasonable judgment) of having financing necessary to consummate such Ship Sale. If Zoullas fails to comply with the requirements of the immediately preceding sentence (which failure shall include, for the avoidance of doubt, the price not being acceptable to the Company or the Company not being reasonably satisfied with the other terms and conditions of the definitive agreement delivered by Zoullas with respect to such Ship Sale), the Company shall have no further obligations to Zoullas with respect to such Ship Sale and the Company may consummate such Ship Sale with a Third Party.
Right of First Offer. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Subsection 4.1 and applicable securities laws, if the Company proposes to offer or sell any New Securities, the Company shall first offer such New Securities to each Major Investor. A Major Investor shall be entitled to apportion the right of first offer hereby granted to it in such proportions as it deems appropriate, among (i) itself, (ii) its Affiliates and (iii) its beneficial interest holders, such as limited partners, members or any other Person having “beneficial ownership,” as such term is defined in Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act, of such Major Investor (“Investor Beneficial Owners”); provided that each such Affiliate or Investor Beneficial Owner (x) is not a Competitor or FOIA Party, unless such party’s purchase of New Securities is otherwise consented to by the Board of Directors, (y) agrees to enter into this Agreement and each of the Voting Agreement and Right of First Refusal and Co-Sale Agreement of even date herewith among the Company, the Investors and the other parties named therein, as an “Investor” under each such agreement (provided that any Competitor or FOIA Party shall not be entitled to any rights as a Major Investor under Subsections 3.1, 3.2 and 4.1 hereof), and (z) agrees to purchase at least such number of New Securities as are allocable hereunder to the Major Investor holding the fewest number of Preferred Stock and any other Derivative Securities.
Right of First Offer. Should the remaining 6,000 square feet of space on the second level of the building become vacant, the Landlord will provide the Tenant with a first right of offer to lease such space thereof (space being referred to herein as the "Offered Space"), on the following terms and conditions. Once the Landlord notifies the Tenant in writing the Tenant has fifteen (15) days to exercise its option. The Offered Space shall be leased upon the same terms and conditions contained in this Lease including rental rate for the remainder of the Lease Term, determination of the Rent Commencement Date for the Offered Space and construction of Landlord's Work therein, provided that the tenant allowance per rentable square foot of the Offered Space to be provided by Landlord to Tenant shall be prorated in proportion to the remainder of the Lease Term from and after the Rent Commencement Date for the Offered Space and there is a minimum five (5) years remaining until the termination of the Lease Term. Should the space be required by the Tenant and there is less than five (5) years remaining on the original lease and the Tenant requires the additional space the Tenant would have to exercise their renewal option on the whole space. TENANT IMPROVEMENT/DESIGN ALLOWANCE Except for such work that can not be reasonably completed due to weather conditions, Landlord, at Landlord's expense, shall complete the work outlined on Exhibit A attached hereto "Landlord's Work" on or before March 1st, 2001. Landlord shall also provide Tenant a $11.50 (Payable in Canadian Funds) per rentable square foot allowance. The tenant allowance shall be paid to Tenant within thirty (30) days after Tenant opens for business. In the event the allowance has not been paid within that time, rent plus interest on the unpaid amount from time to time outstanding at the Stipulated Rate shall xxxxx to the amount remaining unpaid. Landlord shall assume responsibility for ensuring that all Landlord's Work is in compliance with all codes, legal requirements and insurance requirements. Landlord shall be responsible and/or rectify any defects in the core and shell of the building. Tenant shall have the right to hire its own architectural/design firm for the interiors at Tenants expense. Tenant shall also have the right to select the interior contractor to complete the interior improvements. Landlord will not be entitled to a construction management fee. ALTERATIONS Tenant will have the right to repair, renovate, paint, de...
Right of First Offer. So long as this Agreement is still in full force and effect and there then exists no Event of Default, if Landlord intends to solicit offers, or to accept an unsolicited offer, to purchase its fee interest or leasehold interest in any Property, Landlord first shall offer to sell the applicable Property or its leasehold interest under a Ground Lease (the “Offered Property”) to Tenant at a price to be identified by Landlord in such offer notice (the “Offer Notice”), which Offer Notice shall also include the material terms on which Landlord is offering to sell the Offered Property to Tenant and the estimated closing date. If Tenant shall elect to accept such offer, it shall give Landlord notice of such election within twenty (20) Business Days after the Offer Notice is given. If Tenant elects to accept such offer within such twenty (20) Business Day period, Landlord and Tenant shall, for a period of thirty (30) days after the date of Tenant’s election, engage in good faith negotiations of a mutually acceptable purchase and sale agreement incorporating the terms and conditions in Landlord’s Offer Notice and such other terms as are necessary for the transaction and agreed by the parties, acting reasonably. In the event Tenant fails to accept Xxxxxxxx’s offer within such twenty (20) Business Day period, or the parties, having negotiated in good faith, fail to execute and deliver a mutually acceptable purchase and sale agreement within such thirty (30) day period, then Landlord shall have the right to accept an offer and/or enter into an agreement to sell and/or to sell such Offered Property to a third party, provided, however, that: (a) Landlord’s conveyance of the Offered Property shall take place within two hundred seventy (270) days of delivery of the Offer Notice; (b) the purchase price paid for the Offered Property shall be equal to or greater than 97% of the purchase price included in the Offer Notice; and (c) the other terms of such sale taken as a whole shall be substantially the same or better for Landlord than the proposed terms contained in the Offer Notice. Tenant’s rights shall be reinstituted with respect to such Offered Property if Landlord shall not so convey title to the Offered Property to a third party within two hundred seventy (270) days following delivery of the Offer Notice. Tenant’s rights under this paragraph shall not apply to (i) the grant of a mortgage lien as collateral in connection with a bona fide financing, (ii) a foreclosure sal...
Right of First Offer. Subject to the terms and conditions specified in this Section 2.4, the Company hereby grants to each Major Investor a right of first offer with respect to future sales by the Company of its Shares (as hereinafter defined). For purposes of this Section 2.4, the term “Major Investor” includes any general partners and affiliates of a Major Investor. A Major Investor shall be entitled to apportion the right of first offer hereby granted it among itself and its partners and affiliates in such proportions as it deems appropriate. Each time the Company proposes to offer any shares of, or securities convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for any shares of, its capital stock (“Shares”), the Company shall first make an offering of such Shares to each Major Investor in accordance with the following provisions:
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Right of First Offer. (a) If any Stockholder or Stockholders acting in concert (a “Transferor”) desire to Transfer (other than pursuant to an Exempt Transfer) Company Securities that represent, in the aggregate, more than 5% of the then outstanding shares of Common Stock (assuming conversion in full of all outstanding Preferred Shares and NVC Shares, and irrespective of the Conversion Limitation), such Transferor shall give each Stockholder (other than the Transferor and its Permitted Transferees, as applicable) that, together with its Permitted Transferees, holds more than 5% of the then outstanding shares of Common Stock (for this purpose, shares of Common Stock held by a Person shall include shares issuable upon exercise of Company stock options, or directly or indirectly through conversion or exchange of outstanding Preferred Shares and NVC Shares, held by such Person, and irrespective of the Conversion Limitation) and the Company (collectively, the “Option Holders”) prior written notice of such proposed Transfer, which notice shall (i) specify the amount and type of Company Securities to be Transferred (the “Subject Securities”), the consideration to be received therefor, and the other material terms on which the Transferor proposes to Transfer the Subject Securities and (ii) contain the offer described below (collectively, the “Transferor’s Notice”). The Transferor’s Notice shall contain an offer to sell (the “Option”) the Subject Securities to the Option Holders in accordance with this Article 3 for the consideration and on the other terms specified in the Transferor’s Notice; provided that to the extent such consideration shall consist of anything other than cash, each Option Holder shall be entitled, at its option, to instead pay in cash the value of such consideration as determined by mutual agreement of all such Option Holders so electing to pay cash and the Transferor, or if such agreement is not reached within 5 days of receipt of the Transferor’s Notice, as determined by an investment banker or appraiser of national reputation reasonably acceptable to both the Transferor and such Option Holders (the fees and expenses of which shall be shared equally by the Transferor, on the one hand, and all such Option Holders requesting such valuation, on the other hand), in which case the date of the Transferor’s Notice shall be deemed the date the cash value of such consideration is so determined.
Right of First Offer. If Landlord determines during the initial or any renewal term of this Lease in its sole and absolute discretion to sell all of the Premises to a third party (excluding a transfer, sale or conveyance to a parent corporation, controlled subsidiary, affiliate or related entity of Landlord), then, prior to offering the Premises for sale to third parties, Landlord shall notify Tenant of Landlord’s desire to sell the Premises. Lxxxxxxx’s notice shall contain the general terms and conditions upon which Landlord is willing to sell the Premises, however, any such terms and conditions shall serve only as a basis for further negotiations and shall not be binding on either party unless and until incorporated into a formal written purchase agreement duly executed and acknowledged by Landlord and Txxxxx. Tenant shall have fifteen (15) days following the date of such notice within which to notify Landlord of Tenant’s desire to purchase the Premises. If Tenant thus timely notifies Landlord of Tenant’s desire to purchase the Premises, then the parties shall have thirty (30) days following the date of Landlord’s original notice to Tenant within which to attempt to negotiate mutually acceptable terms and conditions for the sale of the Premises to Tenant and to enter into a binding written purchase agreement for the Premises. If Landlord and Tenant fail to thus enter into a written purchase agreement within said thirty (30) day period, or if Tenant fails to timely notify Landlord of Tenant’s desire to purchase the Premises within the fifteen (15) day period, then this right of first offer shall thereupon expire and be of no further force and effect. This right of first offer shall not survive a sale of the Premises to a third party and shall not survive expiration or termination of this Lease. This provision shall not apply to any lender who is not an owner or affiliate of Landlord who accepts a deed to the Premises from Landlord in lieu of foreclosure or to any sale in foreclosure of said lender’s mortgage or exercise of a power of sale by a trustee under a deed of trust in which said lender is beneficiary.
Right of First Offer. 11.1.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Lease to the contrary, provided that (i) no Event of Default by Tenant has occurred under this Lease, and (ii) the Tenant is Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., or its affiliate, if Landlord intends to offer the Premises (or any portion thereof) for sale to an unaffiliated third party, Landlord shall promptly notify Tenant of the same in writing (the “Offer Notice”) and indicate the terms and conditions upon which Xxxxxxxx is willing to accept for the sale of the Premises to a third party. Tenant may elect to purchase the Premises (or portion thereof) on the terms and conditions set forth in the Offer Notice by notifying Landlord in writing (the “Election Notice”) of its election no later than fifteen (15) days after the Offer Notice, which notice shall be accompanied by the Option Deposit (defined herein), and the sale of the Premises shall be consummated pursuant to the terms hereof on a date (the “Closing Date”) within sixty (60) days after the Election Notice, such date to be mutually agreed upon by Landlord or Xxxxxx. In the event of any of the following: (x) Tenant fails to deliver the Election Notice or the Option Deposit to Landlord on or before the expiration of the 15-day period set forth above, (y) Tenant fails to close on its acquisition of the Premises on or before the Closing Date, or (z) Landlord provides an Offer Notice to Tenant and Tenant does not exercise its right to purchase the Premises, then in each case Tenant shall be deemed to have waived its right to purchase the Premises and thereafter Tenant’s rights under this Article 11 shall be null and void and of no further force or effect. The term “
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