Security Deposit Sample Clauses

Security Deposit. As part of this Agreement: (check one) ☐ - The Landlord requires a payment in the amount of $ (“Security Deposit”) for the faithful performance of the Tenant under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Payment of the Security Deposit is required by the Tenant upon the execution of this Agreement. The Security Deposit shall be returned to the Tenant within days after the end of the Lease Term less any itemized deductions. This Security Deposit shall not be credited towards any Rent unless the Landlord gives their written consent. ☐ - The Landlord does not require a Security Deposit as part of this Agreement.
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Security Deposit. Tenant shall deposit the Security Deposit with Landlord upon the execution of this Lease. Said sum shall be held by Landlord as security for the faithful performance by Tenant of all the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be kept and performed by Tenant and not as an advance rental deposit or as a measure of Landlord's damage in case of Tenant's default. If Tenant defaults with respect to any provision of this Lease, Landlord may use any part of the Security Deposit for the payment of any rent or any other sum in default, or for the payment of any amount which Landlord may spend or become obligated to spend by reason of Tenant's default, or to compensate Landlord for any other loss or damage which Landlord may suffer by reason of Tenant's default. If any portion is so used, Tenant shall within five (5) days after written demand therefor, deposit with Landlord an amount sufficient to restore the Security Deposit to its original amount and Tenant's failure to do so shall be a material breach of this Lease. Except to such extent, if any, as shall be required by law, Landlord shall not be required to keep the Security Deposit separate from its general funds, and Tenant shall not be entitled to interest on such deposit. If Tenant shall fully and faithfully perform every provision of this Lease to be performed by it, the Security Deposit or any balance thereof shall be returned to Tenant at such time after termination of this Lease when Landlord shall have determined that all of Tenant's obligations under this Lease have been fulfilled.
Security Deposit. Lessee shall deposit with Lessor upon Lessee's execution hereof the Security Deposit set forth in Paragraph 1.7 as security for Lessee's faithful performance of Lessee's obligations under this Lease. If Lessee fails to pay Base Rent or other rent or charges due hereunder, or otherwise Defaults under this Lease (as defined in Paragraph 13.1), Lessor may use, apply or retain all or any portion of said Security Deposit for the payment of any amount due Lessor or to reimburse or compensate Lessor for any liability, cost, expense, loss or damage (including attorneys' fees) which Lessor may suffer or incur by reason thereof. If Lessor uses or applies all or any portion of said Security Deposit, Lessee shall within ten (10) days after written request therefore deposit monies with Lessor sufficient to restore said Security Deposit to the full amount required by this Lease. Any time the Base Rent increases during the term of this Lease, Lessee shall, upon written request from Lessor, deposit additional monies with Lessor as an addition to the Security Deposit so that the total amount of the Security Deposit shall at all times bear the same proportion to the then current Base Rent as the initial Security Deposit bears to the initial Base Rent set forth in Paragraph 1.5. Lessor shall not be required to keep all or any part of the Security Deposit separate from its general accounts. Lessor shall, at the expiration or earlier termination of the term hereof and after Lessee has vacated the Premises, return to Lessee (or, at Lessor's option, to the last assignee, if any, of Lessee's interest herein), that portion of the Security Deposit not used or applied by Lessor. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Lessor, no part of the Security Deposit shall be considered to be held in trust, to bear interest or other increment for its use, or to be prepayment for any monies to be paid by Lessee under this Lease.
Security Deposit. Landlord acknowledges receipt, subject to clearance if by check, from Tenant of an amount as specified in the Basic Lease Provisions hereof as the Security Deposit, such amount as partial consideration for Landlord to enter into this Lease, and which is to be held as collateral security for the payment of any rentals and other sums of money payable by Tenant under this Lease and for the faithful performance of all other covenants and agreements of Tenant hereunder; amount of said Security Deposit without interest to be repaid to Tenant after the termination of this Lease and any renewal thereof, provided Tenant shall have made all such payments, performed all such covenants and agreement and left Demised Premises in same physical condition as when Tenant first occupied Demised Premises, normal wear and tear excepted, and has made no modifications requiring a building permit without first obtaining such permit and consent of Landlord. Upon any default by Tenant hereunder, after expiration of any applicable notice or cure period set forth herein, all or part of said Security Deposit may at Landlord’s sole option, be applied on account of such defaults, and thereafter Tenant shall promptly restore the resulting deficiency in Security Deposit. Tenant hereby irrevocably waives the benefit of any provision of law requiring such Security Deposit to be held in escrow or by a third party, and said Security Deposit shall (subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein) remain the property of Tenant, but may be co-mingled by Landlord (with its own funds). In the event that Landlord’s interest in the Demised Premises be sold, Landlord may deliver or merely credit the funds deposited hereunder by Tenant to the purchaser of Landlord’s interest; and, thereupon, provided such purchaser acknowledges receipt of the Security Deposit, Landlord shall by virtue of such circumstance and these terms fully, finally, and absolutely be discharged from any further liability with respect to such Security Deposit; and this provision shall also apply to the benefit of any and all other deposits; and this provision shall also apply to the benefit of any and all subsequent transferees. Tenant agrees that Tenant will look solely to the Landlord or its successor(s) in interest, as applicable, for the return of its Security Deposit, and not in any event to any mortgagee who has assumed Landlord’s position, either by mortgagee in possession, foreclosure or the acceptance of a deed in li...
Security Deposit. Concurrently with Tenant’s execution and delivery of this Lease to Landlord, Tenant shall deposit with Landlord the Security Deposit, if any, designated in the Summary. The Security Deposit shall be held by Landlord as security for the full and faithful performance by Tenant of all of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be performed by Tenant during the Term. If there exists an Event of Default beyond any applicable notice and cure period, Landlord may (but shall not be required to) use, apply or retain all or any part of the Security Deposit for the payment of any Rent, Additional Rent or any other sum in default, or for the payment of any other amount, loss or damage which Landlord may spend, incur or suffer by reason of Tenant’s Event of Default. If any portion of the Security Deposit is so used or applied, Tenant shall, within ten (10) days after demand therefor, deposit cash with Landlord in an amount sufficient to restore the Security Deposit to its original amount. Landlord shall not be required to keep the Security Deposit separate from its general funds, and Tenant shall not be entitled to interest on the Security Deposit. If Tenant shall fully and faithfully perform every provision of this Lease to be performed by it, the Security Deposit or any balance thereof shall be returned to Tenant within sixty (60) days following the later of (a) receipt by Landlord of the final Rent due from Tenant, or any other amount due from Tenant in accordance with the provisions of this Lease; or (b) the date Tenant has surrendered the Premises to Landlord in compliance with the Provisions of this Lease, provided that Landlord may retain the Security Deposit until such time as any amount due from Tenant in accordance with this Lease has been determined and paid in full. If Landlord sells its interest in the Building during the Term and if Landlord deposits with or credits to the purchaser the Security Deposit (or balance thereof), then, upon such sale, Landlord shall be discharged from any further liability with respect to the Security Deposit. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, provided that (a) there is not an Event of Default, and (b) Tenant’s Cash Flow (as defined below) is positive (as evidenced by financial statements certified by Tenant’s chief executive officer or chief financial officer as being true, accurate and compute), the Security Deposit shall be reduced on the first day of the eighteenth (18th) full calendar...
Security Deposit. Within ten (10) business days after the parties’ execution of this Sublease and receipt of Master Landlord’s consent hereto, Subtenant shall deposit with Sublandlord upon Subtenant’s execution hereof ($175,000.00) one hundred seventy five thousand dollars (“Security Deposit”) as security for Subtenant’s faithful performance of Subtenant’s obligations hereunder. If Subtenant fails to pay Rent or other charges due hereunder, or otherwise defaults with respect to any provision of this Sublease, in either case beyond applicable notice and cure periods, Sublandlord may use, apply or retain all or any portion of the Security Deposit for the payment of Rent or any other charge in default or for the payment of any other sum to which Sublandlord may become obligated by reason of Subtenant’s default, or to compensate Sublandlord for any loss or damage which Sublandlord may suffer thereby. If Sublandlord so uses or applies all or any portion of the Security Deposit, Subtenant shall within ten (10) days after written demand therefor deposit cash with Sublandlord in an amount sufficient to restore the Security Deposit to its full amount, and Subtenant’s failure to do so shall be a material breach of this Sublease. Sublandlord shall not be required to keep the Security Deposit separate from its general accounts and the Security Deposit shall not bear interest. At the expiration of the Term hereof and following performance of all of Subtenant’s obligations hereunder (including, without limitation, vacation of the Premises in accordance with the provisions hereof), the Security Deposit, or so much thereof as has not theretofore been applied by Sublandlord, shall be returned, without payment of interest or other incurment for its use to Subtenant (or at Sublandlord’s option, to the last assignee, if any, of Subtenant’s interest hereunder). No trust relationship is created herein between Sublandlord and Subtenant with respect to the Security Deposit. Any deposit under the Master Lease which may be returned by the Master Landlord shall be the property of Sublandlord.
Security Deposit. Sublessee shall deposit with Sublessor upon execution of this Sublease the sum of Twenty Thousand Two Hundred Fifty and 40/100ths Dollars ($20,250.40) as security for Sublessee's faithful performance of Sublessee's obligations hereunder ("Security Deposit"). If Sublessee fails to pay rent or other charges when due under this Sublease, or fails to perform any of its other obligations hereunder, Sublessor may use or apply all or any portion of the Security Deposit for the payment of any rent or other amount then due hereunder and unpaid, for the payment of any other sum for which Sublessor may become obligated by reason of Sublessee's default or breach, or for any loss or damage sustained by Sublessor as a result of Sublessee's default or breach. If Sublessor so uses any portion of the Security Deposit, Sublessee shall, within ten (10) days after written demand by Sublessor, restore the Security Deposit to the full amount originally deposited, and Sublessee's failure to do so shall constitute a default under this Sublease. Sublessor shall not be required to keep the Security Deposit separate from its general accounts, and shall have no obligation or liability for payment of interest on the Security Deposit. In the event Sublessor assigns its interest in this Sublease, Sublessor shall deliver to its assignee so much of the Security Deposit as is then held by Sublessor. Within ten (10) days after the Term has expired, or Sublessee has vacated the Premises, or any final adjustment pursuant to Subsection 6.2 hereof has been made, whichever shall last occur, and provided Sublessee is not then in default of any of its obligations hereunder, the Security Deposit, or so much thereof as had not theretofore been applied by Sublessor, shall be returned to Sublessee or to the last assignee, if any, of Sublessee's interest hereunder.
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Security Deposit. Simultaneous with the signing of this Lease, Tenant shall deposit with Landlord the sum of Seven Thousand and 00/100 ($7,000.00) as security for the faithful performance and observance by Tenant of the terms, provisions and conditions of this Lease. It is agreed that if Tenant defaults in respect of any of the terms, provisions and conditions of this Lease, including, but not limited to, the payment of rent and additional rent, Landlord may use, apply or retain the whole or any part of the security deposited to the extent required for the payment of any rent and additional rent or any other sum as to which Tenant is in default or for any sum which Landlord may expend or may be required to expend by reason of Tenant's default in respect of any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease, including, but not limited to, any damages or deficiency in the re-letting of the Premises, whether such damage accrued before or after summary proceedings or other reentry by Landlord. If Tenant shall fully and faithfully comply with all of the terms, provisions, covenants and conditions of this Lease, the security shall be returned to Tenant after the date fixed at the end of the Lease, and after delivery of entire possession of the Premises to Landlord. Upon a sale of the Land and Building of which the Premises forms a part, Landlord shall have the right to transfer the security to the vendee, and Landlord shall thereupon be released by Tenant from all liability for the return of such security and Xxxxxx agrees to look solely to the new Landlord for the return of said security. It is agreed that the provisions hereof shall apply to every transfer or assignment made of the security to a new Landlord. Tenant further covenants that it will not assign or encumber the monies deposited herein as security and that neither Landlord nor its assigns shall be bound by any such assignment or encumbrance. Landlord shall not be required to keep the security in a segregated account and the security may be commingled with other funds of Landlord, and in no event shall Tenant be entitled to any interest on the security.
Security Deposit. Upon execution of this Lease, Tenant shall provide the following amount to Landlord, to be held as a security deposit for the reasonable cleaning or repair of damages to the Property upon the expiration or termination of this lease or in case of default by Tenant: $ ( dollars). The security deposit shall not be in excess of two months' Rent for an initial year of Tenancy and one month's rent for subsequent years of Tenancy. The security deposit will be held at the following financial institution: Tenant hereby agrees to be liable to Landlord at the expiration or termination of this Lease for all damages to the Property, except ordinary wear and tear. Landlord may hold the security deposit in a non-interest-bearing account. In such case, no interest is due to Tenant and Tenant may not use the security deposit to cover Rent. Landlord may otherwise elect to hold security deposit in an interest-bearing account and allow Tenant to receive certain interest funds, if applicable. Tenant shall still not be permitted to use the security deposit to cover any Rent. In case of sale or assignation of the Lease by Landlord, Tenant's security deposit shall be transferred to the new owner or assignee and Landlord shall be released from liability to Tenant for return of the security deposit. Deductions from the security deposit may be made for the following reasons (this list constitutes examples only and is not intended to be exhaustive): unpaid rent or utilities, late fees, cleaning, key replacement, removing abandoned property, and/or attorneys' fees for proceedings against Tenant. Landlord shall have 30 (thirty) days in which to return the security deposit and/or an itemized list of deductions, if applicable. If Landlord requires deductions which exceed the security deposit, Tenant agrees to pay Landlord any overage amount within ten days after receiving a written demand from Landlord. Landlord will first apply the security deposit to any non-rent obligations, such as damages, utilities, or late fees, and will then apply the security deposit to any unpaid rent.
Security Deposit. Lessee shall deposit with Lessor upon execution hereof $-0- as security for Lessee's faithful performance of Lessee's obligations hereunder. If Lessee fails to pay rent or other charges due hereunder, or otherwise defaults with respect to any provision of this Lease, Lessor may use, apply or retain all or any portion of said deposit for the payment of any rent or other charge in default or for the payment of any other sum to which Lessor may become obligated by reason of Lessee's default, or to compensate Lessor for any loss or damage which Lessor may suffer thereby. If Lessor so uses or applies all or any portion of said deposit, Lessee shall within ten (10) days after written demand therefor deposit cash with Lessor in an amount sufficient to restore said deposit to the full amount hereinabove stated and Lessee's failure to do so shall be a material breach of this Lease. If the monthly rent shall, from time to time, increase during the term of this Lease, Lessee shall thereupon deposit with Lessor additional security deposit so that the amount of security deposit held by Lessor shall at all times bear the same proportion to current rent as the original security deposit bears to the original monthly rent set forth in paragraph 4 hereof. Lessor shall not be required to keep said deposit separate from its general accounts. If Lessee performs all of Lessee's obligations hereunder, said deposit, or so much thereof as has not theretofore been applied by Lessor, shall be returned, without payment of interest or other increment for its use, to Lessee (or, at Lessor's option, to the last assignee, if any, of Lessee's interest hereunder) at the expiration of the term hereof, and after Lessee has vacated the Premises. No trust relationship is created herein between Lessor and Lessee with respect to said Security Deposit.
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