Decision Making Leave Sample Clauses

Decision Making Leave. Paid or unpaid time away from work is provided so that the employee may decide on whether employment with the CITY is in their best interest.
Decision Making Leave. The employee is asked to meet with his Supervisor and other representatives. A final review of the investigation is done and the employee is asked for comments. The Supervisor tells the employee to leave the workplace for the rest of the day and to consider seriously whether they wish to be part of the team and adapt themselves to the normal requirements of the operation. He is informed that he will get full pay for this time away from his duties as a last expression of the Company’s hope that he wishes to stay and perform up to his ability and capacity. The employee is informed that another occurrence may result in termination. If the employee decides to keep his job, he and the Supervisor will meet and review the previous steps that were taken and agree to an action plan that is mutually satisfactory and reasonable. The focus of this meeting is to create a solution that will work for everyone.
Decision Making Leave. If the issue persists, another meeting will be held with the employee. He/she will be told of the pending problems that have continued and then be told to take a day off with pay to think whether they could commit to change and continue employment. If, on return, the employee commits in a second meeting, he/she returns to work. If the employee does not commit, he/she resigns, is demoted or terminated after a Xxxxxx hearing.
Decision Making Leave. If the previous steps fail to produce the appropriate changes the individual is given a one-day leave of absence with pay (DML). The individual is to return to work the day following the leave, with a decision either to comply with the acceptable standards or to terminate (resign or be terminated). If decision is to comply, a mutually agreed set of goals and an action plan will be formulated during a four week period. A formal written letter is used to document the agreement and will stipulate in it that any further proven performance problems within a 9 month period of review may result in termination of employment. After the D.M.L the individual will remain on Step 4 for a period of 9 months. If at the expiry of that period of time no proven performance problems are encountered the individual will be removed from the programme and records destroyed. If proven performance problems are encountered then the individual may be terminated. GENERAL STATEMENTS
Decision Making Leave. 9 At RAIL’s discretion, an Employee may be offered a day of paid decision-making leave when 10 RAIL believes an Employee is at a critical juncture in their career, where they may be facing 11 significant discipline, such as termination from employment. The purpose of this leave is to provide 12 an Employee with the opportunity to consider their conduct in the workplace, to understand that they 13 are facing significant discipline, and consider their ongoing employment at RAIL. Decision-making 14 leave will typically be offered after RAIL has completed an investigation and has proposed 15 discipline.
Decision Making Leave. In lieu of Suspension Without Pay, an employee may choose Paid Decision-Making Leave. During this one day of paid leave, an employee will be required to prepare a written document outlining what changes they are going to make to insure the current or similar situation will not be repeated. Decision-Making Leave is considered a formal and documented step in the progressive discipline track.
Decision Making Leave. 27 The UNION or the Employee may request, or METRO may offer, decision-making leave. At 28 RAIL’s discretion, they may grant the requested one-day of paid decision-making leave, when RAIL 1 agrees the Employee is at a critical juncture in their career, where they may be facing significant 2 discipline, such as termination from employment. The purpose of this leave is to provide an 3 Employee with the opportunity to consider their conduct in the workplace, to understand that they are 4 facing significant discipline, and consider their ongoing employment at RAIL. Decision-making 5 leave will typically be offered after RAIL has completed an investigation and has proposed 6 discipline.
Decision Making Leave. 17 At METRO’s discretion, an Employee may be offered a day of paid decision-making leave 18 when METRO believes an Employee is at a critical juncture in their career, where they may be facing 19 significant discipline, such as termination from employment. The purpose of this leave is to provide 20 an Employee with an opportunity to consider their conduct in the workplace, to understand that they 21 are facing significant discipline and consider their ongoing employment at METRO. Decision- 22 making leave will typically be offered after METRO has completed an investigation and has 23 proposed discipline.
Decision Making Leave. Discharge The University reserves the right to skip any and all informal and formal steps due to the seriousness of the infraction or due to a pattern of infractions. Any infraction that occurs while an employee is on an active period of the Decision Making Leave may result in discharge. Formal Corrective Action will be issued according to the tenets of the Performance Partnership Program and for just cause. Formal Corrective Action will be issued as soon as practicable after the University became aware that a bargaining unit member or members engaged in an offense giving rise to Formal Corrective Action, but in no event (except extension) more than thirty (30) days after the action or event occurred or when representatives of the University first became aware of the incident or reasonably should have known that it occurred, unless the incident is subject to a criminal and/or administrative investigation outside the control of Illinois Human Resources. In cases of such outside investigations, the thirty (30) days will begin when Illinois Human Resources becomes aware of the results of the investigation. The thirty
Decision Making Leave. Discharge The University reserves the right to skip any and all informal and formal steps due to seriousness of infraction or due to pattern of infractions. Any infraction that occurs while an employee is in an active period of the Decision Making Leave step may result in discharge. Formal Corrective Action will be issued according to the tenets of the Performance Partnership Program and for just cause. Formal Corrective Action will be issued as soon as practicable after the University became aware that a bargaining unit member or members engaged in an offense giving rise to Formal Corrective Action, but in no event (except extension) more than sixty (60) days from when the University became aware of the incident or reasonably should have known it occurred, unless the incident is subject to an criminal and/or administrative investigation outside the control of Illinois Human Resources or University of Illinois Police Department. The University may request an extension of the sixty (60) day time limit and the Union shall not unreasonably deny the request. The sixty-day clock will stop upon layoff and start again when the employee returns to work after the regular layoff period. Absence of an employee for five (5) consecutive workdays without reporting to the Employer, or person designated by the Employer to receive such notification, may be cause for discharge in the absence of exigent circumstances that prevented them or someone acting on their behalf from being able to contact supervision at any point during that time period. For such absences, the following process will be followed: 1. Following the fifth consecutive workday of an absence by an employee without reporting, the Employer shall send notification of their absence to the employee and the Union. 2. Upon receipt of the notification, the employee shall have ten (10) workdays torespond. 3. If no response from the employee is received within the ten (10) workday timeframe, the employee will be considered to have resigned upon their last day of work. However, the University shall allow the employee to be reinstated to their former position if the employee can demonstrate that the employee was unable to provide proper notification of his/her absence to the University due to circumstances beyond his/her control. Section 7.1 (B).