Contractor’s Equipment. The Contractor shall be responsible for all Contractor’s Equipment. The Contractor’s Equipment shall be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works.
Contractor’s Equipment. Payment for required equipment owned by the Construction Manager or an affiliate of the Construction Manager will be based solely on an hourly rate derived by dividing the current appropriate monthly rate by 176 hours. No payment will be made under any circumstances for repair costs, freight and transportation charges, fuel, lubricants, insurance, any other costs and expenses, or overhead and profit. Payment for such equipment made idle by delays attributable to the Government will be based on one-half the derived hourly rate under this subsection.
Contractor’s Equipment. Contractor has secured or shall secure at Contractor's own expense all persons, employees, labor, supplies, materials, equipment, transportation, printing and facilities, except those expressly specified herein to be furnished by County, to perform the services required under this Contract. All such services shall be performed by Contractor, or under Contractor's supervision, by persons authorized by law to perform such services. County shall not be responsible nor be held liable for any damage to person or property resulting from the use, misuse or failure of any equipment used by Contractor or any of Contractor's employees, even though such equipment may be furnished, rented or loaned to Contractor by County. The acceptance or use of any such equipment by Contractor or any of Contractor's employees shall be construed to mean that Contractor accepts full responsibility for and agrees to exonerate, indemnify and hold harmless County from and against any and all claims for any damage whatsoever resulting from the use, misuse or failure of such equipment, whether such damage be to the employee or property of Contractor, other contractors, County, or other persons.
Contractor’s Equipment. Seller or its Subcontractors shall provide all risk property insurance for all property and mobile equipment owned by or rented/ leased to or in their control which is not to be permanently incorporated into the Work, including without limitation, cranes (coverage must be free of any boom, jib or weight load exclusions or limitations), tools, mobile equipment not licensed for road use, materials, and temporary structures.
Contractor’s Equipment. Payment for required equipment owned by the Construction Management or an affiliate of the Contractor will be based solely on an hourly rate derived by dividing the current appropriate monthly rate by 176 hours. No payment will be made under any circumstances for repair costs, freight and transportation charges, fuel, lubricants, insurance, any other costs and expenses, or overhead and profit. Payment for such equipment made idle by delays attributable to the Government will be based on one-half the derived hourly rate under this subsection. • Materials. Incorporated and unincorporated materials as permitted under Sections 9.1.2 (b) and 9.1.2 (c).
Contractor’s Equipment. “AS IS and SOLE RISK”
Contractor’s Equipment. TEMPORARY WORKS AND MATERIALS : Exclusive use for the works Amend Sub-Clause 54.1 as follows: Line 5:add “written” between “the” and “consent”. Delete Sub-Clauses 54.2 and 54.5. Add The Contractor shall be at liberty to deliver and withdraw equipment as and when needed for the undertaking of works under this contract according to the equipment deployment schedule and work program approved. If a particular equipment is required and the contractor is unable at the required time to avail the said equipment, the contractor shall be expected to notify the Engineer of the possible reasons and adjustments made to such delays. No Provisions shall be made for any claims on Idle Equipment. SUB CLAUSE 55.2 – OMMISIONS OF QUANTITIES Items of Works described in the Bills of Quantities for which no rate or price has been entered in the Contract shall be considered as included in other rates and prices in the Contract and will not be paid for separately by the Employer. Add the following Sub-Clause 58.4: SUB CLAUSE 58.4 – PROVISIONAL ITEMS Provisional items shall be read as Provisional Sums and shall be operated as such in accordance with Sub-Clauses 58.1 to 58.3. Clause 60 of the General Conditions is deleted and substituted with the following:-
Contractor’s Equipment. All vehicles and equipment must be maintained in good repair, appearance and sanitary condition at all times. Vehicles must be clearly identified with the name of the company and phone number clearly visible. In addition, the contractor will be responsible for using the necessary safety equipment according to State DOT standards while working on City, County, or State roads as a sub-contractor of the City.
Contractor’s Equipment. The Contractor shall provide all Contractor's Equipment as is necessary for the provision of the Services and shall list all such Contractor's Equipment in Appendix B of the Asset Register. The Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, replacement, insurance and security of all items of the Contractor's Equipment and shall maintain such items in good and serviceable condition. The Contractor shall be responsible for undertaking appropriate safety checks on the Contractor's Equipment and for ensuring that it complies with Legislation. All Contractor's Equipment shall be at the risk of the Contractor. The Authority shall have no liability for any loss of or damage to any of the Contractor's Equipment unless the Contractor is able to demonstrate that such loss or damage was caused or contributed to by the negligence or wilful default of the Authority and in that event the Authority's liability shall be proportionate to the damage caused by the Authority. The Contractor shall provide for the transportation of the Contractor's Equipment to the Authority's Premises. In the case of any item of the Contractor's Equipment which is leased to the Contractor, the Contractor shall ensure that throughout the Contract Period it and its sub-contractors comply with all its obligations under the lease and in particular that the item of the Contractor's Equipment is maintained fully in accordance with the requirements of the lessor. Schedule 10 (Exit Management and Transfer) sets out the obligations of the Contractor with respect to the sale or other transfer of the Contractor's Equipment upon the termination or expiry of this contract in whole or in part. Where required by the Authority's Representative, the Contractor shall provide the Authority with such details as the Authority may require in respect of any of the Contractor's Equipment which is leased to the Contractor, including copies of the relevant lease and any other relevant documentation to enable the Authority to satisfy itself that the Contractor or relevant sub-contractor has complied with its obligations under the lease.
Contractor’s Equipment. The Contractor shall insure the Plant, Rolling stock, Materials and Works in the joint names of the Employer, the Contractor and Sub-contractors (wherever applicable) against all loss or damage. This insurance shall cover loss or damage from any cause other than the Employer's risks listed in Sub-Clause 14.3 sub paragraphs (a), (b), (d) and (e). Such insurance shall be for a limit of not less than the full replacement cost (including profit) and shall also cover the costs of demolition and removal of debris. Such insurance shall be in such a manner that the Employer and the Contractor are covered from the commencement date until the date of issue of the Taking Over Certificate for the whole of Works. The Contractor shall extend such insurance to provide cover until the date of issue of the Performance Certificate, for loss or damage for which the Contractor is liable arising from a cause occurring prior to the issue of the Taking Over Certificate, and for loss or damage occasioned by the Contractor or Sub-contractors in the course of any other operations (including Clauses 7.10, 7.11 and 10). The Contractor shall insure the Contractor's Equipment against all risks in the joint names of the Employer, the Contractor and Sub-contractors, (wherever applicable) against all loss or damage. This insurance shall cover loss or damage from any cause other than the Employer's risks listed in Sub-Clause 14.3 sub- paragraphs (a), (b), (d) and (e). Such insurance shall be for a limit of not less than the full replacement value (including delivery to Site). Such insurance shall be in such a manner that each item of equipment is insured while it is being transported to the Site and throughout the period it is on or near the Site.