Clearly visible definition

Clearly visible means capable of being read without obstruction by an occupant of a vehicle traveling on a street or highway within the visibility area.
Clearly visible means capable of being read without obstruction by an occupant
Clearly visible means capable of being read without obstruction by an occupant of a vehicle traveling on the main traveled way of a street or highway within the visibility area.

Examples of Clearly visible in a sentence

  • Clearly visible disclosure statement: “Attendance and/or graduation from a California Massage Therapy Council approved school does not guarantee certification by CAMTC.

  • Clearly visible Safety Signs shall be installed by the contractor to alert third parties entering the work area of the dangers / hazards that exists in such a work area.

  • Clearly visible brake lights shall be provided at both the ends of the machine, which will be automatically operated when brake is applied and switched off when brake is released.

  • Clearly visible signs have been posted at each spill site advising personnel to avoid the area in order to minimize the spread of contamination and the potential for human exposure.

  • Clearly visible signs and markers should be placed along the course to advise participants of medical stations, feeding areas, steep downhill, bridge/road crossings or other areas which require special consideration by skiers.

  • Students should remember that plagiarism is a serious offence and will result in disciplinary procedures.Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s thoughts or words as though they were a student’s own.

  • Clearly visible and direct pedestrian paths should be established between neighboring buildings, between buildings and outlying parking areas, and between buildings and transit facilities.

  • Clearly visible signage is to be displayed at the entrances and at points of sale indicating it is illegal to sell alcohol to people under the age of 18.

  • Clearly visible public notice boards will be set at each work site to provide information on the purpose of the project activity, the duration of disturbance, the responsible entities on-site (contractors, IAs), and the project level Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM).

  • Clearly visible LCD display with digital display of all parameters.

More Definitions of Clearly visible

Clearly visible means capable of being [read] viewed without obstruction by an
Clearly visible means capable of being [read] seen without obstruction by an
Clearly visible means to be able to be seen in its entirety from a distance at least 100 feet away, free of any obstacle that may block the field of view from at least 45 degrees above, fore, and aft of the vessel.
Clearly visible means visible by a person with normal or corrected 20/20 vision.
Clearly visible means visible to an enforcement officer when the instrument is in its normal operating position.

Related to Clearly visible

  • Visible area means that portion of the input surface of the image receptor over which incident x-ray photons are producing a visible image.

  • Landing area means that part of a movement area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft;

  • Clearly and conspicuously means that a required disclosure is difficult to miss (i.e., easily noticeable) and easily understandable by ordinary consumers, including in all of the following ways:

  • Cubic Metre means the volume of gas which occupies one cubic metre when such gas is at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, and at a pressure of 101.325 kilopascals absolute;

  • Distinguishable from background means that the detectable concentration of a radionuclide is statistically different from the background concentration of that radionuclide in the vicinity of the site or, in the case of structures, in similar materials using adequate measurement technology, survey, and statistical techniques.

  • Clearly identified with respect to a candidate, means: (A) the name of the candidate appears;

  • Malicious Software means any software program or code intended to destroy, interfere with, corrupt, or cause undesired effects on program files, data or other information, executable code or application software macros, whether or not its operation is immediate or delayed, and whether the malicious software is introduced wilfully, negligently or without knowledge of its existence.

  • Noxious weed means a plant that when established is highly destructive, competitive, or difficult to control by cultural or chemical practices.

  • Noxious weeds means weeds that are difficult to control effectively, such as Johnson Grass, Kudzu, and multiflora rose.

  • Counterfeit substance means a controlled substance which, or the container or labeling of which, without authorization, bears the trademark, trade name, or other identifying mark, imprint, number or device, or any likeness thereof, of a manufacturer, distributor, or dispenser other than the person who in fact manufactured, distributed, or dispensed the substance.

  • Dedicated FX Traffic means those calls routed by means of a physical, dedicated circuit delivering dial tone or otherwise serving an End User’s station from a serving Central Office (also known as End Office) located outside of that station’s mandatory local calling area. Dedicated FX Service permits the End User physically located in one exchange to be assigned telephone numbers resident in the serving Central (or End) Office in another “foreign” exchange, thereby creating a local presence in that “foreign” exchange.

  • Transit Passenger means a passenger who arrives at the airport in an aircraft and departs from the airport in the same aircraft, where such an aircraft is operating a through flight transiting the airport, and includes a passenger in transit through the airport who has to depart in a substituted aircraft because the aircraft on which the passenger arrived has been declared unserviceable.

  • Sexually Explicit Material means any depiction of actual or simulated sexually explicit conduct.

  • non-viable means having no potential for metabolism or multiplication;

  • Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (UPSI means any information, relating to a Company or its Securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of Securities of the Company and shall, ordinarily include but not be restricted to, information relating to the following:

  • Building Area means the only area upon which the erection and use of buildings and structures shall be permitted but may include areas of Landscaped Open Space.

  • Unpublished Price Sensitive Information means any information, relating to a company or its securities, directly or indirectly, that is not generally available which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities and shall, ordinarily including but not restricted to, information relating to the following: –

  • Standard Software means Software identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Standard Software.

  • Readily accessible means areas within the interior of the dwelling unit available for observation at

  • Built-Up Area and/or “Covered Area” in relation to a Flat shall mean the floor area of that Flat including the area of balconies and terraces, if any attached thereto, and also the thickness of the walls (external or internal) and the columns and pillars therein Provided That if any wall, column or pillar be common between two Flats, then one-half of the area under such wall column or pillar shall be included in the built-up area of each such Flat.

  • Malware means any virus, Trojan horse, time bomb, key-lock, spyware, worm, malicious code or other software program designed to or able to, without the knowledge and authorization of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries, disrupt, disable, harm, interfere with the operation of or install itself within or on any Software, computer data, network memory or hardware.