ADJUSTMENT OF GRIEVANCES. 8.01 (a) It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that complaints of employees be adjusted as quickly as possible. To this end it is agreed that periodic meetings will be held between the Company and the Union to discuss the interpretation and administration of this Agreement.
8.01 (b) It is agreed that no grievance shall be processed which usurps the rights of Management.
8.01 (c) It is generally understood that an employee has no grievance until they have given their Xxxxxxx an opportunity to adjust the complaint. This may be done during working hours.
(a) The Union shall arrange for the election from its working membership at each camp, by the members therein, of a Union Grievance Committee of three (3), headed by a Union Xxxxxxx who shall act as spokesperson for the Committee. In the absence of the Xxxxxxx the Company will recognize a delegated member of the Grievance Committee as spokesperson. Immediately after an election, the Union Grievance Committee in the camp will notify the xxxxxxx in writing as to the names of the Union Xxxxxxx and the members of the Union Grievance Committee elected and the xxxxxxx will acknowledge in writing the receipt of such notice. The Company xxxxxxx shall not be required to recognize either the Union Xxxxxxx or the Union Grievance Committee until such time as this procedure is carried out.
(b) It is agreed that there shall be no discrimination exercised in any manner towards the Stewards or Union Grievance Committee.
8.03 A grievance under the provisions of this Agreement is defined to be any differences between the parties or between the Company and employees covered by this Agreement involving the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement.
8.04 Grievances as defined above may be taken by the employee, by the Union Xxxxxxx or the Union representative having jurisdiction directly to the employee's immediate supervisor for adjustment outside of working hours. The grievance shall be presented without undue delay. Any grievance submitted to the xxxxxxx, in accordance with this procedure, in writing, will be disposed of by the xxxxxxx in writing. Where a grievance has been submitted in writing, it will be dealt with in writing at all stages thereafter. Failing a satisfactory adjustment within forty-eight (48) hours, then,
ADJUSTMENT OF GRIEVANCES. 26.01 Any complaint, disagreement or difference of opinion between the Company, the Union or the employees covered by this Agreement, which concerns the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, shall be considered as a grievance.
ADJUSTMENT OF GRIEVANCES. 23.01 Any complaint, disagreement or difference of opinion between the Company and the Union, or the employees covered by this Agreement, which concerns the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, shall be considered as a grievance.
23.02 Where the Union requires information regarding a grievance dealing with hours of work and/or seniority, the Company shall promptly supply such information in writing to the Union within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the request.
23.03 Any employee, the Union or the Company may present a grievance. Any grievance which is not presented within twenty-one (21) calendar days following the event giving rise to such grievance shall be forfeited and waived by the aggrieved party.
23.04 All grievances, except those submitted by the employees to their Supervisor, shall be submitted in writing and shall clearly set forth the issues and contentions of the aggrieved party.
23.05 The procedure for adjustment of grievances shall be as follows:
STEP 1: By a discussion between the employee and the Shop Xxxxxxx and/or Union Representative with the Plant Manager. The Plant Manager shall reply to the grievance in writing, to the Union, within ten (10) calendar days. If a satisfactory settlement has not been reached, the Union Representative may proceed to Step 2.
ADJUSTMENT OF GRIEVANCES. 9.01 Should any difference arise between the Company and any of the employees concerning the interpretation or alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement, an xxxxxxx effort shall be made to settle such differences without undue delay in the following manner: Stage One - Within five (5) days after the grievance has arisen, the employee, accompanied by his/her xxxxxxx may take the matter up with his/her immediate supervisor, or the supervisor involved, at which time a grievance fact sheet will be completed and signed by the grievor, the xxxxxxx and the supervisor. Failing settlement within five (5) working days, the grievance may proceed to Stage 2. Stage Two - Within five (5) working days from the date Stage One was completed, the employee, accompanied by the Chief Xxxxxxx and his/her area xxxxxxx, if he/she so desires, may take the matter up with his/her department head or his/her designate, presenting the grievance in writing on forms agreed upon by the Company and the Union. The decision of the Company at this stage must be given in writing. Failing settlement within five (5) working days of receipt of the written grievance, the grievance may be referred to Stage Three. Stage Three – Within five (5) working days from the time the Company decision was received at Stage Two, the grievance committee may take the matter up with the Manager, Human Resources, and/or his/her delegate or delegates presenting the complete written record of the grievance. Either party may, at its discretion, require the employees concerned to be present and to give evidence regarding the dispute. The Company shall provide the Union with its written decision to the grievance within seven
ADJUSTMENT OF GRIEVANCES. 24.01 Any complaint, disagreement or difference of opinion between the Company and the Union, or the employees covered by this Agreement, which concerns the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, shall be considered as a grievance.
24.02 Any grievance arising out of or in any way involving the interpretation, application or operation of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall be settled and resolved by the procedures and in the manner hereinafter set forth.
24.03 In any grievance regarding hours worked by an employee and the amount paid to an employee, the Company shall promptly supply such information in respect to the two (2) pay periods immediately prior to the request. If information for a longer period is required, the normal process of the grievance procedure shall apply. The Union shall not use the provisions contained in this article to request information that does not pertain to a specific grievance of an employee.
24.04 Any employee, the Union or the Company may present a grievance. Any grievance which is not presented within fifteen (15) calendar days following the event giving rise to the grievance shall be forfeited and waived by the aggrieved party.
24.05 All grievances shall be submitted in writing.
24.06 The procedure for adjustment of grievances and disputes by an employee shall be as follows:
(1) By a discussion between the employee and the Union Representative, with the employee's immediate superior.
(a) When an employee takes a grievance to the Union Representative, Step 1 of the grievance procedure shall be considered complied with, providing the Union Representative files the grievance in writing with the Company's Labour Relations Official or designate. The Labour Relations Official or designate shall reply to the grievance in writing within ten
ADJUSTMENT OF GRIEVANCES. 25.01 Any complaint, disagreement or difference of opinion between the Employer and the Union, or the employees covered by this Agreement, which concerns the interpretation, application, operation or alleged violation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, shall be considered as a grievance.
25.02 Where the Union requires information regarding a grievance dealing with hours of work and/or seniority, the Employer shall promptly supply such information in writing to the Union within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the request.
25.03 Any employee, the Union or the Employer may present a grievance. Any grievance which is not presented within twenty-one (21) calendar days following the event giving rise to such grievance shall be forfeited and waived by the aggrieved party.
25.04 All grievances must be submitted in writing.
25.05 The procedure for adjustment of grievances shall be as follows:
STEP 1: By a discussion between the employee and the Shop Xxxxxxx and/or Union Representative with the Employer or their designated appointee. The Employer or their designated shall reply to the grievance in writing, to the Union, within ten (10) calendar days. If a satisfactory settlement has not been reached, the Union Representative and/or employee may proceed to Step 2.
ADJUSTMENT OF GRIEVANCES. 7.01 Should any difference arise between the Employer and any of the Employees, or between the Employer and the Union, as to the interpretation, application or alleged violation of any of the provisions of the Agreement, an xxxxxxx effort shall be made to settle such difference without undue delay in the following manner: The Employee concerned and a Union Xxxxxxx or Union Representative may within seven (7) calendar days of the alleged occurrence said to have caused the grievance, take the matter up with the Store Manager who shall give his answer verbally within three (3) calendar days. The Store Manager, a Union Xxxxxxx or a Union Representative will confirm in writing that a Stage One meeting had taken place, showing, on a form to be supplied by the Union, the date, grievor's name, and indicate that a verbal Stage One meeting has been held. This form will be signed by the Store Manager. The Xxxxxxx will sign and date the form immediately upon receiving the Store Manager's decision. If the grievance is not satisfactorily settled, then; A committee of the Union comprised of not more than one employee of the Employer and/or not more than two Union Representatives may, on behalf of the employee, present the grievance, in writing, to the Management within seven (7) calendar days after the decision has been received at Stage One, who shall discuss the matter with such committee within fourteen (14) calendar days or such other dates as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties, and give a written decision not later than seven (7) calendar days after such discussion is concluded. If a satisfactory settlement of the grievance is not reached, it may be dealt with as hereinafter provided by arbitration.
ADJUSTMENT OF GRIEVANCES. It is understood that the Company, the Union or any employee has a right to lodge a grievance with respect to any matter arising out of this Agreement or concerning the interpretation, application or alleged violation of this Agreement.
ADJUSTMENT OF GRIEVANCES. An effort shall first be made to adjust an alleged grievance informally between the employee (and his/her union xxxxxxx, if so desired) and the immediate supervisor. Such informal efforts to resolve the grievance must be initiated within thirty (30) days following the time at which the aggrieved party could reasonably have been aware of the grievance. However under no circumstance shall a grievance be considered timely after twelve (12) calendar months from the date of the occurrence.
Level 1: If the grievance is not resolved through informal discussions, the grievant shall, within forty-five (45) days following the time at which the aggrieved party could reasonably have been aware of the grievance, commit the grievance to writing and describe the nature of the dispute and the remedy sought. The Departmental Executive Officer, or designee from within the department, shall meet with the grievant (and his/her Union xxxxxxx, if so desired) and shall give a written decision of the grievance to the parties within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the written grievance. Level 2: In the event the grievance is not resolved in Level 1, the decision rendered may be appealed to the Xxxx of the College or Vice President of the division, provided such appeal is made in writing within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the decision in Level 1. If a grievance has been appealed in Level 2 as described above, the Xxxx/Vice President or designee shall set a mutually satisfactory time to meet regarding the grievance to be held within ten (10) days after receipt of the appeal. Within ten (10) days after the meeting, the Xxxx/Vice President or designee shall issue a decision to the Union and the grievant(s). Level 3: In the event the grievance is not resolved in Level 2, the decision may be appealed to the Vice President for Human Resources, or designee, provided such appeal is made in writing within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the decision in Level 2. If a grievance has been appealed to Level 3, as described above, the Vice President or designee shall set a mutually satisfactory time to hear the grievance within ten (10) days after receipt of the appeal. Within ten (10) days after the meeting, the Vice President or designee shall issue its decision in writing to the parties involved.