Acting Capacity. When an employee is assigned temporarily to a job for which he/she is qualified in a higher pay grade for a period of five (5) days or his/her regular workweek, whichever is less, the employee shall be paid retroactively from the initial date of the temporary transfer for the duration of the temporary assignment. The employee shall be paid as if he/she had been promoted during such assignment. In no event may an employee acquire any status in a higher classification as a result of his/her temporary assignment. Acting capacity assignments shall not be made on an arbitrary or capricious basis. Employees shall not be rotated in acting capacity in an arbitrary or capricious manner in order to avoid payment of acting capacity pay. This Article shall not be used in lieu of the proper processing of any request for reclassification or reallocation of a position pursuant to Article 48, Reclassifications, or the filling of a vacancy pursuant to Article 56, Seniority.
Acting Capacity. When the Chief or Deputy Chief specifically assigns an employee the full responsibilities of a higher rank for a period in excess of six (6) consecutive workdays, the employee shall be paid as if he/she had been promoted during such assignment unless it is otherwise mutually agreed upon by the member and management. In the case of such agreement, the employee may remain at his/her current pay and status for up to sixty (60) days, after which time the employee shall assume Acting Capacity and shall be paid as if he/she had been promoted during such assignment.
Acting Capacity. 13.10.1 When it becomes necessary for the appropriate Xxxx or Director or their delegate to replace instructors appointed as Department Heads, Assistant Department Heads and Coordinators for periods of up to 3 months, a replacement instructor shall be chosen by secret ballot by those in the area or department holding current term or regular appointments.
Acting Capacity. Employees who are required to fill in an acting capacity for a higher rated position, shall be paid for each full day he/she is in that acting capacity.
Acting Capacity. Temporary Assignments When an employee is assigned temporarily by his/her appointing authority to a job for which he/she is qualified in a higher pay grade for a period of five (5) days or his/her regular workweek, whichever is less, the employee shall be paid retroactively from the initial date of the temporary transfer for the duration of the temporary assignment. The employee shall be paid as if he/she had been promoted during such assignment. In no event may an employee acquire any status in a higher classification as a result of his/her temporary assignment. Acting capacity assignments shall not be made on an arbitrary or capricious basis. Employees shall not be rotated in acting capacity in an arbitrary or capricious manner in order to avoid payment of acting capacity pay. This Article shall not be used in lieu of the proper processing of any request for reclassification or reallocation of a position pursuant to the Personnel Rules and the Reclassifications Article, or the filling of a vacancy pursuant to the Personnel Rules and the Seniority Article.
Acting Capacity. When an employee is temporarily, formally assigned to work in a higher job classification specifically encompassing all responsibilities and accountability inherent therein, for a period of more than ten (10) successive work days, due to the absence of the incumbent in such classification, the employee so working shall receive compensation at the rate of the higher job, retroactive to formal appointment, unless the job description of the formally assigned subject employee's job specifically includes, in its description of responsibilities the duty to act in behalf of or in the stead of the absent incumbent in which case the waiting period shall be thirty (30) successive work days and payment shall be prospective only.
Acting Capacity. An employee is considered to be in an acting capacity status when he or she is directed to perform the work of a higher salary grade position for a period of more than fifteen (15) consecutive workdays due to an extended vacancy in that position or the extended absence of the employee who occupies that position. An employee serving in acting capacity status is entitled to be paid at the salary step in the salary grade of the higher classified position that is four and one-half percent (4.5%) higher than the employee’s current rate of pay in the employee’s regular position, retroactive to include the fifteen (15) workday period. An employee may not be placed in an acting capacity status for more than fifteen (15) workdays without prior approval from the Executive Director. An employee may not acquire any preference to a higher job classification as a result of the temporary assignment. Employees will not be rotated in acting capacity in order to avoid payment of acting capacity pay. This Article will not be used in lieu of the proper processing of any request under the Reclassification Article or the filling of a vacancy pursuant to this Agreement.
Acting Capacity. When Rutgers appoints by written notice an employee to temporarily work in a higher title in an acting capacity as an interim replacement for a period of ten (10) calendar days or more, the employee will be paid, retroactively to the first day of his/her temporary assignment, a rate of pay which would be equal to the rate the employee would receive if he/she were promoted to the higher title. It is not the intention of the University to rotate such assignments solely for the purpose of circumventing this benefit. If such assignment is not put in writing to the employee, the employee will not be held accountable for performing the higher level work.
Acting Capacity. X. Xx administrator appointed to an acting capacity assignment in an established position shall receive a salary increase which is the greater of 5% or start of the new range and shall receive the benefits associated with the new position.
Acting Capacity. An employee assigned to perform the duties associated with a classification with a higher rate of pay than that of the employee’s classification shall receive the hourly rate applicable to the higher classification. This higher rate of pay is Acting Capacity Pay. Prior to accepting the acting capacity appointment, the employee will be notified in writing of the duties expected. Acting Capacity Pay shall be paid for the period in excess of five (5) continuous work days. The initial period of Acting Capacity Pay shall be limited to six (6) months or less and may be extended for period up to six (6) months. An employee in Acting Capacity shall not be relieved of such capacity prior to the completion of the- five-day waiting period for the purpose avoiding Acting Capacity Pay. The College shall not rotate employees in an acting capacity position to avoid acting capacity pay, nor shall employees be recurrently scheduled in an acting capacity position without compensation. An employee shall not be required to accept an acting capacity assignment if he/she would suffer a loss in pay. The performance evaluation of the employee working the duties of a higher pay rate shall reflect the added responsibilities the employee performs. Acting Capacity appointments are voluntary. No employee shall be disciplined or retaliated against for rejecting an opportunity to work in an acting capacity appointment. Employees who do not satisfactorily perform the required elements of the higher classification shall be returned to their position instead of suffering formal disciplinary action. Increased Responsibilities Pay An employee assigned to both their own job responsibility and significant responsibilities from a separate role of equal or lower classification shall be considered for increased responsibilities pay. Should an employee be assigned to such a dual capacity their supervisor shall request that Human Resources increase the affected [pay] by as much as 15% of their base pay. The initial period be limited to six (6) months or less and may be extended for a period up to six (6) months. Increased responsibility appointments are voluntary. Employees who do not satisfactory perform the required elements of the dual capacity shall be returned to their position instead of suffering formal disciplinary action. The performance evaluation of the employee in dual capacity shall reflect the added responsibilities the employee performs.