PLANNING HISTORY. There is no planning history at the proposed site. As noted above, poultry developments have been approved previously in the locale and this history is significant to the consideration of this application. There are three distinct clusters of these developments, which are grouped accordingly and detailed below. In addition, and as mentioned above, planning application 20/00347/FUL is also under consideration for a further poultry building nearby, to the north- east of the proposed site. East and North East of Xxxxxx Castle Barns hamlet • 06/00326/FUL - Mobile Poultry Unit. Approved March 2006 (time limit condition modified by approval of 07/01741/FUL). • 07/01752/FUL - Erection of Mobile Poultry Unit etc. Approved October 2007. • 08/02047/FUL - Erection of Mobile Poultry Unit etc. Approved March 2009. • 10/00036/FUL - Erection of Poultry Unit etc. Approved May 2010. • 14/01347/FUL - Siting of Mobile Poultry Unit. Approved February 2015. West of Xxxxxx Castle Barns hamlet • 15/01173/FUL – Shed 1 - Erection of poultry building etc. Approved by the Planning and Building Standards Committee in February 2016. • 16/01430/FUL – Shed 2 - Erection of poultry building etc. Approved by the Planning and Building Standards Committee in March 2017. South of Xxxxxx Castle Barns hamlet • 17/00623/FUL – Shed 3 - Erection of poultry building and associated works. Refused by the Planning and Building Standards Committee November 2017 as contrary to LDP policies ED7 (Business, Tourism and Leisure Development in the Countryside), ED10 (Prime Quality Agricultural Land), HD3 (Residential Amenity) and EP1 (International Nature Conservation Sites and Protected Species). Approved on appeal to the Scottish Ministers in November 2018. Now operational. • 18/01620/FUL- Shed 4 - Erection of poultry building and associated works. Approved by the Planning and Building Standards Committee November 2019. Nearly completed. • 20/00347/FUL - Shed 5 - Erection of poultry building, upgrade of access junction, formation of access road, and associated works. Pending consideration.
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PLANNING HISTORY. 2.1 The LG Companies undertake that following the coming into force of the LDO, they will not commence any new development on the Property in reliance on any of the Old Permissions and will only proceed with the Development or such other development as may be authorised in the future by the LDO or any new planning permission.
PLANNING HISTORY. A previous application for residential development on the site was submitted in 2008 (08/00436/OUT) and ultimately withdrawn after the site was not included in the Scottish Borders Local Plan approved amendments. It was then subsequently considered and discounted during the Local Development Plan process, including rejection by the LDP Examination Reporter. It was then promoted by the land owner again as part of the Supplementary Guidance (SG) on Housing but discounted at the first stage by the Department, thus not being included in the SG as a preferred or alternative site. A further application for planning permission in principle for residential development was submitted for the field, including the site, in 2017 (17/00015/PPP). This was refused by the Council in October 2017 for the following reasons:
PLANNING HISTORY. 3.1 The proposal to regenerate the estate of approximately 36 hectares was granted outline permission 06/03680/OUT in September 2008, subject to 112 conditions, plus informatives and a Section 106 legal agreement.
PLANNING HISTORY. 3.1 The site has been used as a printing and bookbinding works. The works were automated about 1983 with around 33 employees. The business went into administrative receivership in October 2001.The number of employees fell to 12. It shut at the end of 2001 The Probation Service occupied part of the first floor with about 15 staff until February 2001. Subsequently the entire property has been vacant
PLANNING HISTORY. The current allocation for housing on the site has been through full public consultation during the Local Development Plan process, leading to designation as allocations AY1A and AAYTO003 with a combined indicative site capacity of 44 units. Four houses have been separately applied for, permitted and built within the southern area of the allocation, alongside Xxxxxxxx, dating from 2007-2011. CONSULTATION RESPONSES: Scottish Borders Council Consultees Roads Planning: No objections to the application subject to conditions. Notes the development is above the LDP indicative capacity but considers the site can accommodate the higher number of units through the “Designing Streets” compliant layout. Comments on the nature of Beanburn as the main access to the development, the narrow section at Summerhill Cottage, the existing and proposed traffic counts and the current use of the road by large vehicles and agricultural related traffic. Acknowledges the local concerns but feels that with conditions regarding localised widening, pre and post construction surveys of Beanburn/Lawfield and a traffic management plan for the construction period, there can be no objection to the use of Beanburn as the main access. Also seeks a condition to secure a pedestrian link to the school from the site to provide a safer pick-up/drop-off alternative. Accepts additional connection to the Lawfield housing scheme and generally considers the internal layout to have good connectivity and pedestrian access. Some adjustments to surfacing may be needed at the Roads Construction Consent stage and the internal link road between Plots 34 and 47 should have passing opportunities. Responds to further submissions by accepting the footpath link to the school, subject to agreement on timing and the passing zone on the internal link within Phase 2. However, the submitted drawing for the Beanburn widening remains too indicative and consider there are several locations within public road verge where the Beanburn could be widened. Content this can be addressed by suspensive condition seeking more precise details.
PLANNING HISTORY. 3.1 The site has a long planning history. Most relevant to this proposal is the extant outline planning permission for a residential led development, granted on 21 November 2014, subject to conditions and a legal agreement (ref: 2012/02454/OUT). The development is for: 'Demolition of all existing buildings and structures and; outline planning application for a comprehensive residential led mixed use redevelopment; comprising 11 building plots, with building heights ranging from 8 - 32 storeys (plus basement/podium level); to develop up to a maximum of 1,150 residential units (Class C3); offices and employment uses (Class B1); shops, services, cafes, restaurants, bars and take-aways (Classes A1-A5); health, crèche and multi-purpose community facilities (Class D1); leisure facilities (Class D2); associated infrastructure works including basement and surface level car parking and servicing; a vehicular and pedestrian bridge, access roads and footways; energy centres; provision of new open spaces including a public garden, urban square, communal and private courtyards and gardens, together with other landscaping works, ancillary accommodation and associated works’.
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PLANNING HISTORY. 9.1 13th July 2017 (16/01780/FULM): Conditional planning permission granted to “Demolish existing building and erect three storey building comprising of 16 self- contained flats on first and second floor with balconies and roof terrace with retail unit on ground floor, lay out parking bin store and alter vehicular access at 0000- 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxx”.
PLANNING HISTORY. The existing stable building was approved under planning consent reference 07/01986/FUL in 2008 REPRESENTATION SUMMARY 24 objections have been received, as have 22 supporting representations. A separate commentary on behalf of objectors on certain issues has also been received. All are available to view on Public Access and a summary of the main points raised is noted below:
PLANNING HISTORY. Application Number Proposal Decision SO/2010/0611 EIA scoping opinion 23/4/2010 O/2013/0600 Outline application for 2000 dwellings and supporting infrastructure. Withdrawn 19/11/2013 O/2014/2280 OUTLINE PERMISSION FOR: Demolition of buildings and phased redevelopment of Arborfield Xxxxxxxx and adjoining land for: Up to 2,000 new dwellings (including up to 80 units of extra care housing). District centre comprising a foodstore up to 4,000 sqm gross with up to a further 3,500 sqm (gross) floor space within Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1 and D2 (with residential above - Class C3)), and transport interchange, village square, car parking, servicing and drop off area. Up to a further 1,500 sqm (gross) floor space within Classes D1 and D2. Neighbourhood centre to provide up to 300 sqm (gross) floor space within Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1 and D2, with parking/servicing area. Secondary Approved 02/04/2015 school for up to 1,500 pupils (Class D1) including sports pitches, flood-lit all-weather pitch, and indoor swimming pool and parking areas. Up to three-form primary school (Class D1) with sports pitch and parking areas. Associated phased provision of: car parking; public open space including sports pitches, informal/incidental open space, children's play areas including multi-use games area (MUGA), skate park, community gardens/allotments; landscaping/buffer areas; boundary treatments; new roads, footpaths, cycleways and bridleways; sustainable urban drainage systems, including flood alleviation works. PART 2 - FULL PERMISSION FOR phased development of: Creation of two new areas of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANGS) (In the north- eastern part of the application site ("Northern SANGS") and at West Court ("West Court SANGS") including car parking areas, path/walkways, fencing and associated landscaping; re-use of existing MoD gymnasium for sports/community uses/centre (Classes D1/D2; new roundabout junction to A327 Reading Road; junction improvements to Xxxxxxx Common Road, Xxxxx Road and Xxxxx Xxxx; junction improvements and new access at Xxxxx Xxxx/Princess Marina Drive; re-use and improvements to existing site accesses from Xxxxx Xxxx. 150162 Reserved Matters application for the erection of 113 dwellings with access from Xxxxx Xxxx and Princess Marina Drive, with associated internal access road, parking, landscaping and open space, footpaths and sustainable Urban Drainage (Suds) – ‘Phase One’ Approved 26/11/2015 153336 Reserved Matters a...
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