Pesticide Application. Qualified employees who are required to apply pesticides in the Parks Division shall receive an additional sixty ($.60) cents per hour over their regular classified rate of pay with a minimum of four (4) hours' pay if they work in the application of pesticides under four (4) hours and a minimum eight (8) hours' pay if they work in the application of pesticides over four (4) hours. Qualified employees shall be defined as those possessing a current valid Province of British Columbia Pesticide Applicator’s Certificate.
Pesticide Application. (a) Where the Employer requires an Employee to hold a Pesticide Applicator’s Certificate, the cost of obtaining and renewing the certificate shall be borne by the Employer; leave to take the necessary courses shall be with pay.
(b) Employees required to apply pesticides shall receive a premium of six percent (6%) per hour or portion thereof during which they apply pesticide.
Pesticide Application. Owner and/or Owner’s Authorized Agent may apply pesticides as authorized by applicable law. Owner will provide notice to Resident and any adjacent dwelling units as required by California Civil Code Section 1940.8.5. State law requires that you be given the following information: CAUTION--PESTICIDES ARE TOXIC CHEMICALS. The California Department of Pesticide Regulation and the United States Environmental Protection Agency allow the unlicensed use of certain pesticides based on existing scientific evidence that there are no appreciable risks if proper use conditions are followed or that the risks are outweighed by the benefits. The degree of risk depends upon the degree of exposure, so exposure should be minimized. If within 24 hours following application of a pesticide, a person experiences symptoms similar to common seasonal illness comparable to influenza, the person should contact a physician, appropriate licensed health care provider, or the California Poison Control System (0-000-000-0000). For further information, contact any of the following: for Health Questions--the County Health Department (telephone number) and for Regulatory Information--the Department of Pesticide Regulation (916-324-4100).
Pesticide Application. During preparation and application, the Contractor shall;
i. Keep safety equipment and spill kit available:
ii. Never leave equipment unattended while filling to prevent overflow;
iii. Use back flow preventers on hoses when connected to water outlets when filling spray tank; and,
iv. Inspect equipment and the area during application to insure proper and safe treatment.
Pesticide Application. The City agrees to extend pesticide application certificate pay to those Public Works employees who apply pesticides as part of their job requirements. The City will determine which employees will qualify for pe sticide application certificate pay. The proper application and disposal of pesticides within the City of South Gate is critical to the health and safety of employees and the community. Therefore, employees who hold a license and certification that allows for the independent application of pesticides and the training/oversight of other employees in the application of pesticides shall receive an allowance equal to three
Pesticide Application. Employees with approved pesticide certification directed by the 18 Section Manager or Designee to mix or apply pesticides that require the employee to wear his/her 19 Personal Protection Equipment will be paid an additional $1.00 per hour for performing these tasks.
Pesticide Application. The Contractor shall not apply any pesticide product that has not been approved in writing by the IPM Coordinator. When a pesticide is applied, the contractor shall make all necessary notification required as per Pesticide Control Regulations at N.J.A.C. 7:30-9. Pesticide applications shall be made according to need and not by schedule. As a general rule, application of pesticides in any area inside or outside the premises shall not occur unless visual inspections and/or monitoring devices indicate the presence of pests in that specific area and other means of control have been ruled out. First preference shall be given to using a pesticide designated as "low impact" under the law and regulations. Preventative pesticide treatments of areas determined to be at high risk for infestation by insects or rodents, through inspection at the onset of the program or as a part of a temporary maintenance program, are acceptable. Preventative pesticide treatments must be conducted in accordance with School Integrated Pest Management Act and rules or regulations that result from the School Integrated Pest Management Act. Written approval must be granted by the School IPM Coordinator prior to the application of a preventative pesticide treatment. No preventative pesticide treatment will continue indefinitely. Immediate action must be taken to correct the problems contributing to the need for temporary preventative pesticide treatments. The contractor shall not store any pesticide product on school property. Structural modifications for pest control, including the application of caulk and other sealing materials will not be the responsibility of the Contractor. However, throughout the life of this contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the IPM Coordinator in writing about any structural, sanitary, or procedural modifications deemed necessary to eliminate pest food, water, harborage, or access.
Pesticide Application. The Contractor will conduct maintenance in accordance with the City of Saratoga’s IPM Plan. Deviation from the IPM Plan may only be permitted through prior consent from the Supervisor. The Contractor shall be responsible for the control and elimination of weeds, insects, rodents and diseases affecting all plant material. The Contractor shall possess all permits and licenses required by the State of California, Department of Food and Agriculture, prior to the application of any pesticide. Any pesticide used shall be listed on the State of California, Department of Food and Agriculture’s approved list and the Contractor shall submit all pesticide use reports to the County Agricultural Commissioner. Restricted materials, if used, shall be used and possessed only in accordance with a permit issued the County Agricultural Commissioner. In addition, all pesticides used must have the written approval of the Supervisor prior to application. The Contractor shall notify the Supervisor three (3) days prior to application of pesticides. Upon completion of the application, the Contractor shall submit to the Supervisor a copy of all pesticide use reports. Material safety data sheets must be provided to the Supervisor for all pesticide and herbicide products used and updated as new products are used. At the end of each contract year, Contractor must complete all information on the City of Saratoga Pesticide Use Record form and submit to the City within fourteen (14) days.
Pesticide Application. Pesticides shall be defined as any agent exerting biological control over living organisms, and shall include herbicides, pesticides, lumbricides, fungicides, algaecides, xxxx killers, and all such similar products or materials. All pesticides, rates and methods of application, materials and tank mixes, methods of working, transportation, storage and records of use shall be strictly in accordance with the relevant manufacturer’s recommendations, current legislation and codes of practice. Only pesticides intended for horticultural applications (not agricultural) shall be used. The method of application and the undertaking of the work shall not lead to the pollution of any watercourse or water supply. Pesticides shall be securely and safely stored and transported. All used or partly used containers shall be removed from site immediately after use. Application Equipment and containers shall not be rinsed out on Site under any circumstances. The Contractor shall ensure that all machinery and equipment used in the application of pesticides is properly cleaned, maintained, serviced and repaired in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, to ensure correct application and prevent malfunction and leakage at all times. Pesticides shall be fit for the purpose for which they are intended, and shall be applied during the season and weather conditions most favourable to the effective control of the targeted species. The method of application shall minimise spray and vapour drift. No pesticide shall be applied when wind speeds are high enough to cause spray or vapour drift. Water used for dilution of pesticides shall be from a clean supply. Prior to the commencement of operations involving the application of pesticides, the Contractor shall publicise, as necessary and in accordance with current regulations, that such works are to be undertaken. The undertaking of any work involving pesticides and the method of application shall not lead to the transverse leaching of chemicals to, or pollution of, any watercourse, water supply, or adjacent area. The Contractor shall fully comply with the consents, requirements and advice of DEFRA, Environment Agency, Scottish Rural Affairs Department, Scottish Executive and SEPA as applicable to the location of the Site.
Pesticide Application. Chemicals used to kill pests and bugs are very powerful and can be dangerous to the health of children. Many of the commercial products for use on lawns, including those applied by lawn services, contain pesticides, as do those that are used to control insects and vermin.