European Community Sample Clauses

European Community. In respect of the use of an Insured Vehicle the Company will provide the minimum indemnity required to comply with the laws relating to compulsory Insurance of motor vehicles in any country which is a member of the European Union and any other country in respect of which the Council of the European Union is satisfied that arrangements have been made or may in the future be made to follow European Union Directives which have been or will be approved by the Council of the European Union.
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European Community. On October 30, 2002, the European Community and ten of its member states filed a complaint in the EDNY against RJR, RJR Tobacco and several currently and formerly related companies. The complaint contains many of the same or similar allegations found in an earlier complaint, now dismissed, filed in August 2001 and also alleges that the defendants, together with certain identified and unidentified persons, engaged in money laundering and other conduct violating civil RICO and a variety of common laws. The complaint also alleges that the defendants manufactured cigarettes that were eventually sold in Iraq in violation of U.S. sanctions. The plaintiffs seek compensatory, punitive and treble damages among other types of relief. This matter had been stayed and largely inactive until November 24, 2009 when, with the court’s permission, the European Community and member states filed and served a second amended complaint. The second amended complaint added 16 member states as plaintiffs and RAI, RJR Tobacco and R. J. Reynolds Global Products Inc., referred to as GPI, as defendants. The allegations contained in the second amended complaint are in most respects either identical or similar to those found in the prior complaint, but now add new allegations primarily regarding the activities of RAI, RJR Tobacco and GPI following the B&W business combination. Pursuant to a stipulation and order, the defendants filed a motion to dismiss the plaintiffs’ second amended complaint on February 15, 2010. Ruling on part of the defendants’ motion to dismiss, on March 8, 2011, the court dismissed the plaintiffs’ RICO claims, and reserved decision as to dismissal of the plaintiffs’ state-law claims. Thereafter, on May 13, 2011, the court granted the remaining portion of the defendants’ motion and dismissed the plaintiffs’ state-law claims based on the court’s lack of subject matter jurisdiction. On May 16, 2011, the clerk of court entered a judgment dismissing the action in its
European Community. In respect of the use of an Insured Vehicle the Company will provide the minimum cover required to comply with the laws relating to compulsory Insurance of motor vehicles in any country which is a member of the European Union and any other country in respect of which the Council of the European Union is satisfied that arrangements have been made or may in the future be made to follow European Union Directives which have been or will be approved by the Council of the European Union. In addition to the minimum cover, this Insurance provides the cover shown in the Schedule in any of the countries within the territorial limits provided that you ordinarily reside in Spain, Gibraltar, Portugal or Cyprus.
European Community. With regard to objectives, special prominence was given to balanced and sustainable development and a high level of employment. A mechanism was set up to coordinate Member States’ policies on employment, and there was a possibility of some Community measures in this area. The Agreement on Social Policy was incorporated into the EC Treaty with some improvements (removal of the opt-out). The Community method now applied to some major areas which had hitherto come under the third pillar, such as asylum, immigration, crossing external borders, combating fraud, customs cooperation and judicial cooperation in civil matters, in addition to some of the cooperation under the Schengen Agreement, which the EU and Communities endorsed in full.
European Community. 2. For the purposes of this agreement, ‘EC Member States’ shall mean the Member States of the European Community, ‘WaEMU Member States’ shall mean the Member States of the
European Community. In the European Community, the regulatory authorities are the following: BELGIUM Inspection ge´ne´rale de la Pharmacie Algemene Farmaceutische Inspectie DENMARK Lægemiddelstyrelsen GERMANY Bundesministerium für Gesundheit GREECE Εθνικός Οργανισµός Φαρµáκoυ Ministry of Health and Welfare National Drug Organization (E.O.F) SPAIN for medicinal products for human use: Ministerio xx Xxxxxxx y Consumo Subdirección General de Control Farmace´utico for medicinal products for veterinary use: Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (MAPA) Dirección General de la Producción Agraria FRANCE for medicinal products for human use: Agence du Me´dicament for veterinary medicinal products: Agence Nationale du Me´dicament Ve´te´rinaire IRELAND Irish Medicines Board ITALY for medicinal products for human use: Ministero xxxxx Xxxxxx Dipartimento Farmaci e Farmacovigilanza for medicinal products for veterinary use: Ministero xxxxx Xxxxxx Dipartimento xxxxxxxx e nutrizione e sanità pubblica veterinaria — Div. IX LUXEMBOURG Division de la Pharmacie et des Me´dicaments NETHERLANDS Staat der Nederlanden AUSTRIA Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales PORTUGAL for human and veterinary (non-immunologicals): Instituto da Farmácia e do Medicamento — INFARMED for veterinary immunologicals: Direcção — Geral de Veterinaria FINLAND Lääkelaitos/Läkemedelsverket (National Agency for Medicines) SWEDEN Läkemedelsverket — Medical Products Agency UNITED KINGDOM for human and veterinary (non-immunologicals): Medicines Control Agency for veterinary immunologicals: Veterinary Medicines Directorate EUROPEAN COMMUNITY Commission of the European Communities European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) Appendix 3 Indicative list of Products covered by the Sectoral Annex Recognising that precise definitions of medicinal products and drugs are to be found in the legislation referred to above, an indicative list of products covered by the agreement is given below: — human medicinal products including prescription and non-prescription drugs, — human biologicals including vaccines, and immunologicals, — veterinary pharmaceuticals, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, with the exclusion of veterinary immunologicals, — pre-mixes for the preparation of veterinary medicated feeds (EC), Type A medicated articles for the preparation of veterinary medicated feeds (US), — intermediate products and active pharmaceutical ingredients or bulk pharmaceuticals (US)/st...
European Community. Form: International agreement Additional Info: Validity: tacit renewal for 5 Years, Validity: initial period of 5 Years, Validity: notice of termination of 12 Months Depositary: Council of the European Union-General Secretariat XXXXX.XX: Joint Committee: Bilateral agreement: Body Relationship between documents Treaty: Treaty establishing the European Community (Consolidated version 1992) Legal basis: Legal instrument Provision 11992E113 11992E228 - P4 11992E228 - P2 FR1 Instruments cited: Legal instrument Affected Provision 11992E/TXT Related documents: 21997X0311(02) Document text THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Community’, on the one part, and THE REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA, hereinafter referred to as ‘Colombia’, on the other part, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Contracting Parties’, DETERMINED to prevent and combat the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by controlling the supply of precursors and chemical substances frequently used for such purposes; ACKNOWLEDGING Article 12 of the United Nations Convention of 1988 against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances; AGREEING with the final Report of the Chemical Action Task Force (CATF), approved by the London G-7 Economic Summit on 15 July 1991, which recommended the strengthening of international cooperation by the conclusion of bilateral agreements, in particular between regions and countries involved in export, import and transit of these chemical substances; CONVINCED that international trade constitutes a specific risk factor and that only cooperation arrangements between the regions concerned can prevent this danger, in particular by linking export and import controls; AFFIRMING their common commitment to setting up assistance and cooperation mechanisms between Colombia and the Community in order to combat the diversion of controlled substances to illicit purposes, in harmony with the orientations and actions decided at international level; RECOGNIZING that these chemical substances are also mainly and widely used for legitimate purposes and that international trade must not be hindered by excessive monitoring procedures; THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY: THE REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA: HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:
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European Community. Carrier for Digital Player and Headphones (design) 000399423 000399423-0001 Germany Suspender Button Great Britian SUSPENDER BUTTON 1052949 1052949 Mexico PERSONAL ACCESSORY WITH QUICK-ACCESS PA/a/2004/006813 Philippines CARRIER FOR DIGITAL PLAYER AND HEADPHONES 32005000896 Taiwan Schedule 8.18 Title Application Number Patent Number CARRIER FOR DIGITAL PLAYER AND HEADPHONES 94305410 United States TRAVEL BAG WITH MULTIPLE COMPARTMENTS 07/324296 4966260 TRAVEL BAG WITH MULTIPLE COMPARTMENT 07/060723 4000000 CELL PHONE PURSE 29/214830 D512560 GUN PROTECTOR 29/213233 D520235 DISPLAY FIXTURE WITH BUILT-IN SIGN HOLDER 29/137335 D451703 POCKET BOOK FASTENER 29/005208 DES. 355767 NECKTIE LABEL 29/003513 D350370 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MANUFACTURING COIN POUCH 08/228698 5480605 WALLET WITH CARRYING STRAP 07/012492 DES.343951 PORTFOLIO 07/175852 DES.322628 AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORY 29/032392 DES.366356 TRAVEL KIT 07/414075 DES.325124 EXPANDABLE CUP HOLDER 29/087911 D407951 POINT OF SALE DISPLAY BOX AND UNIT 09/288857 6070717 HELMET BEAD 29/176075 D487409 ELECTRIC ICE SCRAPER 29/136973 D456576 DOG LEASH AND LIGHT COMBINATION 29/137093 D453386 Schedule 8.18 Title Application Number Patent Number BOTTLE CADDY 29/127089 D450445 GOLF BAG PORTABLE COOLER 29/110050 D425761 RICE AND BEAN BEADS 29/102111 D420931 SET OF GUMBO BEADS 29/092837 D412680 COMBINATION SUSPENDERS FOR USE WITH BUTTON AND BUTTONLESS TROUSERS 07/714496 517 2429 SET OF JAZZ BEADS 29/092377 D410866 MULTI-CARD ELEMENT FOR A BILLFOLD 07/906549 5263523 DECORATIVE BEAD 29/075162 D398879 DRINK HOLDER 29/011921 D352827 RELEASABLY LOCKING BUTTON PIN 29/066168 D390162 CARRIER FOR DIGITAL PLAYER AND HEADPHONES 29/224985 D519275 GUN PROTECTOR 10/942330 GUN SLING WITH SINGLE-HANDED ADJUSTMENT MECHANISM 10/360191 ORNAMENTAL BEAD AND RADIO COMBINATION 10/793874 PERSONAL ACCESSORY WITH QUICK-ACCESS 10/025542 6601622 BELT RACK TAB 29/022042 D366065 CRAWFISH BEAD 29/092379 D411967 Schedule 8.18 COPYRIGHT SCHEDULE Title of Work Application Number Registration Number Amity Racing Almanac CD TXu-1-114-703 TXu-1-114-703 Rxxxx Sports Almanac CD TXu 1-000-000 TXu 1-000-000 Waterfowl Duck Tie #3 VA 577-760 VA 577-760 Waterfowl Duck Tie #2 VA 557-757 VA 577-757 Waterfowl Duck Tie #1 VA 577-756 VA 577-756 Waterfowl Duck Tie #5 VA 577-759 VA 577-759 Waterfowl Duck Tie #4 VA 577-758 VA 577-758 LICENSE SCHEDULE Capital Mercury Cxxxxxxxx Downs, Licensing Partners Collegiate Licensing Co. (CLC) Exxxxx Xxxx Hxxxxx Indiana University Resear...
European Community. European Commission Directorate-General Industry The Head of Unit III.D.2 Xxx xx xx Xxx/Xxxxxxxxx 000 X-0000 Xxxxxxxx Tel. (00-0) 000 00 00 Fax (00-0) 000 00 00
European Community. Austria All products Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Jugend und Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx XX/0 Xxxxxxxxxxxx 0 X-0000 Xxxx — Belgium All products Ministère de la santé publique, de l’environnement et de l’intégration sociale. Inspection pharmaceutique Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Leemilieu en Sociale Integ- ratie. Farmaceutishce Inspectie Xxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 14 B-1050 Bruxelles — Denmark Industrial chemicals and pesticides Danish Agency of Industry and Trade Tagensvej 000 XX-000 Xxxxxxxxxx X Danish Medicines Agency 000, Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XX-0000 Xxxxxxxx Pharmaceuticals — Finland All products Sossiali- ja terveydenhuollon tuotevalvontakeskus / kemi- kaaliosasto Social- och hälsovårdens produuttillsynscentral / Kemikal- ieavdelning PL 267 Box FIN-00531 Helsinki — France Industrial chemicals, pesticides and products Groupe Interministériel des produits chimiques (GIPC) 0/0 Xxx Xxxxxx xx Xxxx X-00000 Xxxxx 07 SP other than veterinary products Agence du Médicament 000/000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx F-93200 Saint Denis Pharmaceuticals other than veterinary products Ministère de la Santé, Direction Générale de la Santé, Sous-direction pharmacie 0, xxxxx xx Xxxxxxxx X-00000 Xxxxx 07 SP Cosmetics CNEVA Agence de médicament vétérinaire, service inspections et contrôles XX 000 X-00000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Veterinary products — Germany All products Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktor- sicherheit D-53175 Bonn — Greece All products General Chemical State Laboratory An Xxxxx Xxxxxx 00 00000 Xxxxxx — Ireland All products Irish Laboratory Accreditation Board (ILAB) Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx 0 Xxxxxxx — Italy All products Ministero xxxxx Xxxxxx Dipartimento della Prevenzione GLP Compliance Monitoring Unit Xxx xxxxx Xxxxxx Nevada 60 I-00144 Roma — Netherlands All products Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports Inspectorate for Health Protection, Commodities and Vet- erinary Public Health GLP Department XX Xxx 00.000 0000 XX’x Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx — Portugal Industrial chemicals and pesticides Instituto Português da Qualidade Ministério da Indu´stria e Comércio Rua C à Av. dos Três Xxxxx X-0000 Xxxxx xx Xxxxxxxx Instituto Nacional de Farmacia e do Medicamento. Parque de Sau´de de Lisboa Xxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx 00 X-0000 Xxxxxx Pharmaceuticals and veterinary drugs — Spain Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics Ministerio xx Xxxxxxx y Consumo Agencia Espan˜ola de Medicamento Subdireccio´n General de Seguridad de los Medicamentos Xxxxx xxx Xxxxx, 18-20 E-28014 Madrid ...
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