Control agency definition

Control agency means a department having the power to supervise, regulate, command, approve or disapprove actions of a procurement agency or using agency.
Control agency means the agency assigned by legislation, administrative arrangements or within the relevant contingency plan, to control response activities to a maritime environmental emergency.
Control agency means the agency established pursuant to article n of this order.

Examples of Control agency in a sentence

  • If a Control Agency requires upgrad- ing of the Plant, the WMA, MWA or MMA shall undertake such upgrades as a joint project.

  • In addition, MWA and MMA each agree to take action necessary for the WMA to comply with all Control Agency Requirements.

  • In addition to the Control Agency requirements, WMA, MWA or MMA, at their sole discretion, shall identify Capital Additions necessary for the proper operation of the Intermunicipal Facilities on a continual basis.

  • The Allocated Flow of the av- erage design capacity of the Outfall Sewer and the associated distribution factor shall be as fol- lows: Average Daily Flow Cost Distribution Factor (Percent) WMA MGD 0.0 MMA MGD 0.0 MWA MGD 0.0 Should it become necessary to operate the Plant or the Outfall Sewer at less than their respective design capacities due to actions or directives of a Control Agency or due to an act of God, each Participant’s Allocated Flow shall be reduced proportionately.

  • The WMA shall prepare a report outlining the purpose, scope, cost and alternatives for complying with the Requirement of the Control Agency which mandates the upgrading of the Intermunicipal Facility.

  • If, due to changes in Re- quirements of a Control Agency, in order to protect the Plant or for other reasons, the WMA revises, amends, or replaces its ordinance relating to industrial waste discharges, MWA and MMA shall each revise, amend, or replace its requirements in kind.

  • The WMA, as owner of the Plant, shall notify MWA and/or MMA, as applicable, as soon as the WMA becomes aware of any such Requirement of a Control Agency.

  • The Participants shall share the Project Costs for complying with the mandate of a Control Agency proportionately on the basis of the Allocated Flows of each Participant in the Intermunicipal Facility which is the subject of the Control Agency Requirement as set forth in Articles 2 and 7.

  • The WMA shall, unless prevented by a Requirement of a Control Agency, allow MWA and MMA at least 45 days to provide comments on any proposed revision, amendment or replacement to its Industrial Waste regulations.

  • Each Participant agrees to provide, promptly after receipt thereof, to all other Participants a copy of any order, notice, citation or other regulatory or en- forcement communication which such Participant received from a Control Agency.

More Definitions of Control agency

Control agency means EPA, and any and all governmental entities, other than the Participants, who have a right to control or regulate the transportation, treatment and disposal of wastewater.

Related to Control agency

  • Nodal Agency means the Madhya Pradesh Urja Vikas Nigam Limited, (MPUVNL) Bhopal;

  • Control Agreement is any control agreement entered into among the depository institution at which Borrower maintains a Deposit Account or the securities intermediary or commodity intermediary at which Borrower maintains a Securities Account or a Commodity Account, Borrower, and Bank pursuant to which Bank obtains control (within the meaning of the Code) over such Deposit Account, Securities Account, or Commodity Account.

  • Securities Account Control Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Sale and Servicing Agreement.

  • Local agency means a city, county, or city and county, whether general law or chartered.

  • Deposit Account Control Agreement means an agreement, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Administrative Agent, among any Loan Party, a banking institution holding such Loan Party’s funds, and the Administrative Agent with respect to collection and control of all deposits and balances held in a deposit account maintained by such Loan Party with such banking institution.

  • Control Account Agreement means any tri-party agreement by and among a Loan Party, the Administrative Agent and a depositary bank or securities intermediary at which such Loan Party maintains a Controlled Account, in each case in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Administrative Agent.

  • Control authority means either:

  • Central Agency means the agency operating the National Load Dispatch Centre or such other agency as the Central Commission may designate from time to time;

  • Fiscal Agency Agreement The Fiscal Agency Agreement dated as of the Closing Date among the Fiscal Agent, the Share Registrar and the Issuer, as amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof.

  • Collateral Agency Agreement means that certain Collateral Agency Agreement dated as of the Effective Date among the Collateral Agent, the Administrative Agent and the Term Loan Administrative Agent, as the same may be amended, restated, amended and restated, supplemented or otherwise modified or replaced from time to time.

  • Account Control Agreement means the Account Control Agreement relating to the Accounts, dated as of the Closing Date, among the Borrower, the Servicer, the Administrative Agent and the Account Bank.

  • Collection agency means a person that is directly engaged in collecting or attempting to collect a claim owed or due or asserted to be owed or due another, or repossessing or attempting to repossess a thing of value owed or due or asserted to be owed or due another person, arising out of an expressed or implied agreement. Collection agency includes an individual who, in the course of collecting, repossessing, or attempting to collect or repossess, represents himself or herself as a collection or repossession agency, or a person that performs collection activities that are regulated under article 9 of the occupational code, 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.901 to 339.920. Collection agency includes a person that furnishes or attempts to furnish a form or a written demand service that is represented to be a collection or repossession technique, device, or system to be used to collect or repossess claims, if the form contains the name of a person other than the creditor in a manner that indicates that a request or demand for payment is being made by a person other than the creditor even though the form directs the debtor to make payment directly to the creditor rather than to the other person whose name appears on the form. Collection agency includes a person that uses a fictitious name or the name of another in the collection or repossession of claims to convey to the debtor that a third person is collecting or repossessing or has been employed to collect or repossess the claim.

  • Blocked Account Agreement means an agreement among the Borrower, the Agent and a Clearing Bank, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Agent, concerning the collection of payments which represent the proceeds of Accounts or of any other Collateral.