The Cooperation i. The first supervisor ensures that the doctoral candidate is thoroughly familiarised with the subject and with all the methods and research techniques required to work on the subject. Moreover, the first supervisor ensures that the doctoral candidate receives sufficient guidance in establishing new methods.
ii. The doctoral candidate and the supervisor shall meet at the following regular intervals in order to discuss the sta- tus of the doctoral studies and any problems that may arise: First supervision once a week once a month twice a month (another interval, „if necessary“ will not be accepted) Second supervision once a week once a month twice a month (another interval, „if necessary“ will not be accepted) Third supervision (if applicable) once a week once a month twice a month (another interval, „if necessary“ will not be accepted)
iii. If a doctorate registered for the degree “PhD” is carried out in a doctoral study programme, at least one meeting per month shall take place with the first supervisor, unless otherwise specified in the respective regulation of the doctoral study programme. At least one meeting a year shall take place between the doctoral candidate and the Thesis Committee, at which all supervisors must be present.
iv. The doctoral candidate and the supervisors agree not to manipulate the data obtained and to evaluate it only after correct biometric verification.
v. If it becomes apparent during the doctoral studies that the research questions cannot be dealt with in the originally planned form for reasons beyond the doctoral candidate’s control, the first supervisor shall inform the doctoral candidate immediately and, if possible, offer him/her an alternative so that not too much time is lost.
vi. The statute of the Medical Faculty of the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice apply as the basis for compliance with the rules of good scientific practice. This includes that the doctoral candidate consults with his/her supervisors or other persons of trust at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin in cases of doubt.
The Cooperation. During the term of cooperation, Party B shall, through the Platform provided by Party A, present to the Driver User the vehicle for rental solutions in line with this Agreement between Party A and Party B and the Platform Rules. Party B shall provide the Driver User with long-term and stable rental sources and the most favorable leasing scheme, complete the vehicle leasing transactions with the Driver User through the Platform, and provide the Driver User with high-quality leasing services.
The Cooperation. Clause 1 Election of shop stewards Subclause (1)
The Cooperation. During the Period of Cooperation, Party B will display its information and available services to the Driver User through the Platform provided by Party A, establish the consulting service relationship with Driver User by contracting with them through the Platform, provide high-quality consulting services to Driver User, and assist the Driver User in the improvement of their market competitiveness.
The Cooperation. The principal terms of the Framework Agreement are as follows:
The Cooperation. STAR and LINKTONE agree to cooperate in developing and operating the Services and Applications in the PRC to be delivered by LINKTONE over the Mobile Operators' wireless networks to the End-Users subject to and upon the terms and conditions set out below.
The Cooperation. 2.1 Party A and Party B will each use their respective capital, platform and resources to jointly set up a fund of not more than US$800 million to jointly promote the development and the industry environment of blockchain technology. The fund will invest, without limitation, in mine construction, mining and its upstream and downstream industries of digital currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).
2.2 Party A engages Party B as the chief technical adviser to provide technical advice and consultancy service in blockchain industry.
2.3 Party A shall within three working days after the signing of this Agreement announce the grant to Party B options to subscribe for 6 million Party A Class A American Depositary Shares (ADSs) at a price fixed at US$2 per share (1 share = 1 ADS) (hereinafter referred to as the “call options”). Within 24 months of the signing of this Agreement, Party B may exercise the right to subscribe for such shares by tranches if the following conditions are met:
(i) if the closing price of the shares in Party A exceeds US$3 per share for 3 consecutive trading days, Party B may exercise 2 million call options;
(ii) if the closing price of the shares in Party A exceeds US$5 per share for 3 consecutive trading days, Party B may exercise 2 million call options;
(iii) if the closing price of the shares in Party A exceeds US$7.50 per share for 3 consecutive trading days, Party B may exercise 2 million call options. Party A shall, within 1 working day after the above-mentioned exercise conditions have been met, give Party B written notice of meeting the conditions of exercise and provide wire information of its bank account, and Party B shall pay the aggregate exercise price in full to Party A’s designated account within 6 months of receipt of the notice through its own account or a designated third party account. Party A shall complete the legal process of ADSs issuance within 5 working days after receipt of the aggregate exercise price, so that Party B can obtain the full title in the corresponding ADSs. If it is not completed within the above period, it shall compensate Party B for all the loss of the benefit for the period (the benefit for the period per ADS is the difference between the average closing price of the ADSs during the period that the ADSs should have been issued to Party B pursuant to this Agreement and the closing price of the ADSs on the day that Party B lodges the claim for compensation). Party B shall not have any ...
The Cooperation. 5.1 In consideration of the timely and complete fulfillment of the Parties' obligations hereunder, the Parties hereto agree to cooperate in the planning, design, research and development, and marketing of the Products. More specifically, the Parties agree as follows:
5.1.1 Radlinx shall use its best efforts in demonstrating the Products to potential investors and/or customers of Strategic Partner, including but not limited to a demonstration involving the transmission of a fax over the Internet to the sites designated by Strategic Partner.
5.1.2 In the event that Radlinx shall seek to discontinue the manufacture of any Product, which it may do for valid business reasons and only upon a 120 day advance written notice to Strategic Partner, Radlinx shall insure the uninterrupted supply to Strategic Partner of a compatible and suitable Product, as well as the support of both the discontinued Product as well as the replacement Product, in accordance with ANNEX 8.2.1, in a manner that will not jeopardize Strategic Partner's ability to timely meet its business plans and commitments.
5.1.3 The Parties shall mutually agree what activities Radlinx shall carry out in connection with the research, development, design and manufacture of Fax Over Internet products, for sale to Strategic Partner, all of which shall be considered as "Products" hereunder, and shall accordingly modify ANNEX 7.4 hereof to reflect such agreement.
5.1.4 Radlinx shall invite its clients and dealers to participate in Strategic Partner's network of dealers of telephone and facsimile communication equipment.
5.2 Strategic Partner shall furnish Radlinx, on an annual basis, with a forecast of its acquisition of Products during the following year. CORPDAL:57838.1 26308-00002 4
The Cooperation. 5.1 In consideration of the timely and complete fulfillment of the parties' obligations hereunder, the parties hereto shall cooperate in the planning, design, research and development, marketing and distribution of telephone communications equipment and specifically:
5.1.1 Strategic Partner shall make best efforts in establishing a network of dealers in those locations set forth in Annex 5.1 for the distribution of Logiphone's products in conjunction with its telephone communication services. To this aim, Strategic Partner's strategic plan includes the purchase of Logiphone's products for their distribution to end-users at no capital expense to the end-user in consideration for a services contract with such end-users.
5.1.2 Logiphone shall not discontinue the manufacture of telephone communications equipment which the Strategic Partner is currently purchasing from Logiphone absent the Strategic Partner's prior consent.
5.1.3 Logiphone shall research, develop, design and manufacture new telephone communications equipment for sale by Strategic Partner, at Strategic Partner's request, provided, however, that Strategic Partner fund any capital requirements of Logiphone for such research, development, design and manufacture on terms mutually acceptable to Logiphone and Strategic Partner.
5.1.4 Logiphone shall invite the clients and dealers of its products to participate in the Strategic Partner's network of dealers of telephone communications equipment.
5.2 Strategic Partner shall furnish, once every quarter, a marketing, purchasing and distribution plan for Logiphone products, detailing the Logiphone products it estimates that it will purchase during the course of the quarter.
The Cooperation i. The first supervisor shall see to it that the doctoral candidate is thoroughly familiarised with the sub- ject and with all the methods and research techniques required for processing the subject. Moreover, the first supervisor shall see to it that the doctoral candidate receives an adequate measure of guid- ance when establishing new methods.
ii. The doctoral candidate and the supervisor shall meet at the following regular intervals in order to dis- cuss the status of the doctoral studies and any associated issues First supervision once a week once a month twice a month (another interval, „if necessary“ will not be accepted) Second supervision once a week once a month twice a month (another interval, „if necessary“, will not be accepted) Third supervision (if applicable) once a week once a month twice a month (another interval, „if necessary“ will not be accepted)
iii. In the case of a doctoral candidature within doctoral courses, unless specified otherwise by the re- spective doctoral studies regulation and in the case of registration for a PhD, at least one meeting a month shall take place with the first supervisors. At least one meeting a year shall take place between the doctoral candidate and the Thesis Committee, at which all supervisors are represented.
iv. The doctoral candidate and the supervisors undertake, under no circumstances, to manipulate the data obtained and to interpret them only after correct biometric examination.
v. If it should emerge in the course of the doctoral studies process that, for reasons beyond the doctoral candidate’s control, the theme cannot be processed in the form originally planned, the first supervi- sor shall promptly inform the doctoral candidate of this and, if possible, offer him/her an alternative so that not too much time is lost.
vi. The statute of the Medical Faculty of Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin for safeguarding good sci- entific practice is regarded as a basis for compliance with the rules of good scientific practice. This in- cludes, in cases of doubt, the doctoral candidate’s consulting with his/her supervisors or other per- sons of trust from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.