Business Needs from March 22 of each year, each District of the Company may fill a number of job openings equal to the greater of 1 or 1% of the total number of Regular employees, rounded to the nearest whole number, in each District at the beginning of each six month period, for the purpose of the "needs of the business" as defined by the Company;
Business Needs from March 22 of each year, the Company may fill up to three job openings, no more than two of which may be Company initiated upgrades, in each six month period in each District of the Company, for the purpose of the "needs of the business", as defined by the Company;
Business Needs. Once an employee is assigned to their position they can be moved by the Company at it’s discression within the provisions of the CBA.
Business Needs. The purpose of the project is much more than the simple replacement of the existing facilities. This is an opportunity to enable and facilitate fundamental change in the way in which health is delivered to the people of Maryhill. The underlying aim is to reshape services from a patient’s point of view. Health care services will be shaped around the needs of patients and clients through the development of partnerships and co-operation between patients, their carers and families and NHS staff; between the local health and social care services; between the public sector, voluntary organisations and other providers to ensure a patient-centred service. The project will ensure that local services are driven by a continuous cycle of quality improvements, not just restricted to clinical aspects of care but to include quality of life and the entire patient experience. The project will build on our experience gained through Keep Well and will focus on preventing as well as treating ill health by providing information and support to individuals in relation to health promotion, disease prevention, self-care, and rehabilitation and after care. There will be a focus on anticipatory care, early intervention and tackling health inequalities. The provision of a new health centre in Maryhill will enable service re-design and development that will ensure that wherever appropriate and safe services and care will be delivered as close as possible to the point of need. Similarly, it will enable responsibility for decisions about patient care to be devolved to as close to the point of delivery as possible. The designers will consult with clinical users and patients to achieve a good design that: fosters access to social support , seeks to lower reduce stress levels so that patients reach the point of consultation feeling as calm and relaxed as can be expected; offers an early welcoming point of orientation for moving around the building; delivers well planned waiting rooms to reduce fear and increase confidence; uses material that are robust as well as attractive; can capture the use of natural light and ventilation to help contribute to good energy efficient and environmental conditions throughout. These qualities are evident in the design statement that was developed following a workshop involving representatives of patients, primary care contractors and CHP staff. This workshop built on the information gathered at a previous consultation event held in April 2012, where stakeh...
Business Needs. The following table identifies all business needs which shall be addressed by this use case. Each sub task in the use case shall be planned and executed in such a manner to fulfill individual business needs to a certain extent. BN_T7.3_01 Simulation environment for multicore application Enhancement of simulation environments to emulate parallel applications for early architecture exploration and improved safety analysis BN_T7.3_02 Seamless modeling method Capability for seamless architecture modeling including system, SW, HW, behavior and safety aspects BN_T7.3_03 SW design and development guidelines for highly parallel HW platforms Availability of guidelines for SW architecture / SW development including all (AUTOSAR) relevant SW layers BN_T7.3_04 Tailored safety architectures for multicore platforms Availability of new safety concepts, architectures & services for multi-core platforms BN_T7.3_05 Integrated tool chain Availability of integrated and consistent tool chains for control system development BN_T7.3_06 Safety case generation Automated compilation of safety case information based on existing information from product development BN_T7.3_07 New networking solutions for multicore platforms Availability of improved networking solutions for heterogeneous automotive systems BN_T7.3_08 Data exchange and communication strategies Availability of new solutions for the configuration and handling of complex communication channels during development, calibration and diagnosis
Business Needs. 6.1 The partners have jointly considered the main options for future service development. Table 1 below presents an outline of the needs of each partner and the potential solutions that have been reviewed.
Business Needs. Table 6: Business needs for use case “Infotainment and eCall Multi-Critical Application” No Title Description
Business Needs. The use case will address the following issues (business needs) in relation to the next-generation E/E architecture for commercial vehicles and a subset of the ECUs specific to the engine controllers:
Business Needs. Table 5: Business needs for use case “Modelling and functional safety analysis of an architecture for ACC system” No Title Description
Business Needs. Genuity requires tools to measure the end-to-end quality of the services being provided customer, particularly when quantitative service level agreements are involved. In addition, it needs diagnostic tools that can identify and isolate problems either after they have been reported or, preferably, prior to being perceived by customers. This includes the need for a tool able to measure the response time of Web sites hosted by Genuity and distinguish the contributions of networks, servers, and cache systems to the download time. Such a tool would measure the response time of Web hosting customers as perceived by end-users. If placed at locations within the Genuity network, it could also be used as a diagnostic tool to identify problems. The tool should provide the duration of relevant events such as redirect times and component loading times. It is very important that the tool be completely under the control of Genuity so that it can be customized and used to Genuity's requirements and all the raw data is available for analysis by any method Genuity determines. SOW-SiteRadar Project --------------------------------------------------------------------------------