Exterior Common Areas definition

Exterior Common Areas means those areas of the Project which are not located within the Building and which are provided and maintained for the common use and benefit of Landlord and Tenants of the Building generally and the employees, invitees and licensees of Landlord and such Tenants; including without limitation all parking areas, enclosed or otherwise, all streets, sidewalks and landscaped areas located within the Project.
Exterior Common Areas means that portion of the Property (and other tracts of real property comprising the Centre) which are not located within the Building (or other building in the Centre) and which are provided and maintained for the common use and benefit of Landlord and tenants of the Building (or the Centre) generally and the employees, invitees and licensees of Landlord and such tenants; including without limitation, all parking areas (enclosed or otherwise) and all streets, sidewalks, walkways, and landscaped areas.
Exterior Common Areas shall have the meaning assigned in Section 1.1(a)(viii).

Examples of Exterior Common Areas in a sentence

  • Modular Program Office, Accessible Restrooms, Concession and Storage Buildings Exterior Common Areas: Includes shared parking, vehicle access and pedestrian access safety, appropriate lighting, site signage, and walkways, and sports observation areas.

  • Exhibit A Land Area Diagram Exhibit B Memorandum of Understanding dated May 12, 2006 Exhibit C Xxxx School/Xxxxxxxx Library Bid Set drawings dated January11, 2008 Exhibit D-1 First Floor - Floor Plan and Common Areas Exhibit D-2 Second Floor – Floor Plan Exhibit D-3 Exterior Common Areas Exhibit D-4 Roof Maintenance Diagram Exhibit E-1 Library Meeting Room Policy and Guidelines Exhibit E-2 Use of School Facilities Policy 40-1.13 and Policy Implementation Procedures which may be modified from time to time.

  • Landlord leases the Premises to Tenant and Tenant leases the Premises from Landlord, together with the right in common with others to use any portions of the Property that are designated by Landlord for the common use of tenants and others, such as sidewalks, unreserved parking areas, common corridors, elevator foyers, restrooms, vending areas and lobby areas (inclusive of the Exterior Common Areas, the “Common Areas”).

More Definitions of Exterior Common Areas

Exterior Common Areas as used in this Lease, shall mean the portions of the Common Areas not located within the Building, and may include, without limitation, any parking facilities, fixtures, systems, signs, facilities, lakes, gardens, parks, or other landscaping used in connection with the Office Complex, and may include any city sidewalks adjacent to the Office Complex, pedestrian walkway system, whether above or below grade, park or other facilities open to the general public and roadways, sidewalks, walkways, parkways, driveways and landscape areas appurtenant to the Office Complex. The termBuilding Common Areas,” as used in this Lease, shall mean the portions of the Common Areas located within the Building and may include, without limitation, the common entrances, lobbies, atrium areas, restrooms, elevators, elevator shafts, stairways and accessways, loading docks, ramps, platforms, passageways, serviceways, common pipes, flues, stacks, pipe shafts, conduits, wires, equipment, loading and unloading areas, machine rooms, fan rooms, janitors’ closets, electrical closets, telephone closets and trash areas servicing the Building. The manner in which the Common Areas are maintained and operated shall be at the sole discretion of Landlord.
Exterior Common Areas means all areas, structures, parking areas, access driveways, roadways, sidewalks, plazas, landscaped areas, traffic lights, storm drainage facilities, sanitary sewer, domestic and fire water systems, fire protection installations, electric power and telephone cables and lines and other utility connections, facilities and other improvements (above and below ground) which now exist or hereafter are constructed on the Property for use in common by Landlord, Tenant and other tenants located in the Building.
Exterior Common Areas is defined in Section 2.4(a) herein.
Exterior Common Areas means those areas of the Property which are not located within the Building and its immediate proximity and which are provided and maintained for the common use and benefit of Landlord and tenants of the Building generally and the employees, invitees and licensees of Landlord and such tenants, including, without limitation, sidewalks and landscapes. Basic Costs shall not include (i) the cost of capital improvements (except as above set forth), (ii) depreciation, (iii) interest, (iv) lease commissions, (v) principal payments on mortgage and other non-operating debts of Landlord, (vi) costs of repairs, restoration, replacements or other work occasioned by the exercise by a governmental authority of the right of eminent domain; (vii) attorneys' fees, costs, disbursements and other expenses incurred in connection with negotiations or disputes with tenants, prospective tenants, management agents, purchasers or mortgagees of the Building; (viii) allowances, concessions and other costs and expenses incurred in completing, renovating or otherwise improving, decorating or redecorating space for tenants, or prospective tenants, or vacant, leasable space in the Building; (ix) any cost that should be capitalized in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals except non-structural capital improvements made to reduce operating expenses in an annual amortization over the actual useful life with a reasonable salvage value, not to exceed the actual cost savings, and non-structural capital improvements made by Landlord to comply with changes in laws after the date hereof, amortized on a straight line basis over the actual useful life; (x) rental payments made under any ground or underlying lease or leases; (xi) costs incurred in connection with the sale, financing, refinancing, mortgaging, selling or change of ownership of the Building; (xii) costs or expenses of utilities directly metered to tenants of the Building and payable separately by such tenants and costs of additional electrical equipment installed in premises of other tenants of the Building; (xiii) costs of repairs, restoration, replacements or other work occasioned by the gross negligence or intentional tort of Landlord, or any representative, employee, agent or affiliate of Landlord; (xiv) costs of repairing, replacing or otherwise correcting defects in construction of the Building, the Tenant Improvements, the leasehold improvements of other tenants of the Building, or in the Building equipment; ...
Exterior Common Areas. Those areas which are not located within the Building and which are provided and maintained for the common use and benefit of Landlord and tenants of the Building generally and the employees, invitees and licensees of Landlord and such tenants; including without limitation, all parking areas, enclosed or otherwise, and all streets, sidewalks and landscaped areas.
Exterior Common Areas means those areas of the Property which are riot located within the Building and its immediate proximity and which are provided and maintained for the common use and benefit of Landlord and tenants of the Building generally and the employees, invitees and licensees of Landlord and such tenants, including, without limitation, sidewalks and landscapes. Basic Costs shall not include the cost of capital improvements (except as above set forth), depreciation, interest, lease commissions, and principal payments on mortgage and other non-operating debts of Landlord. Basic Costs shall not include: (i) costs of repairs, restoration, replacement or other work occasioned by the exercise by a governmental authority of the right of eminent domain; (H) attorney's fees, costs, disbursements and other expenses incurred in connection with negotiations or disputes with tenants, prospective tenants, consultants, management agents, purchasers or mortgagees of the Building; (iii) allowances, concessions and other costs and expenses incurred in completing, renovating or otherwise improving, decorating or redecorating space for tenants, or prospective tenants, or vacant, leasable space in the Building; (iv) any cost that should be capitalized in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles except capital improvements made to (a) reduce operating expenses base in an annual amortization including interest over the estimated useful life, not to exceed the actual cost savings,
Exterior Common Areas as used in this Lease, shall mean the portions of the Common Areas not located within the Building and may include, without limitation, any parking facilities, fixtures, systems, signs, facilities, lakes, gardens, parks, or other landscaping used in connection with the Project, and may include any city sidewalks adjacent to the Project, pedestrian walkway system, whether above or below grade, park or other facilities open to the general public and roadways, sidewalks, walkways, parkways, driveways and landscape areas appurtenant to the Project. The term "Building Common Areas," as used in this Lease, shall mean the portions of the Common Areas located within the Building and may include, without limitation, the common entrances, lobbies, atrium areas, restrooms, elevators, elevator shafts, stairways and accessways, loading docks, ramps, platforms, passageways, serviceways, common pipes, flues, stacks, pipe shafts, conduits, wires, equipment, loading and unloading areas, machine rooms, fan rooms, janitors' closets, electrical closets, telephone closets and trash areas servicing the Building. The manner in which the Common Areas are maintained and operated shall be at the sole discretion of Landlord. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Lease to the contrary, Landlord shall operate and maintain all Common Areas within the Building and the Project (including Common Area restrooms and elevator lobbies) in a first class manner consistent with other Class A office buildings in the Orange County airport area. Landlord hereby represents and warrants that, as of the Date of Execution, no written notification to Landlord from any governmental authority of the violation of any laws pertaining to the Building Common Areas (including, but not limited to, the ADA) has been received. To Landlord's actual knowledge, all of the electrical, mechanical and utility systems and facilities serving the Project for use in common by Landlord, Tenant and any other tenants of the Building ("Common Building Systems") are in good operating condition as of the Date of Execution, and Landlord shall be responsible for the repair and maintenance of any of the foregoing Common Building Systems (excluding any supplemental HVAC, electrical back-up systems, security systems or telecommunications systems located within or exclusively serving the Premises or other items which are the exclusive responsibility of Tenant under this Lease) during the Term of this Lease, subject to Article 4 o...