Monitoring Plan Sample Clauses

Monitoring Plan. Evaluation plan … The level of language competence8 that the trainee already has or agrees to acquire by the start of the mobility period is: The level of language competence9 in English that the trainee already has or agrees to acquire by the start of the mobility period is: A1  A2  B1  B2  C1  C2  The level of language competence10 in...................................... that the trainee already has or agrees to acquire by the start of the mobility period is: (not obligatory) A1  A2  B1  B2  C1  C2  Table B - Sending Institution Please use only one of the following three boxes: 11 The traineeship is embedded in the curriculum and upon satisfactory completion of the traineeship, the institution undertakes to:Award …….. .…ECTS credits (or equivalent)12 Give a grade based on: Traineeship certificateFinal report ☒ Interview ☒ Record the traineeship in the trainee's Transcript of Records and Diploma Supplement (or equivalent). Record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document: Yes ☐ No ☐ The traineeship is voluntary and, upon satisfactory completion of the traineeship, the institution undertakes to: (tick the appropriate) Award ECTS credits (or equivalent): Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, please indicate the number of credits: …. Give a grade: Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, please indicate if this will be based on: Traineeship certificate ☒ Final report ☒ Interview ☒ Record the traineeship in the trainee's Transcript of Records: Yes ☐ No ☐ Record the traineeship in the trainee's Diploma Supplement (or equivalent). Record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document: Yes ☐ No ☐ The traineeship is carried out by a recent graduate and, upon satisfactory completion of the traineeship, the institution undertakes to: (tick the appropriate) Award ECTS credits (or equivalent): Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, please indicate the number of credits: …. Record the traineeship in the trainee's Europass Mobility Document (highly recommended): Yes ☐ No ☐ Accident insurance for the trainee The Sending Institution will provide an accident insurance to the trainee (damages,caused to the trainee at the workplace) not provided by the Receiving Organization/Enterprise): Yes ☐ No  The accident insurance covers: - accidents during travels made for work purposes: Yes ☐ No  - accidents on the way to work and back from work: Yes ☐ No 
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Monitoring Plan. The Sponsor shall base evaluation of the Charter School on the academic, fiscal and operational performance indicators set out in the Performance section of the Charter School’s Monitoring Plan. Those indicators shall include, but not be limited to, DESE-established accountability requirements and consequences.
Monitoring Plan. During the term of this agreement, Contracting Party shall discuss with State’s Contract Monitor the progress and results of the project, ongoing plans for the continuation of the project, any deficiencies noted, and other matters relating to the project. Contract Monitor shall review and analyze Contracting Party’s Plan to ensure Contracting Party’s compliance with contract requirements. The Contract Monitor shall also review and analyze the Contracting Party’s written Progress Reports and Cost Reports and any work product for compliance with the Scope of Services; and shall
Monitoring Plan. School Tutor: Each student will be assigned a mentor from the institution where the practices are carried out. The tutor, who is a teacher in charge of a group of students, will be the person who establishes the work pattern according to the drawn up program (objectives, content, methodology, activities, learning strategies, schedules, etc. ...).
Monitoring Plan enter information on how the trainee will be monitored during the mobility (see example below).
Monitoring Plan. The State Public Defender and LPDB staff will monitor this Contract. During the term of this Contract, the District Defender agrees to discuss with the State Public Defender and LPDB staff the progress and results on the services to be performed hereunder, ongoing plans for the continuation of such services, any deficiencies noted, and any other matters related to the scope of services hereunder. The District Defender also agrees to meet with the State Public Defender, the LPDB, and its staff, in person or by phone if an in-person meeting is impractical, as frequently as the State Public Defender, LPDB, and/or the LPDB staff deems necessary. The State Public Defender and the LPDB staff will review and analyze the services performed under this Contract to ensure the District Defender’s compliance with Contract requirements and shall:
Monitoring Plan. The oversight and monitoring activities to be conducted by SED in its oversight and charter authorization role.
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Monitoring Plan. The Contract Supervisor will be the OGB Medical and Pharmacy Group Benefits Administrator, who will monitor the services and performance provided by the Contractor and the expenditure of funds under this Contract. The monitoring plan is as follows:
Monitoring Plan. The monitoring plan should describe how and when the trainee will be monitored during the traineeship by the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise, the Sending Institution, and, if applicable, a third party. 11 Evaluation Plan: The evaluation plan should describe the assessment criteria that will be used to evaluate the traineeship and the learning outcomes. 12 Level of language competence: a description of the European Language Levels (CEFR) is available at xxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr 13 There are three different provisions for traineeships: Traineeships embedded in the curriculum (counting towards the degree); Voluntary traineeships (not obligatory for the degree); Traineeships for recent graduates. 14 ECTS credits or equivalent: in countries where the "ECTS" system it is not in place, "ECTS" needs to be replaced in all tables by the name of the equivalent system that is used and a web link to an explanation to the system should be added.
Monitoring Plan i. If the top of rail does deflect more than 1/4 inch, all operations shall stop until the matter is resolved.
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