Final Report The goal of this subtask is to prepare a comprehensive Final Report that describes the original purpose, approach, results, and conclusions of the work performed under this Agreement. The CAM will review the Final Report, which will be due at least two months before the Agreement end date. When creating the Final Report Outline and the Final Report, the Recipient must use the Style Manual provided by the CAM.
Final Reports Within ninety (90) days of receipt of the Required Documents, the Asset Representations Reviewer shall publish its findings to the Sponsor and the Indenture Trustee. The Asset Representations Reviewer shall provide the Sponsor and the Indenture Trustee with the following reports as a result of the Asset Representations Review (collectively, the “Final Reports”):
Initial Report An initial performance report no later than 30 days after FEMA has approved the first Public Assistance project.
Additional Reports Upon ADMINISTRATOR’s request, CONTRACTOR shall make such additional reports as required by ADMINISTRATOR concerning CONTRACTOR's activities as they affect the services hereunder. ADMINISTRATOR shall be specific as to the nature of information requested and allow up to thirty (30) calendar days for CONTRACTOR to respond.
Adverse Report The Employer shall notify an employee in writing of any expression of dissatisfaction concerning his work within ten (10) working days of the event of the complaint, with a copy to the Union. This notice shall include particulars of the work performance which led to such dissatisfaction. If this procedure is not followed, such expression of dissatisfaction shall not become a part of his work record for use against him at any time. This Article shall be applicable to any complaint or accusation which may be detrimental to an employee's advancement or standing with the Employer, whether or not it relates to his work. The employee's reply to such complaint, accusation or expression of dissatisfaction shall become part of his record. The record of an employee shall not be used against him at any time after twelve (12) months following the serving of a suspension or disciplinary action, including letters of reprimand or any adverse reports.
Evaluation Report The state must provide a narrative summary of the evaluation design, status (including evaluation activities and findings to date), and plans for evaluation activities during the extension period. The narrative is to include, but not be limited to, describing the hypotheses being tested and any results available.
Project Monitoring Reporting and Evaluation The Recipient shall furnish to the Association each Project Report not later than forty-five (45) days after the end of each calendar semester, covering the calendar semester.
Inspection of Reports The Depositary shall make available for inspection by holders of Receipts at the Corporate Office and at such other places as it may from time to time deem advisable during normal business hours any reports and communications received from the Company that are both received by the Depositary as the holder of deposited Preferred Stock and made generally available to the holders of the Preferred Stock. In addition, the Depositary shall transmit certain notices and reports to the holders of Receipts as provided in Section 5.05.
Engineering Report Lender shall have received a current Engineering Report with respect to the Property, which report shall be in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Lender.
SUBMISSION OF REPORTS All applicable study reports shall be submitted in preliminary form for approval by the State before a final report is issued. The State's comments on the Engineer's preliminary report must be addressed in the final report.